Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 64: Blood of brothers

Chapter 64: Blood of brothers

The man rode forward, he struggled to breath even though it was coming in such rapid flow.He breathed in and breathed in but no air came in, only terror. He knew little about the second prince,though he heard rumors and he knew that many times those held little truth.

It was always said that the second was prince was arrogant, lazy, and also of great libirdo .The first prince took the head of the father, while the second took the balls.The young prince was known to throw great feasts each time he had the occasion.Enormous orgies, that would unravel into a sea of moving flesh and moans.

It was said that a whore in those parties would receive so much seed that the only thing that would match it ,would be the silver in her hands at the end of the feast.

The libido of the second prince knew no bounds, and worse of all it was only second to his ego. A man once laid with one of his favorite whore , and the only thing he did not cut off was his head.The rest was gone in little pieces. The priests that cursed him during the day, the night became silent, the day forward too, they would be of little words.As a matter of fact they would not talk again ever.

The horse trotted ahead, his long face snorting the heavy breath coming from hours of riding. He should have deserted when he had the chance, he had no family to care for , so he could have easily went to a village and made a life there with the little silver he had .The horse stopped and the man looked forward.He had not noticed that he was already ahead of the camp.Bows pointed at him , as angry looking eyes observed him and his horse.

He took a deeb breath ''I come in peace'' He shouted as he raised his hand '' I am a messanger from the capital. I request a meeting with his grace'' He continued omitting to call their liege prince or emperor.The soldiers on the top continued observing him.Then wordless and soundless the wooden gate opened towards the outside.The embassador dismounted and started walking.It was a rule that no man could go riding inside a camp, for riding on horse meant that they had conquered it.Only the emperor and his close guard could ride inside a military camp.Not even nobles dared break their rules, no matter rank and strenght. Not even the high marshal of the imperial provinces were given such honors.

The man and soon enough three man walked up to him.He knew what they wanted, so he wordlessly disarmed himself. Sword and dagger went to the guards, he felt naked without them , but he knew that with or without them ,nothing would change.If the prince wanted his head a piece of iron would not change that

After they searched for any hidden weapons, they let him go on with his mission, while obviously escorting him out to their liege.

The man felt like a prisoner going to the gallows, with the only difference being that he did nothing to deserve it.He was just a messanger , and he hoped the excuse would hold ahead of the second prince. The tent he was going towards, was the biggest in the entire camp, eight wooden stakes were impaled on the ground as they held the cord supporting the massive tent.They entered,and the prince was already expected him .

The prince was handsome to the eye, that had to be said, neck-length brown hair fell down his cape.His face was delicate, lacking any sort of virile strength that his father had. He looked a bit like a woman, it was not a man handsomeness as much as a delicate one.He had no scar, nor the demeanor of a man that saw war and knew it for that.His father was aware of war, the prince not so much,as he probably treated war like a game, a bit like the younger generation of nobility does. Though the older one too, seems to view it more like a dangerous play to pass their days .

The prince was sitting on a chair, the biggest in the room.The various eastern noble stood at the right and left as they stared at the man. The grip the guards had on him was released, and the man immediately went to bend the knee ''Your grace'' he saluted as he his head hung low.

"You may rise," Prince Mavius's words dripped with grace, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I notice you wear my sigil, and you come from my capital. Shall I take it as the southern lords have finally come to swear allegiance and invite me to claim my throne?" His smile was playful, tinged with the arrogance of one accustomed to power.

The ambassador stifled a grimace, struggling to maintain his composure. "I am sorry to disappoint you, your grace..." His voice faltered, betraying the turmoil within 'Take hold of yourself, you fool!'

"The queen regent has sent a missive to your grace," he finally managed, opting to present the letter rather than stumble through his words.

Prince Mavius turned to Lord Aron, standing at his right. "Lord Aron, would you be so kind as to take the letter?"

"At once, your grace," Lord Aron replied, bowing before swiftly retrieving the parchment and presenting it to the prince.

The prince opened the letter with the same disdain one might unwrap a gift they already knew they would dislike. His expression darkened as he read, but then a chuckle escaped him, transforming into a wild laugh.

"By the rights of man and power by the gods," he began, reading from the letter in an exaggeratedly serious tone. "His highness Mavius Katazoukenes is hereby called to swear allegiance to the rightful emperor of Rolmia, Mesha first of his name." His laughter grew louder. "Any man following the second prince is extended the same offer. In the unwise choice that they would not repent and correct their wrong way, they will be declared an enemy of the state, their land confiscated, and their titles revoked." He paused, struggling to contain his mirth. "Let it be known that justice stands on Emperor Mesha's side, and the unlawful pretenders shall be smi-'' He snorted from his mouth '' smitten down by the rightful sword of the rightful emperor and his loyal servant."

With a dismissive gesture, he tossed the parchment aside. "What a waste of good ink, seems like my father's wife is only good to open her legs to whoever comes knocking. " he declared causing the other lords to laugh ,then his eyes fixed on the kneeling man before him as if only just noticing his presence.

''What have you to tell me ?'' The prince asked

"Nothing beyond what you have already heard, your grace. I was merely tasked with delivering the message," the messenger replied with a tremor in his voice, his eyes darting nervously.

"A displeasing letter indeed," Prince Mavius remarked, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "Were you aware of its contents?"

The messenger swallowed hard, his throat dry. "I-I had my suspicions, your grace," he stammered as the air went cold .

Lord Corbray, his white mustache twitching, interjected, "Your grace, I recall your father dealt with a similar message from his brother. The gods favored him then, just as they do now. The emperor had the messenger quartered before his camp, to raise morale or mayhapse just for his amusement . Perhaps we should follow suit."

The messenger paled, his fear palpable. "Y-Your grace, I was but the messenger. I bore no responsibility for the contents of the letter. How am I guilty?"

"Of course," the prince responded, granting the messenger a reprieve. "Lord Corbray, you speak true. Yet should we not show mercy when we can? This man is no traitor; he merely delivered the message. A minor punishment will suffice."

Turning to Lord Landoff, he requested, "My lord, would you lend me one of your knights?"

"Your knights are as much mine as yours, your grace," Lord Landoff, the father in law of the prince and also the newest High Marshal of Red rose by the second prince's decree, affirmed.

''Very well please nail the letter on the envoy's hand and send him home.Let him go and scuffle like a rats to my dear little brother. '' After that he turned to the envoy '' When you go to him , tell him to go back play with his toy for this is now adult's business''

"Excellent. Ser Varthia, please do the honors," Lord Landoff instructed his knight, who nodded in agreement and drew his sword.

The messenger's cries grew louder as he was escorted from the tent, pleading for mercy, though it fell to deaf years . The sound of steel meeting flesh soon followed, quickly drowned out by the voices of men discussing weightier matters.

"Your grace, the letter demands a response," Lord Corbray reminded, seeking the approval of the other lords.

"Indeed. Lord Corbray, I entrust you with drafting the response, to be signed in my name. I have faith that your words will reflect my own," the prince declared.

"Of course, your grace," Lord Corbray bowed as the screams of the messenger echoed outside as the first blood shed by this war finally fell on man's land.


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