Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 51: Northern ambition(1)

Chapter 51: Northern ambition(1)

Perched atop the ancient stone wall, Maesinius stood as a lone sentinel, his gaze piercing the distance , deep into the snow or maybe it was the horizon, Maesinius could not tell. He tried to deny it, but it was futile, Maesinius knew himself better than anyone. He was scared. Who would not be?He soon would be leading an army , if he made a mistake thousands of soldiers would die, and after that tens of thousands will follow.Their blood and death will be on his hands.The mere thought sent shivers down his spine, this time not for the cold.

'The north shall face the greatest famine it has ever seen since bending the knee' he had exclaimed at the hut .He knew it was the truth . This time the north would receive no merchant from the south.Those fooling enough to try will be robbed point black by his younger brother . 'May the fool bleed for his crown, I have no wish for it',he hoped Mavius would let him be , yet he knew him. When he was not drunk , he was a fool , and when he was not a fool he was arrogant. He had hoped for a solution but deep down, he knew the truth—the North would receive no respite from the merciless grip of winter, and no solace from the ravages of war.

With a gentle yet firm grasp, Maesinius scooped up a handful of snow, feeling its icy touch seep into his skin as he held it . He watched as the delicate flakes danced upon his fingertips. With a playful gesture, he allowed the snow to slip through his fingers.

Turning away from the ancient stone wall, Maesinius shifted his gaze towards the sound of approaching footsteps. There, emerging from the shadows, was Elenoir.

Her long, sun-kissed hair cascaded down her back in a single braid, its golden strands glinting in the pale light of the northern sun. Her eyes, a deep and piercing blue,were as cold as the now . Her nose, perhaps a touch longer than convention dictated, and her brow, lighter than the southern standard, only served to accentuate her unique allure.

To some, she may not have fit the mold of traditional beauty, but to Maesinius, she possessed a charm that was unmistakable. It was in the curve of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, that he found himself drawn to her in a way that defied logic or reason. By southern standards she would not be described as beautiful, yet just the sight of her made somethign harden down his pants.

The first time he came here, he was looking around for anything to lay with.There were many goats, but Mesinius had then still not fall that low.He was close , but still not there. The womenin the fortress , were ugly and old , so when his eyes moved to the daughter of his host, he tried his move.It was breakfast, and Elenoir was eating some bread with goat milk. She was cutting her bread , when he approached to shoot his shot. That was a terrible mistake on his part. She looked at him as one would with a cockroach.Then she took the knife and smashed it in his hand. He was wearing fur gloves, and the knife was not sharp, so the only thing that the prince felt was the pain from the finger being smashed . After that she grasped his cock and pointed the knife to his balls. She said nothing but her eyes moved to his. He had never felt such embarrassment when his cock hardened, in her still cupped by her fingers. At that moment he would have wanted to bury himself in the snow.

She laughed when she felt it.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, she gently pushed against his chest, watching with amusement as he toppled backward from his chair. Despite the fall, her laughter continued.

As he lay sprawled on the floor, the prince found himself captivated by her laughter, lost in the beauty of her smile.He knew he had a trouble in him ,that was not how a man was to fall in love, yet just as it came, it struck....

With time, she would soften towards him, her laughter mingling with his own as they shared moments of both triumph and hardship. It was on his return from his first savage ride that he saw a change in her, a newfound warmth in her smile as she greeted him, her face smeared with the blood of savages . And as she playfully slapped his backside, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging.He desired her .Something was wrong with him, he knew that , but he did not mind it.

"Saw something nice in the snow?" she teased, leaning out from the wall. Maesinius hesitated for a moment, wanting to caution her about the danger of falling, but he held his tongue.

She saw his gaze and laughed . "Don't worry," she reassured him with a grin, "the snow will soften up the fall. I'll just break a leg or two, and then you can carry me to my room, my dear prince."

Starting from that day on, she always enjoyed teasing him, finding amusement in his reactions.

Observing her mischievous expression, the prince couldn't resist joining in on the jest. "That would be something I'd do," he replied, playfully grabbing her by the pelt and giving her a gentle push toward the edge. She flailed her arms in fear before he relented, pulling her back with a smile still tugging at his lips.

"The snow will soften up the fall, don't worry," he added with a chuckle.

A sucker punch was the answer. He fell to the ground his nose bleeding as she saw Elenoir's back returning deeper into the fort. His eyes followed lower.

''Seems like jests are funny only when she does this'' he muttered as he snorted the red out of his nose.It hurt, maybe it was broken.Apparently many people decided to walk between the walls for the day, as for the prince kneeling on the ground solitude lasted little.

''Got ya a bit of blood, little prince. '' A voice spoke with a chuckle ''Northern women are harder of spirit, just like in bed.In the south you bed one and you fucked everyone .In the north you gotta sleep with dagger in hand , and hope that you did not displeased your wife in some way.Got my nose bloodened many times, by my love''

The voice was deep and yet familiar, and as he turned on his back, he saw the maw of a bear. As he fell on his butt again , he watched closely as the bear laughed , and saw it was no beast.It was Uther Fallstaff. The giant of the north .

''Piss yourself a little, prince?'' He asked as he laughed, thundering like the roar of a beast.

The prince rose from the ground, patting the snow from his buttocks.And as he locked eyes, he felt like a child once again. And a bit of fear creeped in. As right now , the giant-man was standing in his full might ahead of him.And this was supposed to be one of the nobles that should bend the knee to him. He feared that even with his knee down, he would be no match for his height.

The winds rose and the prince cowered in his own inadequacy.


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