Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 37: First session(1)

Chapter 37: First session(1)

For a century and a half, the abandoned building lay dormant, shrouded in layers of dust, cobwebs, and the occasional scurry of insects. When its doors were finally pried open, a musty cloud of dust billowed out, filling the lungs of those tasked with cleaning its neglected chambers.

"It felt like we were breathing dust and insects ," had remarked one of the maids when she was asked about her experience.

Despite the fact that it was never used , Vrivius the Red deemed it necessary to cleanse the walls and floors from bones and dried blood. Some may have been thinking that after dissolving a body that existed for centuries , there would be great repercussions, while in reality, it had none.

Vrivius was adored by his people, hailed as a hero for his victories in the wars against the Latvians and also for the fact that many public work were started during his reign, kindly funded by the foes he had defeated. He was a rare breed among emperors, leading from the frontlines and earning the unwavering loyalty of his soldiers. Only the nobles harbored resentment toward him, but a brief civil war swiftly quelled any notions of opposition.The fact that the strongest and martial-like nobles, fought with the emperor with decades made it so , that the imperial army made up by lions was led by lions , while the nobles could hardly decide on who to give command.

Following the civil unrest, Vrivius reigned for another decade, his leadership marked by prosperity and relative peace. However, his mysterious demise, occurring the day after a grand banquet, cast a shadow of suspicion over his reign's end. Some attributed his death to illness, while others whispered that the hand of a maid was to blame. After investigations , no culprit , if it ever existed was found.

The once-forgotten building had been meticulously cleaned, from floor to ceiling, in preparation to host the gathering of 200 nobles tasked with reinstating the political body. Its unique semi-circular shape was designed to amplify voices, ensuring that every word spoken echoed through the halls.A design also used for theathers, to make sure that even the last rows could hear the voices of the actors.

Rows of marble seats stretched from the back of the chamber to the front, providing ample seating for the assembled nobility. The air, once stale and musty, now carried a pleasant fragrance thanks to the burning of numerous herbs inside the building in the days prior. For a week, the only thing emerging from the building were wisps of smoke.

At the center of the chamber stood a throne that had remained unoccupied for a century and a half. Finally, it was claimed by the new emperor, Mesha Kantaouzokenes, first of his name. Though the throne was oversized for his stature, its minimalist design—crafted from white marble with a simple red cushion—lacked the opulent decorations often seen on royal thrones. After all the preparations for the first meeting of the council was prepared in haste.

Empress Valeria, seated in the royal box, observed the nobles below with a sense of detached amusement. She preferred to let them squabble over their seats for a while longer before joining her son, Emperor Mesha, on the main floor. It gave her a certain satisfaction, akin to that of a cat toying with a mouse .

Soon someone appeared from behind , it was Lord Marcellus, his black hair neatly combed, as he requested to stand beside her. She granted him permission with a nod, her gaze never leaving her son as he nervously surveyed the crowd.

"The emperor looks quite regal, your grace," Marcellus commented, his tone respectful. ''Though he appear in quite a distress''

Valeria's eyes narrowed slightly as she observed Mesha's demeanor. "It's his first time," she replied coolly. "He's young and likely feeling overwhelmed."

''That is true your grace, he is young , don't you think that a familiar face near him may calm him down?Maybe it' s time for the empress to join her son?''

He is right, Valeria thought as her gaze fall on his boy.He was an amiable child, she could already feel the authority-personality coming over him . Yet She could see that he was feeling distressed, but was trying everything to not make it seems so. He failed, but at least he was trying. That must have been worth something, right ?

She had tried everything to make sure he did not come out 'soft'. He loved animals , cats were his favorite.Three years ago he had one, a black small cat.He brought it everywhere and even supped with it.

She did not like that, cats were for old men and women, not for strong emperors. She had the cat brought away, and the dumped mauled in the garden during one of their daily walks.She made sure her boy found it.She gave the blame to the foxes in the forests, though foxes would certainly have not left the body in plain views.Luckily he was young enough to believe his mother

'The tears were most troublesome ' she thought 'But a necessary pain nonetheless''she then presented him with a dog. "This one will be able to defend himself," she had assured him. "Cats are weak and disloyal.Dogs strong and loyal to the bone "

Yet, despite the abrupt change, Mesha had adapted and grown to love the dog just as deeply.

"Perhaps it's time to commence the session," Valeria murmured, her arms gracefully linked with Marcellus's as they descended the staircase. She noticed his lingering gaze, and lust-filled eyes.

She did not dislike it , after all Marcellus remained a captivating figure, his sharp gaze and impeccable attire a testament to his influence. Valeria recognized the allure of his presence and knew how to wield it to her advantage, he was after all a strong man. "No matter the title, all men think with their cocks," she mused inwardly, leveraging her feminine charm to maintain his favor. Long caresses, lingering gazes and smiles, that were a woman's weapons.

With each step down the marble stairs, Valeria exuded confidence, her crimson shoes echoing against the polished surface, as her long legs moved forward. As they reached the floor, she released Marcellus's arm and approached her son, Mesha.

The council fell silent in her presence. She relished in it , that feeling of shying away from the expectations placed upon her as a woman in a patriarchal society.She was no mere consort or figurehead; she was the Vrivius without cock and balls .

She would shape the destiny of the empire, guiding it through the turbulent waters of politics and intrigue.Strong and powerful like her husband was. And though she stood as regent until her son reached adulthood, Valeria knew that she held the true power—the power to inspire loyalty and command obedience. 'if I was born with balls, I would have been playing with sword not dolls, and maybe father would have had the son he always wanted'

Soon,all the empire would kneel not just to her son, but to her as well—the true force behind the throne, the architect of the state's future.Such were her thoughts as she pressed down the stairs , arms in arms with the lord and her hands caressing his chest.


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