Starforce Warriors

Chapter 5: Little Aunt Is Not My Biological Aunt

Chapter 5: Little Aunt Is Not My Biological Aunt

Li Xiaofei asked, "Who are you?"

Dugu Jue sneered, "Heh, I am—"


Li Xiaofei stomped on her neck, breaking it cleanly before she could finish her sentence.

"Sorry, you look a bit frightening. I suddenly lost interest in knowing," he said calmly.

The Vajra’s mercy lay in the complete eradication of evil. There was no possibility of reconciliation between them. No matter who she was, she had to be killed, even if she were a deity. Deal with it first, talk later.

The voluptuous woman under his foot fell still as her beautiful face gradually lost its vitality. Dugu Jue's eyes still held a look of disbelief in her final moments, as if she couldn't believe she had died like that.

Li Xiaofei lifted his foot and sighed in exasperation. Everyone else who traveled through time often encountered a beautiful woman in the beginning that they cherished and wooed into their arms. On the other hand, he had met a beautiful woman only to cruelly dispatch her.

If he was starting his journey by killing a woman, it seemed like a recipe for a lifetime of solitude. However, personally ending the life of this blood-soaked demoness was also a way to resolve his predecessor’s grudge. Now, he had actually killed a person.

It was the first time he had killed someone in both his lifetimes. But for some reason, Li Xiaofei didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt an unprecedented clarity of mind. He realized he truly enjoyed this era of swift retribution and vengeance.

However, the thugs of the Blackblood Gang around him were terrified. Their faces were ashen and their legs were trembling. Who could have imagined that the once-invincible Dugu Jue couldn't withstand even a single punch from Li Xiaofei? How had this useless hall master of the Cloudy Sky Gang suddenly become so powerful?

"A bunch of nobodies without even a line of dialogue, you're not worthy to die by my Mighty Vajra Fist. Get lost!" said Li Xiaofei. His disdain was evident as he looked at the enforcers. They were nothing more than ants to him.

"Run for it!"

"Let's get out of here!"

The Blackblood Gang's thugs, now leaderless and terrified out of their wits, turned and fled. They all wished they had been born with more legs to run faster.

Li Xiaofei did not pursue them. Instead, he casually picked up a machete from the ground and walked toward the group of young women who had been bound together.

Swish, swish.

The blade gleamed as it sliced through the ropes.

“Everyone, you're safe now.” Li Xiaofei threw the machete aside and smiled confidently as he continued, “You can go home now. Oh, and there's no need to think about repaying me with your bodies. My name is—”

However, before Li Xiaofei could finish, the ragged girls fled the nightmarish camp at lightning speed. Once they heard they were free to go, they didn’t care about anything else.

The young woman with the baby was the only one to thank him before also running away as soon as she could.

Li Xiaofei stood there, speechless.

The women here are so rude.

He remained in place, sensing something carefully, and suddenly, a trace of unexpected joy appeared on his face.

"Hmm? I've actually made a breakthrough... I've advanced to the second stage of the Qi Refining Realm."

He could clearly sense a second qi vortex forming in his dantian. He had managed to break through just by practicing the first technique of the Mighty Vajra Fist and fighting once. It seemed that the Mighty Vajra Fist not only enhanced his combat power but also benefited his starforce cultivation.

Li Xiaofei smiled contentedly before walking over to search Dugu Jue's corpse. He had to admit, the female villain had an impressive figure. As he touched her, he couldn't help but notice the elasticity and smoothness of her skin. Shamefully, the phrase "eat it while it’s hot" flashed through his mind.

"Pervert!" He cursed himself and forcibly extinguished the disturbing thought.

He retrieved a phone and six titanium throwing knives from Dugu Jue’s body. He also found a phone, along with a set of wire-reinforced soft armor, a crossbow, several water and food ration tickets, and a few VIP cards for an entertainment center on Gongsun Yun's corpse.

"Huh? What's this?" Li Xiaofei suddenly noticed a silver speck about the size of a button. He picked it up and recognized it as a bone fragment. It emitted a faint chill in his hand.

"Hmm?" He immediately realized what it was and muttered, "Could this be the special bone of the Ice Crane?"

It was said that inside certain special star beasts, there was a bone containing the source of their power, known as an Inscribed Treasure Bone, which held the innate mysteries of that species.

The New Martial Arts faction had modeled many combat techniques after these treasure bones. Some even transplanted these bones into their own bodies, using this shortcut to directly master powerful combat skills.

Inscribed Treasure Bones were very valuable. After a moment of thought, Li Xiaofei decided to keep the Ice Crane Treasure Bone.

He scanned his surroundings. The Blackblood Gang base appeared to be converted from a dilapidated large parking lot. There were four or five modified heavy motorcycles scattered here and there, but nothing else of significant value.

Li Xiaofei carefully searched the area again, finding no trace of guns or other explosive weapons. But to his pleasant surprise, he found the phone belonging to the original owner of his body.

The phone already had twenty or thirty missed calls. Additionally, there were many unread messages on an instant messaging app similar to WeChat, the Flying Pigeon Post, all from a contact named Little Jie.

Brother, come back quickly! The Blackblood Gang’s thugs came to our neighborhood and started smashing things. Little Aunt has been taken away.

The first message that caught Li Xiaofei's eye made his heart skip a beat. Suddenly, a torrent of memories surged to the forefront of his mind.

Little Aunt was not his biological aunt. She was a blind woman who was not yet twenty-seven. She relied on her prodigious bone-setting techniques to eke out a living in this chaotic, filthy place. She took care of several orphans in the area. Li Xiaofei was one of them.

Without Little Aunt, the former Li Xiaofei might have frozen to death as an infant under a bridge during that cold winter. To the former Li Xiaofei, Little Aunt was the most beautiful, noble, and pure woman in the world. She wasn't related to him by blood, but she was more than family. He was willing to do anything for her.

Li Xiaofei had joined the slum gang for one sole purpose: to better protect his aunt. The former Li Xiaofei's feelings for her were so strong that they profoundly influenced the current Li Xiaofei.

Little Aunt must not be harmed!

Li Xiaofei righted a fallen modified heavy motorcycle without a second thought, revved the engine to the max, and roared off into the dawn. The exhaust pipe spat out sparks, leaving a fleeting trail of flames in the chaotic and filthy ruins. His handsome face with sharp features, sword-like eyebrows, and starry eyes was reflected in the rearview mirror.


In the northwestern area of the slums, a cold wind blew through the Guang’an neighborhood. Dust swirled around an old low-rise building, a relic from centuries past that looked like an ancient ruin. The hundred or so residents of the neighborhood had been herded together like livestock in the dilapidated central square.

Several Blackblood Gang thugs, armed with crossbows, stood menacingly nearby. The dry air was thick with the stench of blood as the mangled bodies of a dozen people littered the ground. The desperate cries of young women struggling could still be heard.


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