Starforce Warriors

Chapter 7: Let Me Grant Your Wish

Chapter 7: Let Me Grant Your Wish

“Li Xiaofei, you... you're still alive?” Luo Li was drenched in cold sweat, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

Li Xiaofei ignored him and immediately checked the wound on Little Jie’s leg. The titanium bolt had pierced through her slender thigh, and her frantic struggling had torn the wound open even further. It looked ghastly and the little girl’s face was ashen from pain. She was on the verge of passing out.

“Little Aunt...” Li Xiaofei instinctively called out.

Before he could finish, Little Aunt was gently exploring Little Jie’s wound with her hands. They were beautiful hands, clean and slender, with delicate fingers like white jade. They possessed a magical quality. A few gentle taps and Little Jie’s bleeding stopped while the pain vanished.

“She’ll be fine after a few days of rest,” Little Aunt said softly. Her voice was cool and clear, with a touch of crispness. It sounded like pearls rolling on a jade plate.

Li Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief. Despite being blind, Little Aunt had managed to support him and Little Jie in the slums for so many years because of her miraculous skills in treating external injuries and setting bones. Many of the small-time thugs in the slums would come to Little Aunt for treatment after getting hurt in fights since they couldn’t afford the high costs of hospitals. But her medical skills and prescriptions for treating external injuries had caught the eye of the traitorous Luo Li, who saw them as a means to curry favor with his new masters, leading to the current situation.

Since Little Aunt was now safe, Li Xiaofei turned his gaze to Luo Li and the others, his eyes filled with murderous rage.

“Heh heh heh, I wondered who it could be,” said Yang Hengkong, the Stone Shattering Palm, as he wiped the blood from his hands and slowly stood up. He sneered, “So it’s just a wandering ghost from the Cloudy Sky Gang who’s come back to court death.”

Li Xiaofei glanced at the innocent corpses of the slum residents strewn across the ground. As the saying went, "When you have a sharp weapon, the intent to kill arises." He would show no mercy since he had the power of the Mighty Vajra Fist, and the ability to sweep away evil.

“You’re going to die today,” Li Xiaofei declared, his eyes locking onto Yang Hengkong.

“What? Hahahaha!” Yang Hengkong laughed as if he’d heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. His laughter was filled with scorn. Holding his belly, he said, “You, a mere waste, dare to boast so grandly?”

Luo Li also laughed. "Hall Master Yang ranks third in the Blackblood Gang with his third stage. He has the inscription bone of the star beast, the Burrowing Beast King, and the secret technique Stone Shattering Palm. He is eleventh on the slum’s Combat Rankings. You, a mere waste at the bottom of Cloudy Sky Gang who’s not even qualified to be on the list, think you can challenge Hall Master Yang? Ridiculous!"

Li Xiaofei did not want to waste words. He channeled his starforce, preparing the Mighty Vajra Fist. Just then, a phone rang.

Yang Hengkong took out his phone and answered it. But once he listened for a moment, his previously indifferent expression turned to one of shock and disbelief. He looked at Li Xiaofei, eyes wide with astonishment. “You... you killed Dugu Jue?”

The Ice Crane, Dugu Jue, a practitioner of the New Martial Arts, Ice Crane Killing Fist, was the second-ranked hall master of the Blackblood Gang and ninth on the slum’s Combat Rankings. Luo Li trembled as the smile on his face froze. He could hardly believe what he had just heard.

The Blackblood Gang’s henchmen fell silent like ducks who had suddenly been caught by the neck. Their eyes turned to Li Xiaofei, filled with disbelief.

Li Xiaofei said calmly, “That waste couldn’t even take one punch from me.”

A trace of panic appeared in Yang Hengkong’s expression. Dugu Jue was unquestionably stronger than him, and she had been killed by Li Xiaofei. It did not matter what had made Li Xiaofei stronger, but one thing was now clear, Yang Hengkong was no match for him.

“Brother, I, Yang Hengkong, admit defeat today,” he said. Yang Hengkong had not spent years fighting in the slums without honing his ability to adapt and survive. “I concede. We will return all the goods and pure water. What do you say?”

Li Xiaofei looked scornfully at him as he sneered without replying.

Yang Hengkong continued, "According to our gang's old rules, I'll add another 1,000 star coins as compensation for the deceased's families."

Li Xiaofei shook his head.

Yang Hengkong gritted his teeth and made another concession. "Brother, to be honest with you, this whole ordeal against the Guang’an neighborhood was instigated by this scoundrel, Luo Li. He wanted to take your place. I'll hand him over to you; you can deal with him as you see fit. Let's end this matter here. What do you say?"

Luo Li's face changed drastically. He would be doomed if he fell into Li Xiaofei's hands.

"Hall Master Yang, don't be deceived! This Li Xiaofei is just at the first stage. You could kill him with a single palm strike," Luo Li pleaded desperately. "Besides, I've already joined the Blackblood Gang. I'm your brother now..."


Yang Hengkong slapped Luo Li, knocking him to the ground. "A treacherous scum like you dares to call yourself my brother?"

Luo Li lay on the ground, clutching his swollen face in disbelief. His eyes flashed with a venomous look, but he dared not voice his anger.

How did things turn out this way? It’s over. Completely over.

Li Xiaofei looked at him and said, "Is this the big brother you carefully chose? Do you think he really cares for you?"

Yang Hengkong looked embarrassed as he defended himself. "Why would I protect such a traitorous scoundrel? Li Xiaofei, are you satisfied now? Can we leave?"


Li Xiaofei shook his head, and said, "I said, you must die today."

Anger flashed in Yang Hengkong's eyes. "Li Xiaofei, it's better to be lenient whenever possible; don't go too far..." He couldn't save any more face and spoke harshly, "I, Yang Hengkong, am not afraid of trouble. The Blackblood Gang is not something anyone can provoke. Do you believe that if I give the order, a volley of arrows will only leave a few of these lowly people alive?"

"I don't believe you," Li Xiaofei said.


Li Xiaofei made his move in a flash. He was like a lightning bolt as he shot toward Yang Hengkong. He delivered the Vajra Thunderous Strike as soon as he was within two meters of his opponent. He moved like a vajra, his fist like rolling thunder as a faint golden glow enveloped his fist. The terrifying sound of the air being torn apart was deafening.

Yang Hengkong couldn't dodge in time. Desperately gathering his strength, his palms also emitted an orange glow, resembling two stone slabs as he slammed them out forcefully.

"Great Stone Shattering Palm... ahhhh!," he roared in anger, but in the next instant, his voice turned into a scream of agony.


The air was filled with blood mist as Yang Hengkong's arms were turned to bloody pulp. Blood sprayed everywhere as his body crashed heavily on the ground ten meters away. Blood poured from his seven orifices and he died instantly.

Li Xiaofei’s punch had not only shattered his arms but also turned his internal organs to mush. Li Xiaofei straightened calmly. Though Yang Hengkong was also in the third stage, his strength was far inferior to Dugu Jue's, making him utterly defenseless.

A chorus of uncontrollable gasps erupted around them. The Blackblood Gang's thugs were terrified out of their wits. They had seen skilled fighters in the slums, but this was the frist time they’d witnessed someone like Li Xiaofei, who could obliterate a Third Qi Realm expert with a single punch.

Luo Li was even more shocked and unable to articulate his astonishment. Li Xiaofei's strength far exceeded his memory and understanding. The Li Xiaofei he remembered definitely didn't possess such terrifying combat power. That punch alone was enough to rank him in the top ten of the Liuhe Base City's slum Combat Rankings.

How did he become so powerful?

Li Xiaofei turned to Luo Li and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

"I... I'm sorry. I deserve to die," Luo Li slowly got to his feet, gritting his teeth. "I was blinded by greed, made a terrible mistake, and betrayed the Cloudy Sky Gang. My sins are unforgivable. I'm sorry to the gang, to the neighbors in the community. You can kill me."

Of course, he didn't really want to die. He was gambling. He was betting on that hint of compassion in Li Xiaofei's character because he knew Li Xiaofei too well. Li Xiaofei was always like this; he was innocent, with a nearly foolish kindness.

Every time Luo Li had made a mistake in the past, as long as he used this excuse, Li Xiaofei would always forgive him. After all, they had grown up together. It had never failed him.

"It's my fault, I'll take responsibility. Brother Xiaofei, go ahead, I don't blame you. Let me repay this mistake with my blood. After I die, there's no need to bury me. Just throw me into the landfill and let the wild dogs gnaw on my body. But you can harvest my organs and sell them to compensate for the losses of the people in the community. I have no regrets, other than the regret that I didn't have the chance to repay your past kindness..." He looked at Li Xiaofei with a face full of guilt as he passionately declared his sins.

Li Xiaofei sighed. "If I had known today, why bother in the first place?"

Luo Li was suddenly overjoyed. Whenever Li Xiaofei said this, it meant that things could be resolved easily.

Little Jie was also anxious beside him.

Brother Xiaofei is great in every way. It's just that he is too soft-hearted, and gets deceived and used by Luo Li time and time again.

But before Luo Li could celebrate. Li Xiaofei said earnestly, "Alright, since you believe you deserve to die, I'll grant your wish."


Luo Li's joy came to an abrupt halt as astonishment appeared on his face.

Grant my wish?

"Wait, I..." He wanted to say something else.


Li Xiaofei’s fist went right through Luo Li’s head. It was like a pillar had slammed into the latter’s head.

"I can’t look at the hypocrisy on your face for even another second," said Li Xiaofei as he slowly withdrew his fist and flicked the blood off it.


Luo Li's headless body fell to the ground, blood gushing out like a spring as a pool formed on the soil. The small square fell silent instantly as the thugs of the Blackblood Gang trembled in fear.

Li Xiaofei scanned the area and said, "Go back and tell the leaders of the Blackblood Gang that each deceased from Guang’an neighborhood will receive a settlement of 2000 star coins, to be delivered within three days. If even one star coin is missing, I will personally come to collect it... Now, get lost."

The terrified thugs scattered like birds and beasts, not daring to wield their weapons against the stronger opponent.

At that moment, dawn broke. A ray of golden sunlight pierced through the thick leaden clouds like a divine sword to illuminate the earth. The residents of the neighborhood saw the golden sunlight falling on Li Xiaofei, as if he were draped in a layer of gold, making this young man appear even taller and more imposing.


Half an hour later, Little Jie was fast asleep on a bed. Her injuries were not light. After receiving treatment from Little Aunt, she still needed rest and nutrition. The room was on the sixth floor, spacious but sparsely furnished. It was Li Xiaofei's home.

The dilapidated streets around the neighborhood were covered in yellow sand that had been kicked up by the wind. Since water was in short supply, there was a pervasive sense of desolation and decay everywhere. There was hardly any greenery or vegetation around.

The atmosphere in the devastated Guang’an neighborhood was somewhat subdued. The only sound was the faint echoes of the cries of the relatives of the deceased. Fortunately, the belongings, food, and water that had been plundered by the Blackblood Gang had been returned to their rightful owners. Otherwise, the lives of the poor would have been even more difficult.

Li Xiaofei lay bare-chested on the bed in his room. A pair of delicate hands, as white as jade, moved along his body, using a special technique to massage him. The originally cold hands now seemed to be burning with flames. It was a bit itchy and a little hot. Li Xiaofei couldn't help but squirm especially when the massage continued downwards towards his lower abdomen.

"Don't move." Little Aunt said, "You forced yourself to practice martial arts and caused hidden injuries to accumulate in your body. I'm helping you heal."


Li Xiaofei was stunned.

When did I get these hidden injuries?


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