Steel and Mana

Chapter 159 – Hard Thoughts

Chapter 159 – Hard Thoughts

This time, the winter was not as bad as before, even though there had been multiple assaults on the castle since it started. To our relief, my Father demonstrated the full capabilities of our mech as the Lion repeatedly stood firm against the tide, stopping every attempt and using varied armaments we were rapidly developing for it. I think the situation also inspired Sasha because she was in her element, designing new fire-based spells, one after another.

When I asked how or why, I was asking it not because I found it weird but because they all worked without issues from the get-go. Her explanation was along with what I expected, saying that she simply felt that it was right and worked when designing them. The same happened with Mikan because her explanation was identical to when she made a healing spell work.

With the beasts being contained, I could more calmly start and categorize the weapons my dear wife developed, drawing a satisfied smile on my face. Besides making fine tunings and adjustments to the Lion's main cannons, changing them to be an accurate, long-range weapon, we now had the first artillery pieces. Then, the newest option was to outfit the mechs with an arm that was essentially a giant flamethrower. Then, she also made changes to it so as not to spray flames in a cone shape but, to be precise, almost like a beam weapon. For all intents and purposes, it was a plasma cutter. True, it wasn't for long-range exchanges; being limited to close combat, it was still devastating. In terms of the size of the Lion, when attached to it, it was as if the giant mech was wielding a short sword capable of cutting through anything.

Of course, it wasn't only her who made and improved spells; I was doing the same. With the debacle of the shield and the spell put on it, I developed a 'backpack' for the mech containing the anti-magic spell, taking it off the shield itself. Yeah... That was a major oversight on my part. Oh well, we are all humans, making mistakes here and there. At least the thing is working as intended, all things considered, and we were racking up combat experience as if we were grinding in a video game.

With the new adjustments and data, the second mech was going to be even better and more mobile than the Lion, fixing and improving on multiple design parts. As for who will get it? No matter how much I wanted it to make mine, it was going to be given to Yuri instead.

"I want it to be up and personal!" She exclaimed the moment she heard it.

"You do realize they are not as mobile as you, yes? You won't get it to sprint, slide, jump, and do kickflips."

"I can still bash in a monster's head, no?"

"Okay, let's start from there." I hummed, leaning back in my chair while she was sitting in my lap like a little girl, grinding her butt against my crotch. "I can't focus like this."

"Fufufu, I'm just making sure you got good ideas, babe!"

"Your lingo is improving day by day." I chuckled, kissing her neck, biting it a bit, and quickly made her moan.

"Mmmhm... I want a spear... in me~!"

"Ha-ha. But spear? Are you sure?"

"Make it a flaming one! I will call it the STD-stick!" She giggled playfully, making me roll my eyes because she seemed to be rereading the textbooks in the school library. Not that I am complaining; it was there for a reason, teaching the young generation to be cautious and healthy.

"Well, I was thinking of applying Sasha's spells onto weapons, so it would be a good testing opportunity. Spear... How big do you want it?" I asked as her hand was already inside my pants.

"Mhm... Like this one?"

"Be real, please." I whispered, letting her fool around anyway... who wouldn't?

"Make it as tall as the machine. Its reach is what gives a spear its advantage. I can also throw it if I must!"

"For that, you will need secondary weapons. I will equip the machine with detachable swords that you can switch to."


"Also, if you will be up in the thick of it, you will need protection. I will need to start designing shield spells to protect you. Or..."

"Hm... what?" She looked up because as I was speaking, she was already kneeling under my table, snacking on her favorite lollipop.

"I can make you carry a magical device that interferes with spells..."

"I'll wear whatever you want~! You just go ahead and design it; I'll keep you entertained!"

"Haaah... You know, it is hard to focus like this, yes?"

I just said it when the door opened, and Luna walked in, bringing a tray with my lunch on it.

"Huh? Yuri is out? I brought her portion, too!"

"I'm here!" She shouted from under the table, making Luna grin, hurrying closer. After placing the tray down, she reached in and peeked under the table, whistling.

"Starting with the dessert already?

"Want a bite?" She asked, pulling it out of her mouth, pointing it at her, and making me quickly add something important before Luna took it literally.

"No biting!"

"Don't mind if I do!" She laughed, winking at me while climbing under the table, making it way too crowded and impossible for me to continue working.

"Excuse me-" Before I could say anything, it was Mikan who came in, "I come to ask about... huh? Leon? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine."

"But your face..." She murmured, coming closer, looking worried that I was overworking myself, concerned about what was happening at the Pass. "Ah...!"

Yeah... the moment she arrived next to my desk and looked down, the two impish 'sisters' glanced back up at her, continuing to work in tandem, not stopping once. Now I truly began feeling weird because instead of walking or looking away... she was standing there watching as if she was hypnotized. I think Yuri has turned me into a pervert.. Or I just like blaming her for it because the fact she was watching us fool around made me more excited than before, finishing on their faces in the end.

"There-there!" Yuri laughed, using my sausage to draw on Luna's face, spreading the sauce all over her. "This keeps our skin young and pristine!"

"Um-um!" She nodded, letting her do it, "I will wear it all day!"

"Same! Mikki, want a round? It is tasty and makes your tummy feel warm!" Yuri asked, looking at Mikan, who had finally returned to reality and turned as red as a warning light.

"N-n-n-no! Ah, um! I will come back later!" She yelled, hurrying out, leaving the door open, making the two make-up gurus look after her, climbing out from under the table.

"She is going to masturbate." Luna stated, making Yuri nod in agreement.

"Let's go spy on her!"


And there they went, scampering out of my office, their faces glistening in the sunlight, leaving me hanging but... satisfied. Haaah! This is life.




Even though my wives were mischievous, I was taking Yuir's preferences seriously. By nightfall, I was halfway there with the designs, thinking of what would make her more than just a two-legged battering ram. I was considering the idea of creating something that not only creates a shield around her, protecting her from incoming attacks, but also emitting anti-magic properties. Its best usage would be heading into battle alongside my regular troops, their 'support,' and the machine that breaks through enemy defenses. Yuri would be the one opening the road before our armies.

Even then, I would have to reinforce her armor plating because these machines are not ballerinas and won't dance around zig-zagging between enemy formations. As for energy sources, it would also be the first to use a twin-core design for energy sources. It all came from the fact that when we dissected the first two monsters, the ones my Father had slain in his first engagement, their cores were much smaller than the previous behemoths. Despite that little setback, they were more or the same at the same size and gave off the same energy.

It would be ideal as I would try to use them in the new design, and while one powers the mech's movements, the second one would be responsible for supplying the weapons with energy. I still needed to implement some design changes, but after I finished, it would be a testbed for me to devise a new type of system that could implement multiple CC sources. It would help us come up with something that eliminates the need for big monster cores in the future. It wouldn't make it any easier to produce them en masse, but still, it would be a step forward. Alternatives are always great to have.


"Woah, woah, what am I seeing?" I laughed, putting away my thoughts as I entered my room, seeing my kids walk towards me, butt naked, Leyla sitting on the shoulders of Arthur.

"Boom-boom! Walky-walky!" They laughed, making me do the same, picking the stacked kids from the ground and holding them in my hands.

"You are not that type of walker, though, so be careful!"

"It is impossible to control them." Sasha chuckled, coming out of the bathroom and wiping her hair and arms, dressed in the same clothes as my kids. "They are already running, so... If they fall, they will learn from it!"

"No fall!" Arthur answered proudly, grinning from ear to ear.

"Catch!" Leyla added, showing a little thumbs up before high-fiving with her brother.

"I won't lie; I was worried how they would be as I knew many siblings who hated each other." I whispered, looking at the two little ones affectionately, who were shocked to hear my words. "I am glad they are not like that!"

"We are not that kind of family." Sasha replied, walking up to me, kissing my lips, making the little ones giggle, and giving us kisses, wanting to be part of it.

"Nope, we aren't." I whispered back, feeling such happiness I don't think I ever knew was possible. "Where are the others?"

"They won't be back until late." She shrugged, rubbing the kids' heads, "Yuri sent word that they are taking Mikan out to have fun. I just hope they don't molest her if they get drunk."

"That... is a possibility. What do you think? Would it be big news if we jail them?"

"What?" She laughed after we put down Arthur and Leyla, letting them waddle over to their play corner and use the wooden building blocks to continue creating a replica of the palace itself. "You want to create some kind of scandal? That would be bad~! Our prestige would take a big hit!"

"Hah... I was just joking~!" I climbed on her, gently pushing her down before she whispered into my ears.

"Stop... wait until they go to sleep!"

"But it is hard..." I mumbled, letting her know that I didn't only mean it metaphorically. I couldn't help but snuggle up to her, enjoying her fresh, flowery scent, wanting to devour her then and there.

"Haah... okay..." She giggled, slipping out under me, "Come, I will take a bath with you!" She added, pulling me off the bed and towards the bathroom. "Kids, stay inside, or I will spank you, got it?"

"Yum!" They nodded, preoccupied with building the palace, but I saw that Arthur was saying something to his sister, probably mentally, via magic because she only rolled her eyes at him as an answer.

Whichever of them will take the throne after I'm gone... I knew Avalon would be in good hands.


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