Steel and Mana

Chapter 94 – Evaluation

Chapter 94 – Evaluation

Preparing for Elliot's arrival, I had a few days to do so. I made sure that Dorian was ready with the flags of Avalon, installing them onto the walls, and I also decided to announce that we would have festivities. It was spring, and the sun was here to stay out for a longer time every day. Since beginning to build up Avalon, many citizens were starting to spend their first years here when there was less for them to do, leaving them with more time to enjoy their lives.

This, in turn, made me think about doing something to ensure they don't get bored and turn to some stupid hobbies that would be destructive not just for them but for us as a collective. Drinking is okay, but I don't need another drunk saboteur to rise up for some idiotic reason. So, it was time to explore what kind of entertainment and culture I could bring forth. Books and the newspaper were good and all, but they couldn't satisfy everybody at once. Even if I began printing more erotic novels or began introducing colored images into printing... It would be best if there were more choices for the whole family to have fun.

For now, announcing that we would have spring festivals was mainly about decorating the main square and streets with colorful flags and blooming flowers, giving the city a bit of color in line with the season. I sent out an announcement, nailed to the multiple news posts in the city, and hired a few kids to run around advertising that I am looking for people who can play music. I wanted to hire them to host shows in the main square so people could come, dance, and let loose a little. I was letting my ministers deal with the logistics, giving them a task that was new for everyone, but I hoped it could be turned into a yearly occurrence. I wanted to build up Avalon's own culture, one that has no connection to the Empire.

"You can play on the piano?" I asked, finding it surprising, looking up at Mikan, who visited me in my study.

"And the violin. I can sing too. While in the church, I learned them, and I do miss practicing an instrument. It always helped me relax!"

"Hmmm... I shouldn't be surprised; I heard that some of your sermons include you singing."

"I usually do that when someone dies, and we cremate them; I find that it helps the family a little."

"I see. Mhm, but this festival is not for mourning, so I will need something lively. Something that makes them..."

"Fuck?" Interjected Yuri, who was lying on my couch, reading one of Merlin's books, mimicking Luna's usual posture. Her thinking wasn't wrong, making me grin while Mikan's face turned bright red instantly.

"In short, yes." After fixing my expression, I answered, "The vibe I am looking for is about love and instincts, in a way. It is spring, after all. I plan to announce that Sasha is pregnant at the end before everyone who will be present."

"I do know some songs that would be appropriate!" Mikan added, hurriedly trying to step over Yuri's comment, but it seemed she was in her element, continuing.

"It needs some rhythm! And good thrust! One that makes the people throw an orgy on the streets! I know how to play the drums; I can join you and even molest your thick body before everyone, Mikki! It would be a visual aphrodisiac!"

"Please, no..." She whispered, looking at me, asking for help with her golden eyes, not knowing how to deal with Yuri's spicy mood.

"Although you would enjoy it, Yuri," I interrupted her quickly, "I don't want to turn my city into a hedonistic paradise. Let them be wild within their homes but not in public, okay? We are not the Empire."

"Eeeh...? Okay! If you want to be boring, sure!" She shrugged, returning to read the book, dropping the continued teasing of Mikan.

"Anyway, Mikan, I think I can reproduce a violin and even a guitar for you. A piano would take a longer time to craft."

"You could?" She asked, her eyes lighting up, but then she began thinking, "What is a guitar?"

"Oh? You don't have that? Um... What about a lute? Does that ring a bell?"

"Yes! I know that! I can play it, but I am not as comfortable with it as with the violin."

"A guitar is like that, but a bit different, you'll see." I hummed, biting on the end of my quill, already recalling some old blueprints within my brain. "We can use maple for the back, sides, and neck, and spruce for the top, for the soundboard. I can draw the outline of the violin's body onto the wood, and then the rough shape would be carved out from that. For the first one, I would do it myself because of graduation... Hm. The inside of the top and back plates need to be carefully carved to achieve the desired thickness. This involves removing wood from specific areas to achieve optimal resonance and flexibility. I think I can do it..."

"Um... I know that My Lord likes to work with wood and model things," She began, glancing at the finished figure of my mech, standing at the shelf behind me, "But, I think asking Baron Elliot to bring some instruments over would be faster." She added after I stopped speaking, making me flinch, looking at her with twitching the edge of my mouth.

"Err... Yes. Yes, you are right... Sorry, I like crafting things, and I have a ton of nonsense blueprints memorized within my head. It's a bad habit... Haaah... it would take a few months to make it happen anyway!"

"Ahahaha! She got you there, my hubby!"

"And why are you here?" I groaned, leaning to the side so I could see Yuri perfectly, "Aren't you supposed to be with Sasha and Luna, learning to dance?"

"I know how to dance. It's the same as fighting. The problem is our dear Sasha! She is deeply embarrassed by the fact she can't wiggle her butt perfectly, so while your Mother and Luna teach her, I have been sent away."

"You were making fun of her, didn't you?" I asked with slanted eyes, knowing full well she did. I knew her enough.

"I just said that she should shake her perky bottom like when she rides you! Duh, I am right, I don't know what the fuss is about!"

"Well... dances are in a way the human way of courting and a reflection of a certain desire..." Mikan murmured, playing with the end of her long hair, tiptoeing around the topic.

"See? Even Mikki understands where I am coming from! No wonder her body would be perfect for a hot striptease! I bet she squirts!"

"Haaah... whatever!" I moaned, turning back to Mikan, ignoring Yuri, "Do you have any pieces in mind that you would play?"

"Yes! Multiple, in fact! Don't worry, My Lord, they are not church music, and neither of them would praise the Empire. They are simple folk songs!"

"Don't ignore me..." Yuri grumbled, but we did exactly that. The only way to shut her up.

"Good. Let's go with that! I know it is weird to say that you should go and practice without any instrument, so instead, please write down the music sheets and get back to me with it. We will print some out for the future!"

It wasn't just that. I was also thinking about learning this world's music sheets through Mikan. If I manage to nail it down or get a basic understanding, I can plagiarize many classics from my previous life. Easy money! Easy cultural buff! Hehehe, reincarnation rocks. Would I feel bad about it? Nah. Those guys have already been dead for a long time; they should have been reborn here if they wanted to keep their fame. Anyway, their works became public property after their death, not to mention that this world has zero clue about copyright laws. Maybe I should also introduce those in the future, huh...


Two days later, I held a meeting with my ministers and invited all the important people under them, hosting more than thirty members in the throneroom this time. There were many who I only knew because I read their applications, memorizing their names, addresses, and pasts, as not everyone made a unique impression on me. Of course, that wasn't something I would complain about. I was delighted that talented individuals were filling the spaces, and they helped me run Avalon smoothly and without trouble. I prefer a handful of great, hard-working men and women against constantly bickering geniuses who always want to reinvent the wheel.

The meeting's first part was about my report on the front lines, what was happening, and what was expected to happen. Of course, the more sensitive pieces of information were restricted to the head ministers, but I decided to share the overarching news with everyone here first and then publish it in the paper later. Then came the more exciting part... I wanted to involve everybody in the festive I announced after returning.

"This is the best time to advertise yourselves." I began explaining, sitting on my throne, smiling at them, "I already talked with Merlin, and he will take the children and visit different shops and workshops around the city to broaden their horizons. We must show them how things work and maybe inspire them to think about what they will do after growing up."

"The first trip will lead us into Avalon Printing Press!" He added, standing up, "We will even let the children create one page that will appear in the newspaper the following week!"

"I am happy many of you already use the advertisement function inside of it. I am glad my citizens are smart and see the potential within! This is why I want you to use the same creativity in your businesses or give a hint to those who you know and who own different shops around the city." I continued after Merlin sat back down, swinging his legs with great excitement, "So, while we have these festive days ahead of us, I want you to feel free to advertise your fields of expertise and draw people in. You can use the different news posts to pin your fliers and posters to it. As for what that is, you can go and take a look; I made a few myself, advertising the festival itself! I want the major places to prepare for the tour as, just like the press, the forges, our textile workshop, and most of the guilds are going to be visited by Merlin and the children. Prepare a tour for them, one that would grab their attention!"

Watching many of their eyes light up was enough to know they got my intention. I want them to start thinking in the long term and get used to the fact that they can build up businesses that can last for a long time and may even be inherited by their kids. I want them to look for the chance to grow and not remain in stagnation.

Of course, there was another underlying reason, but I only told Merlin this. I wanted him to evaluate the shops, guilds, and manufacturers they would visit. From his report, I would better understand where they stood and their thought process while building their businesses. It would give me a clear picture of their outlook for their future.

"Minister Zita," I continued, turning towards my Agricultural Minister, "I will have you prepare a ceremony-like bonfire in the main square at the end of the festivities. I will pay for it, but I want to have food and drinks ready so everyone can enjoy them. I will hold a speech there, announcing something important for the future of Avalon."

The last part clearly made them stiffen, wanting to hear more and know it beforehand, but I wasn't telling them anything, simply ending the meeting. Let it be a surprise, ehehe! After returning to my office, I picked up the cup of coffee that Luna prepared while Merlin thanked her for his portion, mimicking me in the way I was enjoying its aroma and slowly sipping on it.

"Did you think about it?" I asked, referring to a task I asked him to contemplate about.

"Yes, and I constructed a few prototype formations!" He began explaining, presenting me with drawings I took from his hands. "I find it... surprisingly easy!"

"Probably because of your natural affinity." I hummed, rubbing my chin, "The core of your magic is amplifying things. This is the same principle, boosting my voice so everyone will hear me speak."

"Um, I thought the same, My Lord! I will need to test it to see if it works and do it outside the city! I don't want to scare the people. I also played with the idea of setting up similar ones with CC around the city and broadcasting your speech!"

"You could do that?" I asked, sitting up in my chair.

"Well, I was juggling the idea for a while, but there were other, more important things to focus on. But this is fun! I can whip up something, I think!"

"Well," I shrugged, rummaging within my drawer, pulling out different drawings I had made, copying sound-related formations from my memory. "Here, take these. I copied down those that looked the most relevant and had to do with sound and speech. See if they give you another idea, and we can do a test run!"

"Oh, thank you, My Lord, these will come in handy!"

"I'm glad! Because I had little time to examine them thoroughly... and sadly, I can't accompany you with it today either because I have... a lesson to take."

"A lesson? In what?" He asked, watching me stand up, accompanied by Luna's giggle, who was already waiting at the door, answering his question.

"In dancing! Well, at least he is a better learner than Sasha; fufufu; she really has no rhythm at all!"

"Not you, too!" I grumbled, walking past her while Merlin followed us, curious, "It took me a whole day to comfort her. If you start teasing her like Yuri, she will never get the hang of it! So stop, or I will punish you."

"With what?" She asked, her mismatched eyes shining in a dangerous light.

"With not touching you for a month." I snapped at her, and finally, her grin turned into a pleading smile, promising that she would never, ever mention Sasha's peg legs when it came to dancing.


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