Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 598 *Title Hidden*

Chapter 598 *Title Hidden*


As Mechikabura disappeared in front of everyone, a sound like glass shattering suddenly echoed around them.

The dark space surrounding them instantly shattered and disintegrated.

The sky of the Dark Demon Realm reappeared before everyone.

“We won! We won!”

Satan’s cheerful shout expressed the feelings of everyone at that moment.

Chronoa smiled and flew to Lin Chen: “Thank you, Lin Chen. I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to use that move just with my brief instructions.”

Earlier, when Chronoa used her stored power to unseal the Power of Space within Lin Chen, she also taught him her ultimate technique, the Eternal Labyrinth.

This technique originally used the Power of Time to seal enemies.

However, because Chronoa discovered that Mechikabura feared the Power of Space, she suggested that Lin Chen use the Power of Space as a base and combine it with the other four Power of Laws to perform the technique.

At the time, the situation was urgent, and she didn’t think much, but looking back, she realized how dangerous her idea was.

How could she guarantee that someone would learn her ultimate technique just through verbal instruction?

But unexpectedly, Lin Chen not only managed it but did even better than she had imagined!

“Luck, pure luck,” Lin Chen said with a happy smile.

But at this moment, a blinding light suddenly shone in the distance.

“What’s going on?”

Before anyone could take a closer look, an earth-shattering explosion erupted out.

A terrifying surge of energy erupted, as if the end of the world was upon them, and a fierce whirlwind swept across the entire Dark Demon Realm.

At the center of the explosion, Mechikabura’s Demon King’s Castle was instantly obliterated, crumbling to dust.

The shockwave of the explosion approached them rapidly, its immense power making some feel that they might die in the blast.

“Everyone, get behind me!”

But at this moment, Lin Chen suddenly rushed to the front, spread his arms wide, and created an energy shield.

Almost the next moment, the shockwave collided with Lin Chen’s shield, causing his body to tremble before he steadied himself.

When everyone opened their eyes, they found themselves surrounded by a raging sea of energy, and they were only safe because of Lin Chen’s energy shield.

The origin of the explosion remained a mystery, but its power was astonishing. Under the immense force of the blast, Lin Chen’s energy shield began to crack.

“What the hell is going on? Why is there suddenly such a powerful explosion?” Goku asked.

He and Vegeta had already canceled their fusion after the battle.

Chronoa observed for a while and exclaimed: “It’s Zalama! Zalama’s seal has been lifted!”


It was only then that everyone realized that the explosion’s origin was precisely where the dark divine dragon had been.

But now, due to the explosion, the dark divine dragon had long disappeared without a trace.

What exactly happened?

Lin Chen, who was struggling to hold on, couldn’t help but feel a tumult of emotions within him.

Finally, after several minutes, the explosion gradually subsided.

As the shockwave disappeared, Lin Chen said, “All of you, wait here, I’ll go check it out,” and flew towards the explosion site.

“I’m coming too!” Chronoa followed, but the others, still recovering from the battle with Mechikabura, were temporarily unable to move.

“Mr. Buu, heal me quickly! I want to go too!”

“Me too!”

Hearing Goku and Vegeta’s shouts, Majin Buu got busy again.

However, for some reason, when he looked at Lin Chen, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

As Lin Chen flew towards the former Demon King’s Castle, the area was still shrouded in thick smoke.

Dragon God Zalama, the dark divine dragon, and Mr. Popo, who should have been there, were all gone without a trace.

“Mr. Popo! Mr. Popo?”

Calling out a few times, Lin Chen stopped, raised his hand, and suddenly swung it down.

The violent aura turned into a strong wind, instantly blowing away the thick smoke, allowing Lin Chen to finally see the situation beneath.

The Demon King’s Castle had indeed completely disappeared, and lying on its ruins was a black figure.

“Mr. Popo?!”

Lin Chen flew over, and it was indeed Mr. Popo.

But at this moment, Mr. Popo was covered in wounds, looking severely injured.

“Mr. Popo, are you okay?”

A gentle white light appeared in Lin Chen’s hand, and the Power of Creation healed most of Mr. Popo’s injuries.

“Lin, Lin Chen?” Mr. Popo opened his eyes, saw that the person before him was Lin Chen, and tried to say something.

But at this moment, two demonic auras caused Lin Chen to turn his head sharply.

“Who’s there!?”

Lin Chen looked up and saw Towa and Mira, who had not appeared for a long time, near him.

“You two? So you didn’t die?”

Lin Chen put down Mr. Popo and stood up, cautiously looking at the two.

“Why? Why did you seal Lord Mechikabura? It’s all because of you, all because of you…”

For some reason, Towa looked at Lin Chen with resentment, saying things he didn’t understand.

Lin Chen thought she was angry at him for sealing Mechikabura, but then, an aura Lin Chen recognized suddenly appeared from Mira beside Towa.

“This is…” Lin Chen’s eyes widened.

In the distance, Chronoa, who was approaching them, also stopped in disbelief.


The aura from Mira was indeed Mechikabura’s!

But how could this be?

Wasn’t Mechikabura already sealed by Lin Chen?

At this moment, Mira beside Towa suddenly raised his head and roared, his blood-red eyes streaming with tears of blood.

At the same time, the aura that Lin Chen and the others previously recognized as belonging to Mechikabura became increasingly obvious and powerful.

“Lin Chen!”

Chronoa hurried to Lin Chen’s side.

“Chronoa-sama, do you know what’s going on?” Lin Chen asked.

Before Chronoa could speak, Towa shouted: “You don’t understand? You thought you destroyed Mechikabura, but you didn’t!”

“Because of you, my Mira is going to die!”


At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly noticed that Mira’s aura had completely disappeared, replaced entirely by Mechikabura’s aura.

At this moment, Mira’s appearance also changed.

His hands began to look like those of a demon, and two horns emerged from his forehead, breaking through the skin.

Without saying anything, Mira—no, Mechikabura—began to laugh maniacally.


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