Steel and Mana

Chapter 96 – Elliot’s Arrival

Chapter 96 – Elliot’s Arrival

By the time I was notified that my Uncle would arrive in the late afternoon, Avalon was decorated with multicolored buntings stretching from roof to roof throughout the city. At the same time, most, if not all, shops' fronts were dressed up in flowers, inviting people in with special deals displayed on big posters. I was surprised at how receptive my people were to the idea of having fun and just enjoying a little holiday, but then again, I had to remind myself how they lived only a decade ago. It may be like a fairy tale for them, going from living in a stinky town to having running water and heating for the winter in a city they helped build.

The best part was that everyone understood the assignment, even if they were absent at my meeting with my ministers. I watched as they sent letters to Merlin, inviting him and the kids from school to visit their shops, holding impromptu seminars about their own craft. Perth, my Master Sculptor, was also preparing something that he would reveal tomorrow on the main square at noon. I wanted to ask what it was, but Merlin refused to say, flatly forbidding me to pry into it. I wanted to laugh when I watched his serious look, but so be it. I do love surprises when they are not about bad news!

"Do I need to dress up, too? Really?" Luna asked while we were getting ready to go out and welcome Elliot to Avalon. I was happily trying on one of the clothes Dorian made, reminiscent of a fancy, black and gold officer uniform... perfection. He does have the magic hand to design the most badass-looking clothes. How could those nobles in my Uncle's territory sleep on his talent? Thankfully, I didn't execute him!

"You look good in it!" I answered, turning towards her as Sasha was helping to fix her hair in twin tails, both of them wearing elegant, similar-looking one-piece dresses of different colors. While Sasha's was crimson with golden accents, Luna's was green with golden trims. It imitated old Chinese garments from my time, which was not a coincidence because Dorian had created it to my specifications.

"I wouldn't wear that, not even if you forced me." A fourth voice added gleefully.

"Let me guess, you would go naked." Sasha answered Yuri, rolling her eyes.

"You do wear tighter clothes anyway!" Luna argued just the same, watching my lazy third wife, wearing a shirt that stretched down to her knees, lying on the wide couch in our bedroom, munching on a breadstick. She was the epitome of a lazy shut-in at that moment.

"That is my work uniform. It is a must. Otherwise, bah, fancy clothes are uncomfortable as hell! Tie me up and drag me around like a dog, but spare me to wear any high-heel and walk in it!"


"No." I added immediately, hearing Luna's sudden excitement. "You are not coming with a leash on... but I can ask Dorian to make a nice choker for you and maybe some other playthings to wear at home."

"Really?" She asked, surprised, making Sasha shrug, already knowing what her friend was thinking about.

"Yes, but this time, this is not only a family meeting but also part of the diplomatic relations between two regions. I need you two to appear next to me like proper Queens!"

"Why doesn't she come along then?" Luna grumbled, pointing at Yuri, who continued lying there, grinning at us.

"I am a concubine!" She answered with glee, "I don't need to as I have no sway nor any say in things, nyahahaha! I will stay back, eat like a pig, masturbate like no tomorrow, and have a good sleep while you entertain your guest! Have fun because I will!"

"Just ignore her." Sasha interrupted Luna before she could say anything as we left the room and the palace, accompanied by Merlin and a group of bodyguards in their uniform, boots polished, looking like the perfect poster boys for a recruitment campaign.

We were not the only ones who dressed up for this occasion, but it was also the first time that Merlin donned his very first uniform, representing not just my Ministers but also our future yet-to-be-born mages. It was an agreement between me and Sasha as although she was the leader of them on paper, she was totally on board with the joke I was making.

As the only other person knowing my secret, she was helping me hold back my laugh but was just as guilty as I, helping me design Merlin's proper wizard outfit. He was wearing a long, white robe with deep blue accents running around its seams, complete with a big, pointy hat decorated with a magic circle. Was it functional? Yes, it had the same properties as the one we confiscated from the dead nobles we made disappear. So, if Merlin wanted, he could activate it and look like the God of Magic in the flesh. Maybe one day, if we get a visitor who is a bit rowdier, he can use it, but right now, it is for decoration alone.

Knowing what kind of meaning Merlin had in my old life and how he is described many times, Sasha found it just as funny and cute as I. We wanted to have him a magical orb, but... we didn't find any valid reason to introduce it, and he was not a stupid kid to buy everything at face value. He would have noticed it, but he really liked his uniform at the moment, strutting along us with great pride radiating from his grinning face.

The streets were already cleared for the convoy that would arrive the previous day. Before setting out, my Uncle sent a letter saying he was happy to deliver the requested instruments for a reasonable price. Nicely played, Elliot, I can't be mad about it. Knowing him, he also won't be someone who asks for money either. Oh well, he is family, so we can think of something, I am sure of it.

"Damn it, I hate when Yuri is right..." Luna grumbled, and although Sasha ignored her, I knew merely by watching her pupils shrink that she agreed. Walking in high heels was not the most comfortable thing, huh? Luckily, they didn't need to wander really far or stand around for long because Oleg and my Uncle's convoy arrived with a little bit of fanfare, passing through the main gate.

"I thought the roads were something that is an incredible thing you pulled off, but... by the Gods! You are really building a second Capital City, aren't you?" He laughed and sighed at the same time, getting off the carriage while we shook hands, and I hugged him in the end.

"Don't forget, it was you who wanted to see Avalon. Don't blame me if you want to stay here afterward! It won't be my fault when your old castle will no longer look as luxurious as you are used to."

"Geez, you are speaking as if you are about to ensnare me with some type of magic spell!"

"Who knows~" I joked, winking at him before moving on and introducing my wives as he only knew Sasha, followed by presenting Merlin to my Uncle.

"So young..." He whispered, making me nod, patting his shoulder.

"Get used to it, Merlin is a different breed than us."

"It is an honor to welcome you to our Avalon, Baron Elliot!" He bowed, holding onto his pointy hat, trying to stay calm and collected, doing his hardest to carry himself the same way I do when I meet with my Ministers. "I am Merlin, Prime Minister and Mage of the Sovereign!"

"No, the honor is mine!" Elliot answered, returning a respectful bow, "I would really want to see the city; just from this alone, it's... I've never seen one this clean! I know that the Capital has similar districts, but... that is the seat of power, not the Frontier!" After hearing him, I glanced at my wives, seeing the terror in their eyes, not wanting to tour the city with their current dresses on.

"It is already late, and thanks to the mountains, it can get chilly." I answered, saving them quickly, "Let's go to the palace first; our maids are already preparing dinner. We can enjoy it, talk, and tomorrow, when the sun is up, we will have the whole day to lead you around!"

"Yes, yes, you are right, I just got carried away! We can also unload the instruments you asked for. Are you trying to learn it?"

"Something like that." I nodded as we began heading back to the palace while the soldiers kept the curious onlookers far enough that we were not bothered, yet they could see everything clearly.

"It has to do something with the decorations, huh?"

"Baron Elliot has sharp eyes," Sasha chuckled, making my Uncle smile sheepishly, "We are having a little bit of fun, enjoying the arriving spring, when we realized we would need proper instruments to truly enjoy it. The people do have their homemade drums or lutes and flutes, but we are preparing for something different."

"With magic!" Merlin added at once, puffing out his chest proudly. He was enjoying that he could finally show it off to someone who was unfamiliar with mages and how we operated.

"Magic? What does that mean, Minister Merlin?"

"Well, it will be me who adds a little extra to the instruments!" He explained, holding his head high, making my hand itch, quickly held onto by Sasha before I smacked Merlin in the back of the head for being so pompous. "Then, when someone plays on it, the song will carry for way farther and louder than usual! Everyone will be able to hear it, that's right! You will see, it will be marvelous!"

When Elliot looked at me, he was asking with his gaze if he was serious or if it was some weird joke, so I had to assure him with a nod. Merlin wasn't joking, and it is best if he doesn't make the mistake of taking him lightly. I knew it was hard to fathom, but I did my best to signal it to him.

"I will say, Leon, I am a bit envious of you already."

"The city?" I asked, but he formed a smile, looking at my wives accompanying me, their figures being even more enchanting because of their new clothes.

"That is beautiful, too, but I am more jealous of your wives. I have yet to find my own sweetheart, but here you are with two gorgeous flowers flanking you from both sides!"

"I was lucky." I answered with a grin, holding onto their hands and catching a glimpse of Merlin furrowing his brows, looking at the back of my Uncle with an unfriendly gaze for a moment. Huh... what was that about? It surprised me because neither Sasha nor Luna felt it weird; quite the opposite, they were happy to receive such compliments, and, well, it also fed my own ego. "I find it hard to believe you would have difficulty finding a wife, Uncle."

"I could, yes, but I am unsure if it would be genuine or not. Sometimes, I envy my subjects because of it. It may be an issue with me, but I can't help but doubt if the other is interested in me or in the privileges that my rank brings along."

"Hmm... I see... Well, you should recreate some of the old legends I know of!"

"What do you mean?" He asked, half-joking and half-interested.

"I knew a lot of stories where the ruler dressed up in normal clothes, hid his identity, and toured his own territory, questioning his people, experiencing life to know what he needed to change to improve. You could do the same, dress up as normal, and find your wife without her knowing you are her Baron. Of course, I don't know how well your face is known to the people, so..."

"Huh! That is interesting!" He added after thinking it through, but I was mostly joking and didn't expect he would do it anyway.

"Please don't." Oleg interjected, speaking out, walking in front of us. "As the soldier of My Lord, I can tell you that those who are responsible for your safety would have sleepless nights and nightmares."

"What?" I asked because my General was looking back over his shoulder, watching me while speaking. "I ain't sneaking out of the palace because I don't need to. Also, even if I did, Avalon is pretty safe, isn't it? We haven't had any murders or gangs forming since we were established! The worst thing the guards have to deal with are drunk fights at the taverns."

"Yes, but we still had saboteurs once... It can happen again." He argued, which piqued my Uncle's attention once again.

"Wait, what was that about?"

"The saboteurs? Old story... but I can tell you about it at dinner; it is not a secret."

"Great! I'd like to hear it from the beginning! How did you come up with this all, and how did you achieve it? I only know pieces anyway. It is not nice keeping your family in the dark, not after we did together!"

"Sure, sure!" I chuckled, smiling at him, "I can feel this is going to be a long night!"


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