Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 613: Fierce Fight, Fight to the Death, Super Intense Fight!

Chapter 613: Fierce Fight, Fight to the Death, Super Intense Fight!

“Well…you are really daring!”

Seeing Ligeta actively charge at him, Zalama was furious.

A golden aura pounced towards Lin Chen.

“You dare provoke a god, die!”

Zalama paused, and in the next moment, his right arm suddenly elongated like a snake towards Ligeta.

But this time, Ligeta once again unbelievably dodged Zalama’s attack, ignoring his Ultra Ego, and stepped directly on Zalama’s arm, quickly rushing forward.


A merciless kick directly hit Zalama’s face, sending him flying backward.


This time, Zalama crashed headfirst into his own palace. Accompanied by a violent impact, the once-glorious palace collapsed with a loud rumble.

“Awesome… so powerful!”

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

They originally thought that the fused Ligeta being able to fight Zalama to a draw was already impressive, but unexpectedly, the outcome wasn’t a draw; it was complete domination!

The previously invincible Zalama who was acting so smugly was being toyed with like this?!

What level had Ligeta, who had fused the power of four people, reached?

“Ligeta, Chronoa-sama!”

While everyone was marveling, Jiren remained clear-headed and shouted coldly.

Hearing this, Ligeta immediately turned around and pointed a finger at Chronoa, who was still entangled by the divine dragon.

In the next moment, the divine dragon binding Chronoa let out a miserable cry, directly killed by Ligeta’s finger wind!

Chronoa, who had reverted to her loli form, fell down but was quickly caught by Trunks.

“T-Trunks? What happened to me?”

Chronoa, seemingly having lost consciousness earlier, was surprised to find herself in Trunks’ arms.

“Chronoa-sama, don’t worry, Zalama is being suppressed by Dad, Uncle Lin Chen and other’s fusion!”


Chronoa raised her head in surprise, seeing Ligeta standing calmly.

Upon seeing Ligeta, Chronoa quickly saw through his identity.

But then she shouted, “Ligeta, be careful, that divine dragon just absorbed my divine power, Zalama’s injuries should have healed!”


“Hahaha! You’re too late!”

A thunderous laugh suddenly echoed from the ruins of the Dragon God Palace.

Then, a golden pillar of light burst out from the top of the palace ruins like a volcanic eruption.

In the light pillar, Zalama appeared before everyone, unscathed.

Ligeta’s brows immediately furrowed.

Although Zalama’s appearance hadn’t changed, Ligeta could clearly feel that Zalama was now significantly stronger, not just a little bit, but a qualitative leap.

Earlier, Ligeta judged Zalama’s power to be around 4 or 5, but now, how strong was Zalama?


Several times stronger than before!

A comeback, and the situation has reversed?

“Ant, you really gave me a tough time just now. Besides Zeno and the Grand Priest, you’re the first person that I want to kill quickly!”

“But it ends here. Defeating me won’t be easy!”

“Dragon of All Realms, Thunder, Fire, Wind, and Water!”

Suddenly, four differently colored divine dragon apparitions appeared behind Zalama.

Each divine dragon exuded a special elemental Power of Law.

Immediately after, an even larger golden apparition of the Super Shenron appeared, surpassing the size of the four previous apparitions.

As the five types of Power of Laws radiated their powers, Ligeta realized that Zalama, like Lin Chen, also controlled five types of Power of Law!

“Is this the real Dragon God Zalama? Such power is almost despairing!”

Ligeta narrowed his eyes, full of seriousness. Although he had the upper hand earlier, Zalama had now far surpassed him.

If he doesn’t find a way quickly, the tide of the battle will reverse again…

But, having exhausted all means, did he have another way?


Although it was impossible before, with this four-person fusion body, it might be achievable!

Ligeta took a deep breath and smiled faintly.

“Zalama! Watch closely, this is the power of humans!”

“Oh? Power of humans?”

Zalama was wearing a mocking look. After regaining his full strength, who in this world, besides Zeno, could be his match?


They are just monkeys created by gods, and they dare to challenge gods?

But then, Zalama’s expression changed suddenly.

In front of him, Ligeta’s aura surged like a raging flame, soaring into the sky.

“Kaio-ken! 10x!”

Not Super Kaio-ken, but the most basic Kaio-ken!

In the past, due to the heavy burden of Kaio-ken on the body, Lin Chen had almost forgotten this technique after obtaining Super Kaio-ken.

But today, at this moment, Ligeta had to bring it out again.

In the Super Saiyan Blue 4 form, the burden of Kaio-ken on the body was terrifying. Even the four-person fused Ligeta couldn’t sustain it for long.

But the price was worth it.

Because unlike Super Kaio-ken, Ligeta could directly use Kaio-ken up to 10x!

In other words, after using 10x Kaio-ken, Ligeta’s strength once again surpassed the fully recovered Zalama!


Ligeta immediately appeared in front of Zalama and gave him a flurry of blows.

Whether it was Ultra Ego or Ultra Instinct Kill, they were useless against 10x Kaio-ken Ligeta.

In just a blink of an eye, Zalama’s body was covered with purple bruises.

Ligeta kicked Zalama into the sky, then turned and clasped his hands together.

“Explosive Annihilation Shining Blaster!”

Without holding anything back, a seven-colored ki blast surged upward like an angry divine dragon, carrying a world-destroying force directly at Zalama.

Zalama had just taken a heavy beating, and by the time he regained control of his body, it was too late to dodge.

“Damn it, I’ve clearly recovered my full strength! Eternal Dragon! Dragon God Fist!”

A huge Super Shenron apparition suddenly appeared on Zalama’s fist, colliding head-on with Ligeta’s attack.

The two forces clashed, seemingly tearing space apart.

The entire Dragon Realm, especially the periphery of the continent, began to collapse.

On the ground, those who had retreated far away were relieved, thankful they followed Chronoa’s advice to stay far away. Otherwise, they might have died from their battle’s aftermath.

Chronoa was also relieved, glad she had told everyone to stay away when the battle started.

The current fight had completely exceeded their imagination.

It could be said that if the clash had not occurred in the extremely stable Dragon Realm, any other timeline might have been completely destroyed!

But under such a powerful attack, what was the result of the fierce clash just now?

“Who? Who won?”


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