Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 67: First mission

Chapter 67: First mission

''Something happened, it must have ''Jarza muttered as he nervously watched Alpheo ''Why else would they call us ?''

''Why are you looking at me?''Alpheo asked

''You sure you have not tried anything with her?'' Jarza asked in an accusatory tone

''We have done nothing wrong, ''Clio said as he patted the sturdy back at the man before pulling his hand back in surprise. ''Bloody fuck , are you a boulder?'' He asked as he looked at the muscular frame of the black man and then at his hand

He grunted in response.

"Come now, stop it , no need to worry," he said with a forced grin. "We've faced worse than a summons before, remembers the whips?"Clio jeered trying to lighten the mood

But Jarza was not so easily swayed. "It's not just any summons," he countered, his tone grave. "There's something about this that feels different,can't you feel it in the air?"

''Unless the gods blessed me with such powers, no Jarza we cannot.Only you have been blessed with such ''

''And I am telling you to get serious ''

''Stop worrying '' Alpheo finally interjected ''We have done nothing wrong, there must be something that we must be informed of, cannot think of any other reasons for which they would call us, if not related to war.''

Egil, always one to speak his mind, broached a sensitive topic. "What about the incident on the street?" he asked, his tone casual but probing.

Alpheo's demeanor shifted, his gaze hardening as he fixed Egil with a steely stare. "They wouldn't care if we'd killed all the old men," he retorted, his voice low and clipped. "And that's not a topic I care to discuss further."

Egil wisely chose to drop the subject, but Jarza persisted, scratching his ear in thought. "It's only a few months before winter," he mused aloud. "Do you think they would risk marching to war now?"

Alpheo shrugged, his expression unreadable. "Who knows what's going on in their minds," he replied cryptically. "Perhaps they have assurances of victory. Regardless, we'll find out soon enough."

As they reached the door to the chamber where they were to be received, the tension hung heavy in the air. With a nod of acknowledgement, the guards allowed them entry, and the mercenaries stepped inside, ready to face whatever awaited them .

As Alpheo and his companions entered the chamber, their eyes were immediately drawn to the figure of the prince, engrossed in studying a map spread out before him. Standing at his side was Sir Robert, the commanding captain of the city's garrison, and an unfamiliar elderly man whose presence intrigued Alpheo.

With a respectful nod, Alpheo bent the knee before the prince. "The captain of the Freelance Fellowship, answering your call, Your Grace," he announced, his tone deferential yet firm.

The prince spared him only a fleeting glance before returning his focus to the map, his brow furrowed in concentration. Alpheo noted the absence of the prince-consort, realizing that military matters were likely beyond the consort's purview.

Unfazed by the lack of acknowledgment, Alpheo turned his attention to the unfamiliar figure beside Sir Robert. "I suppose introductions are in order," he began, his tone polite yet authoritative. "I am Alpheo, captain of the mercenary company hired by His Grace. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must admit, I was not aware of your arrival."

The elderly man, who introduced himself as Shahab of House Filastin, responded in a stoic tone, his piercing gaze still as he studied Alpheo. "I arrived to offer my support to His Grace a few days ago," he explained curtly. "I sought no fanfare for my arrival."

Alpheo nodded in acknowledgment, sensing the gravity of the situation, and not knowing that the old man was also the father of the prince's consort, and one of the few nobles supporting the prince. With a subtle motion, he signaled for his companions to rise and follow him up the grand stairs towards the three figures awaiting them. As they approached, Alpheo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. The tension in the air was palpable.

''May I ask the reason for which we have been summoned?'' He asked respectfully, keeping his eyes trained on the three men before him.

''His grace, in his great wisdom and generosity, saw fit to call you to sit on the war council. Quite an honor for a mercenary.'' Rober admitted with a slight sneer in his voice.

''I suppose something has happened that requires my presence?'' Alpheo replied calmly

''We have received news from our spies that the prince of Oizen is rallying troops and likely preparing to march against us,'' Rober continued with a grim expression.

Though it was not surprising information, it still disappointed him. Fighting in a defensive war was not what he had hoped for when he signed the contract . The prospect of leading a military campaign against an enemy land had always been much more appealing.After all hired swords were expected not to pillage the lands of their employers.

''Do we have any idea where he will first move?'' Alpheo asked as he eyed the crude map laid out on the table in front of him.

''He must be preparing to move towards Aracina,'' Prince Arkawatt spoke brusquely, with a hint of disdain in his voice. The rivalry between the two princes was an old one. 12 years ago, an attempted marriage between the two had only deepened their animosity towards each other.

''May I ask if you have already called upon the vassals to come to the defense of His Grace?'' Alpheo inquired, wondering how many nobles would actually answer the call.

That seemed to hit deep, as Robert had done so but most of the answer went uncalled ''We have already done so. But even if we hadn't, it is none of your concern, mercenary. Keep your nose out of our affairs,'' Sir Robert snapped, making it clear that he still held a grudge against Alpheo for his blunt words earlier.

Shahab observed the tense exchange between Robert and Alpheo before returning his attention to studying the map laid out before them.

''Sir Robert, I have been employed by His Grace to fight in his name. I could not think of any matter more related to my business than what I just asked. And may I also suggest that you watch your tongue, sir? As you may find the hands of my companions much quicker than that sharp tongue of yours.And sooner that you think you may find yourself in unpleasant business '' Alpheo retorted with a sly smile, casually stroking his chin as if Sir Robert's words were not worth his attention.

Before Sir Robert could reply with a heated retort, Prince Arkawatt stepped in.

''Stop it, Robert,'' he ordered sternly. ''He has every right to know. Did our conversation from earlier fall on deaf ears?'' The prince's eyes flashed with anger as he directed his question at Robert.

Slightly taken aback, Robert quickly bowed his head in apology. ''I apologize, Your Grace.''

''As for you, Alpheo,'' Prince Arkawatt continued as he turned to face him. ''I have summoned you for a task not to argue with my men . Your area of expertise will be needed sooner than expected.''

''Well, Your Grace, my contract forces me to obey. May I know how I can be of use to the crown?'' Alpheo asked with a slight bow, locking eyes with the prince.

As they gazed at each other, Alpheo couldn't help but think that Jarza was right to be worried. There was definitely something troubling going on within the kingdom's borders, and they were to be the dogs sent to clean after it .


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