Steel and Mana

Chapter 167 – Border Scuffle (1)

Chapter 167 – Border Scuffle (1)

“A hymn?” Mikan asked, thinking, crossing her arms under her boobs while we sat in my office.

“Yep.” I nodded my head, thinking about it for a time now, and finally had enough freedom to write down a from my memories.

“I see that this is for piano…”

“Yes, but it can be adapted to an orchestra. Violin, drums, trumpets, everything, the whole shebang.”

“The what? I am not familiar with that instrument…”

“Ehehe, doesn’t matter! I’d like you to try it out, feel it a little, and turn it into a full orchestral version if you can.”

“Yes, happily, I always like to learn new music! But even if I turn it into a whole piece, we do not have anybody to play it…”

“I know we lack a lot in the cultural department, but I am working on improving it. I already told Merlin we should introduce some artsy courses into the curriculum. Give people an option to be more than workers, traders, farmers, or soldiers. Minister Rennar will use Perth as the figurehead for it and will teach sculpting for starters. Anyway! In a few years, I do plan on establishing an orchestra and let them perform. We need entertainment, so I sent down some plans on the pipeline, tasking my ministers to work it out.”

“We will need places to do that…”

“It is in my directives. We will build a theater where not just music will be played but also shows, full-on plays based on Merlin’s stories and some of my own.”

“I can’t wait to read them!” She clapped her hands happily, smiling, and I felt a bit embarrassed because I was copying old and famous stories from my previous life. Ahh… Why does it feel so good to cheat? Am I a bad person? Probably.

“There is another thing, Mikan. I want to elevate your position.”

“…!” She stiffened momentarily when she heard me, going red in the face, playing with her fingers while looking everywhere except my eyes. “I… well… I was a priestess or something… but never took an oath… so… it… is possible.”

“Oh…” I exclaimed because I didn’t mean THAT. Well… it is good to get some confirmation, though. “I was thinking about making you into the Minister of Culture. Merge the church into it as believing in the Six Gods is part of our culture.”

“Oh… OOOOH!” She quickly realized her mistake, pulling her hair into her face, making me giggle and reach out to hold her hands.

“But if you want to join us… I am also not against it.”

“Hauh… Can… Can we pretend I didn’t say that?”

“We can, but it will just make it more awkward.” I answered while I chuckled, reaching over and patting her head. “So, long story short, I’d be happy if you would be in charge of expanding and growing our culture and making it into something pleasant. I also want to include a bit more freedom into it.”

“What do you mean by that?” She asked, still blushing but enjoying sitting close to me. Or it seemed.

“Well, look at me. I do have more wives than one, so it will be, of course, allowed for everyone. I mean, if one woman wants more men, sure. Go ahead. But I need to be taught that it is not a game and marriage is a serious business. That should only be chosen if it is decided to last forever.”

“But how would they know…?” She asked, mumbling, but I simply continued stroking her head, enjoying the soft touch of her hair.

“You just know when you find someone. If you are unsure, don’t marry. I want that to mean something and not become a commodity. It must be a serious commitment, and those who are not ready to make it should not do it, simple as that. Continuing my thoughts, I want my people to be happy and healthy, both physically and mentally. So I want them to express it through art, giving everybody another outlet! Who knows how many great composers, writers, or painters are being lost within our city, maybe holding a pickaxe in the mines instead of writing the next big epic story! You understand this more than anyone, I think… So that is why I thought of you when I thought of a Cultural Minister. Will you accept the position, Mikan?”

“Y-yes! I do!” She nodded, feeling happy and fired up. I could see in her eyes that the prospect of helping people find their calling was something she took seriously.

“Great, a new sister!” Yuri’s sudden, loud laughter shocked Mikan, snapping her head towards the open door. She was trying to mumble something, but no words could escape her mouth, and she just repeated the same word.

“W-w-w-wait! That-that-that-!”

“We will talk about~!” She winked at her before turning a bit more serious, telling me enough to know something had happened.

“Pion?” I asked with a sigh.

“Yeah. He sent two letters. One explains that the local nobles are gathering an army. The second is asking for permission to fire the cannons if threatened.”

“They are going straight into intimidation by force, huh? This could snowball into something bad, real quick.” I nodded, standing up and walking towards Yuri, who was holding them out for me. “We need to establish those Morse code lines for Elliot to exchange information better and more quickly. This is already a day old.”

“Merlin said the same. He said he will figure something out and build them before summer.”

“Will there be… trouble? A war?” Mikan asked, sounding worried, standing with hands together, looking at us, wanting to hear the truth.

“Probably not. Skirmishes? Yes. But I am going to write a letter to Elena and make her contact her father. Let’s get straight to the big man in the Capital and skip all the escalation phases! That way, we will save a lot of lives! As for you…”

“Oh? What is it?” Yuri grinned, leaning forward, her nose almost touching mine.

“I need you to go to this Black Lands and scout it out for me. Let’s learn all that is to learn…”

“Don’t worry, I am already on it!” She winked at me, “Although I mostly laze around with Luna, I am not idle~ I already gathered everything for you, my hubby, way before spring arrived, ahaha!”

“You were waiting for this moment?” I laughed, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Hey! I take my position seriously. You can trust me~!”

“I do.” I leaned in, pecking her lips, enjoying that when I acted like this, she always blushed like an innocent girl, not knowing how to deal with it, “Let’s see it then… I am most curious about who they have as backers if shit hits the fan.”



Many refugees were shocked at the border of the Black Lands and the Duchy of Wheat when they came across deep and wide ditches filled with sharpened wooden spikes and warning signs, telling them their lives would count as forfeit if they crossed it. Sadly, there were many who couldn’t read, but even then, the added image of a skull and bones was there, conveying the same message.

“How did they make this?” One soldier within the standing army of the Black Lands’ army asked, unable to fathom who would be able to dig such trenches in such a short period of time.

“Some refugees were swearing that they saw loud, metal monsters turning the earth over, dragging giant shovels behind them.” Answered another soldier, part of a ten-men-group, sent to investigate the sudden rumors. “At first, I didn’t believe them, but so many saying the same thing must be true.”

“Nothing can be believed of what they say…” Their captain scoffed, spitting into the 3-meter-wide ditch. “Let’s go! We will confirm it ourselves at the Pomak River Crossing!”

The group shouted their acknowledgment as they got on their horses, galloping away, wearing chainmail armor, along with pikes and short swords as secondary weapons, heading to one of the main crossing points into the Duchy. Their surprise didn’t end; it only grew by the time they got to the only stone bridge and favorite route of the few trade caravans heading this way.

“What… is this?!” Their captain yelled, feeling angry even if he realized all the fortifications he saw were built at the other end of the river, on the land of the Duchy.

“Captain… we should return and report this to the others! We are preparing for a show of force, but… we are not bringing siege weapons, are we?” The second in command whispered, gulping because nobody expected to come face to face with an established military outpost.

What they saw was that the other end of the bridge was blocked by two wooden, painted toll bars, guarded by soldiers who wore some kind of brand new, black, purple, and gold plate armor, standing two meters tall at minimum. Next to them, four wooden towers were erected, going ten meters high, and atop them, metal barrels were facing towards the other side of the river. Although they didn’t know what those were, they knew it was not only a decoration.

“What type of flag is that?” Mumbled one of the soldiers, recognizing the one that was of the Duchy’s, flapping in the spring wind, attached to one of the towers, but the one next to it was unfamiliar with its colors and design.

“Avalon?” Their captain, the only one who could read, squinted as hard as he could, finally making out the letters, shaking his head, “Never heard of it. Let’s go!”

“We are not going walk up to them, are we, Captain?”

“We are not!” He snorted, looking at his men as if they were idiots. “But after reporting back, we can funnel the horde of refugees towards here and give them enough trouble. I was in the Ishillian Army once, and I saw firsthand how effective tactics it is to throw a human wave at the enemy.”

“What if they start killing them? From north of here, the barbarians are king…”

“The Duchy should still have a trace of civilization within it!” Their captain chuckled, leading their group away. “Even if not, and they act like the Frontier people, it will be on them! An angry mob will kill soldiers, no matter what type of fancy armor they wear! Hah!”

What they didn’t know was that at the same time, on the other side of the battlements, Pion was standing atop one of the towers, keeping an eye on them.

“Will they come back?” Polo asked, also wearing a military uniform tailored to his size, feeling incredibly proud to be part of it.

“Yes.” Pion nodded, arms crossed, his chest bulging proudly while wearing an elegant, black officer’s uniform with shiny, golden buttons and markings on his shoulders, displaying his role as the commander in charge of all the Avalonian soldiers sent over to help out Elliot. “I am going to send word to the two other crossing points to be ready and for our people to keep patrolling the borders all day and night!”

“Shouldn’t you also wear that cool armor?” Polo asked curiously, looking down at the guardians, wearing the very first armor set made by Avalon, designed by Dorian.

“No. We have few of those, so let the soldiers who are on frontline duty wear them.”

“You would look cool in it…”

“I will wear one when it is my time to fight the enemy. Right now, my duty is commanding the troops here!” He chuckled, his pride showing from every movement of his body. “Also… Are you sure of it?” He continued, asking about something Polo decided only a week ago, when the rumors began spreading, that there would be a selection held in the summer, looking for Knight Candidates.

“Yes! I will apply for it! I think you should too, Pion. You could do it!”

“We were taught to know our limits.” He shook his head, “I know mine and have a different path to walk. Still, go for it, Polo. If you manage to become a Knight of Avalon, you will make me proud!”

“I will do my best! Promise!”

“That we must.” He chuckled, looking towards the distance where the previous horsemen had disappeared. “We are Avalonians… We always do our best.”


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