Steel and Mana

Chapter 156 – Curious Empress

Chapter 156 – Curious Empress

The first snowfall came around the same time as usual, sparing us from the previous year's harsh winter. Which was a plus. It made me wonder if we would have any monster intrusions like that ice-breathing monstrosity or if the much milder weather would keep them on the other side. Why are they even coming over? That was a question I could not come up with an answer for. What a weird, conflicting mood... On the one hand, I was hoping that nothing like that would come through this time, sparing us unnecessary deaths, while on the other hand, I wanted to see my father in action, defeating one. 

I didn't need to wait long to get my answer, or at least part of an answer, because the first wave arrived two days later. It consisted of small, and when I say that, I mean horse-sized predators. They were akin to a mix of a wolf and a tiger, as they were canine-looking but had sharp claws, and some even had a mane around their necks. Weird but not ugly. It raised a different question in me thinking about it... Could they be domesticated? Or was that an impossibility?

I did not witness their arrival, but my father's tale was colorful enough for me to imagine it and get the picture without issues, letting my imagination drift toward taming them. Haah... Maybe. One day in the future... Going by his descriptions, their attacks were, just as before, probings, trying to test the valley and our defenses, yet something weird happened this time around. The moment Dad got into the mech, activating it, the beasts stopped and watched for only a moment before hightailing it out of the Pass, abandoning all of their bravado and escaping, tails tucked between their legs. It soon became a problem, so much so that I had to visit him.

"Son, you have to do something about it! If this keeps up, it will be a winter without any harvest!" He sighed with a dejected voice as we were standing on the top of the wall, looking out at the snow-covered Pass.

"Isn't that how most winters used to be? They only started to worsen as we began seriously fighting back..." I answered, glancing at the Lion standing right before us like a majestic guardian beast.

"Well, yeah, but still, think. Right now, we can easily deal with them, and if they stop, we will run out of a lot of necessary resources! What will we do then? Venture into the beast's turf?"

"Yes, I get it, Dad, I do. It is an unseen issue that we didn't anticipate, but it also shows that beasts can sense and ascertain the power of our mech. The question is, what would a bigger monster's reaction be. Would it look at it as one of its own? As a rival? Would it trigger any different reaction in his behavior? This is uncharted territory, so we will encounter a lot of surprises that we will need to study. And, before you bring it up again, no, I am not going to travel into the Beastlands; forget that."

"Good, because I wouldn't let you. I am happy to fight demons right here, but I have also heard enough stories about what it is like on the other end, and that is not something I wish to explore. The world is big enough for us as is."

"Is it, though? Aren't we always fighting over it?"

"Did Ishillia ever conquer the world?" He asked, looking at me with a smirk.

"Touché. I can't argue against that one, not that I want to. Anyway, we will stay put, observe, and see how it goes. I just hope that the presence of the mech won't draw the attention of something that we can't deal with."

"If there are monsters like that, I bet they won't be able to fit into the Pass." He chuckled, making me smile, but deep down, I was hoping that it wasn't only a humorous observation but the reality.




Within the palace in the capital city of Ishillia, Milan was sitting at a golden dinner table having a date with his obsessed lover, the newest Empress, Mirian. Once again, his day was about accompanying her, helping her bathe, letting her snuggle up to him, and playing around under the water without going all the way. She was repeatedly edging him, bringing him multiple times right to the doorstep of pleasure, yet stopping, letting him cool down before finally allowing him to climax almost an hour later. It was such a weird experience because, by now, his fear was being mixed together with lust in a way that was confusing him. Worst, it was scaring him because Milan began finding himself liking it. That alone was more terrifying than being the sole focus of the despotic ruler of a giant empire. 

"Isn't this nice?" She giggled, leaning over, kissing his face before feeding him a slice of tender, red meat, dripping from a mildly hot sauce, just as he liked it. "Having a great dinner after a refreshing bath is what we all deserve~! Especially you, my Milly~!" Milan was convinced that Mirian knew more about him than he himself, especially when she continued, day after day, preparing meals that he couldn't say no to.

"T-thank you, Miri..."

"Aww... you are so cute when you are this shy!" She giggled, kissing him again while bringing another slice of meat to his lips at the end of her fork. "Why is that the Frontier is under your family's protection?"

"Hm...?" He looked at her, a bit confused because his father rarely or never brings it up, and he was told very little about it. What he had to focus on was all located within the city or in the central region, and he never questioned it. "I don't really know about it. Is it really that weird?"

"Didn't your father mention it to you?" Mirian asked in the same nonchalant voice, continuing to hand-feed him. 

"No, he is still in his prime and controls the family's businesses. I have little experience in many fields, so taking over everything at once would be trouble for us and for you, Miri. The only thing I am aware of is that he sent my sister to the north after we received Greyback. He needed someone there from the direct bloodline because it is of vital importance for the Empire... for you."

"Hmmm, Greyback. A dying CC mining city... I wouldn't say it is important at all, but yeah, I see. Your family is still young dukes, so you don't know how large a real CC mine is, ahaha! Maybe I will take you to one? Maybe." She giggled, winking at him, "What about your sister? How's she? Is she beautiful? Do you like her?"

"She is, and I do like her, as a sibling, of course!" He added hurriedly, making Mirian chortle, licking her fingers after putting a slice of meat into her mouth, chewing it slowly, glancing towards Milan's crotch.

"I see, I see. I was looking over some of the documents, and I noticed your Dad has been involved with multiple dealings with caravans who, after tracing their route, come from the Frontier. Not to mention, he introduced them to other nobles under his rule, building connections. How interesting..."

"Should I... tell him to stop?" Milan asked, feeling cold sweat run down his back. Seeing her grin and chuckle when answering didn't help much either.

"No, it is fine! I was simply curious as to why. I told the old Ancestor hiding within the underground library, and he already analyzed it, praising your father for being diligent. That region is a quagmire of undeveloped barbarians and peasants. Every time something big happens, like our occupation and integration of the fallen Kingdom of Scorc, many flood those lands, causing trouble. Now, with your family's support, we can at least prevent it from happening before chaos ensues within our overgrown backyard."

"Should I-"

"You should do nothing but listen to me~!" She whispered, licking the back of his ear, "It is fine. It keeps your sexy sister away, so I'm okay with it. Your daddy was smart when sending her away, ahaha! A vixen like her is trouble..."

"I think I heard that she... found someone?"

"In Greyback?!" Mirian yelped, leaning back, looking shocked, watching Milan, trying to see if he was lying, but his honest eyes told enough for the Empress to be convinced of his words. "Couldn't have guessed in a thousand years! Even better, ahaha! If she marries, tell me about it, and I will send her a big gift, grant her a county far away from here but with rich resources! As a gift from his sister-in-law!"

"O-okay... t-thank you, Your H-"

"Ah! Thank you, who?" She yelped, pressing her index finger against his lips, gently pushing it into his mouth, making him suck it. "Who...?"


"Good boy~! I can't wait to be officially yours... and let you fuck my brains out!"




Back home in the duke's study, he was tapping nervously on his desk after listening to his son's reports. Looking out his window, watching the cloudy skies, he couldn't help but think he was missing the old Empress. No matter how dangerous she was towards every noble family, she was still more easily predictable and could be outplayed. Meanwhile, the new one seemed more competent than the previous crazy Ishillian. Or... was this because she was so hyper-focused on his son and his family? He had to become more careful, no matter the reason. It only took one wrong step, one mismanaged move, and she may become so suspicious that she starts uncovering everything.

"I just need a little bit more time..." He thought to himself, knowing that his Sovereign was already building war machines that could stand up to Ishillia; they were not yet ready.




I was standing in our palace's inner garden, watching Arthur and Leyla hopping and rolling in the snow, happily playfighting before stockpiling snowballs with Yuri and Luna, having a mock battle on the spot. With the weather being mild compared to last time, I didn't mind the cold nor the light snowfall showering us in the previous week or so.

"Is it still the same?" Sasha asked, walking with me as I was doing laps around our garden, speaking over the happy laughs and yells of our kids and my wives.

"Yep. Multiple smaller groups came, checking out the Pass, but the moment the mech activated, they hightailed it out of there. Dad had to resort to staying on the wall, letting the beast attack it, killing them the old-fashioned way. He is... fishing."

"Oh?" She chuckled, holding my arm, interlocking it with hers, "So he wants to play it as usual until something big comes and takes a look?"

"Yeah. I can't help but feel conflicted! On the one hand, I do want it to be a calm and simple winter this time around; on the other hand, I want to test what we built!"

"I wouldn't worry about it remaining untested, my dear. I only fear that in the end, we may end up in a situation where we wish we never had to test it to its limits."

"That dark?" I chuckled, looking into her eyes.

"I learned to expect the worst. Then I can feel as if I did prepare for everything."

"Did we switch places?" I laughed, suddenly picking her up, holding her butt while spinning around. "We shouldn't worry~!"

"True!" She laughed, but multiple snowballs hit us in the face before we could kiss.

"Ooooooh!" I grinned, putting Sasha down as we got ready, facing the two opposing sides led by our children, "It is on! No mercy!" I laughed, rushing in, ready to teach them a lesson on how real snowball fights could get when you provoke a professional!


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