Starting Life as a Baron

Chapter 4: The Nature Spirit!

Chapter 4: The Nature Spirit!

Much like a dragon, a Nature Spirit is a beautiful living thing with magical powers. They have perfect faces, but are not living creatures. They are consciousnesses born from plants that had extraordinary powers to promote crop growth or from magical plants.

Magical plants are used as materials for producing potions, which in turn can improve the strength of knights or magicians. On the entire continent, potions were high-level resources that were in short supply. A Nature Spirit is capable of cultivating ten acres of land while also increasing the normal yield.

A Nature Spirit is a treasure that is valued by nobles in this world. Even with just one spirit, a lord would be able to develop their land. Across the entire continent, a Nature Spirit is the second most sought-after resource.

The reason why Rose was named as such was that it was rich in roses that the farmers here used to grow. After the roses had fully bloomed, they would be shipped elsewhere for sale, as many ladies liked such beautiful things.

The Rose Spirit

Alan smiled slightly as this would be his first Nature Spirit. Not even the Earl could get a rose Nature Spirit. Out of all of the earls on the continent, only four or five had Nature Spirits and only one fairy had been obtained. Fairies were creatures that evolved from spirits, and their true strengths and abilities far exceed those of spirits.

Every Nature Spirit was a treasure to an earl, and they were cared for most meticulously. It was impossible for the Earl to leave his spirit with Alan, as he would probably think that Alan could not support it and therefore did not deserve such a treasure. No one thought that in just one day, Alan would get his first Nature Spirit in Rose!

Grandpa Edward, I need to patrol my territory today, After all, I will be the master here from today onwards, Alan smiled slightly as he said this to Edward, who was standing upright by his side.

Alan respected Edward a lot because this old man had been by his side ever since he was born, and had always put Alan first. Even when they had come to Rose, many butlers and servants had not wished to follow Alan. Only Edward was willing.

Oh, my little master. This is a very good decision. I will have Marco get someone to escort you there, Edward said with kindness and respect.

Marco was the last and most powerful boon that the Earl had granted to Alan. Marco was a true knight who had a level of five in knighthood. This was an extremely powerful warrior even for an Earl.

Soon under the arrangements of the old butler, Marco appeared in front of the castle with six soldiers ready to go. When Marco saw Alan, a mix of emotions flashed in his eyes. He was originally a promising elite knight under the Earl that had the opportunity to gain enough meritorious service to be recognized and become a true nobleman, but it had all been squandered by Alan. He was now nothing more than a country barons escort in a remote town where people had to live hard in a barren land. He could not train any fighters, let alone enter a battlefield!

The lord could not train an army here, not even a single soldier. He would not be able to follow the Earl onto the battlefield, which meant that Marco would spend his life escorting Alan in this remote countryside. This made him extremely unwilling, but he could do nothing about it. Marco had sworn his allegiance to Alan under the witness of the Earl. He could only be loyal to Alan in this life, and then to Alans children if he bore any.

Master Baron, the horse is ready. The country roads cannot be driven on by carriages, so we can only ride horseback, Marco said to Alan after kneeling.

Alan smiled as he understood Marcos thoughts, but he did not care. Soon, Marco would understand that the master he followed would be the greatest in the world!

Very good. Then, let us go, Alan commanded.

Alan turned on his horse to move. In the past sixteen years, he had been familiarizing himself with everything in this world, including riding skills. This was the most basic requirement of becoming a knight,

Soon, Alan left the castle with Marco and the six elite soldiers and entered Rose. As soon as they entered, Alan frowned. It was dirty, shabby, and smelly. The muddy road smelled, which made him feel uncomfortable, but at the same time, he greeted the eyes of many civilians in the fields.

Rose has always been famous for producing roses, but why are there none growing even though it is the season for them? Alan asked, discovering the first problem on the first round of inspections.

Along the way, Alan saw the fields where the roses were planted but found that barely any had grown. Marco immediately called two civilians over and asked Alans question.

Dear Lord Baron, we do not know why. It happened last night. The roses that were planted in the fields simply withered away The young civilian said with some worry and fear in his eyes.

If he could not grow good quality roses this year, the people in the town may go hungry.

Oh, the roses withered? Alan was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. Is it possible?


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