Starforce Warriors

Chapter 17: The Battle Begins

Chapter 17: The Battle Begins

"Haha, my son has finally arrived." Dugu Yilong laughed heartily as he quickly stepped forward.

This entrance was far grander than he had imagined. He was certain that the luxury car from the Ye family had deeply imprinted his son's entrance in the minds of countless slum residents.

"Father, this is Mr. Ye Xiang, the general manager of Yongxing Hotel," Dugu Que introduced a middle-aged man in a traditional Chinese outfit who had just stepped out of the luxury car.

Yongxing Hotel was a property of the Ye family, one of the five major families. The position of general manager meant that Ye Xiang was at least a mid-level core member of the Ye family.

Dugu Yilong was suddenly alarmed and immediately greeted him respectfully, "Mr. Ye, it is an honor to have you here."

Despite being the overlord of the slum, he had to be careful in how he addressed a mid-level core member of one of the five major families.

"Master Dugu, there's no need to be formal. Your son and I are friends," Ye Xiang was of medium build with short hair and no beard. He smiled politely. "I was invited to host this arena battle and to bear firsthand witness to young Dugu ascending to the top of the slum's Combat Rankings."

Dugu Yilong was overjoyed.

Isn't this a sure win?

He seized the opportunity and immediately announced Ye Xiang's identity to everyone in the square.

The Ye family?!

The experts from the other major gangs all paled. The Thunderfire Gang General Manager Chen Wenxian's face darkened, seemingly weighing his options. But a blade-like sharpness flashed through the eyes of Wu Potian, the president of the Dragon Fang Gang.

"You are going to host the battle?" Wu Tengkong couldn't help but loudly protest. "How can an outsider host the Martial God Arena battle in the slum? This is against the rules."

"Rules?" Ye Xiang looked at the young man. There was a hint of mockery about his polite smile as he said calmly, "The words of the Ye family are the rules."

Wu Tengkong shouted indignantly, "You were invited by Dugu Que. How can you be the host? Who knows if you will be biased?"

Ye Xiang's face suddenly turned cold, and a glint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes as he said coldly, "If I understand correctly, you, a lowly mutt, are questioning the Ye family?"

"So what if I am questioning..." Wu Tengkong was young and hot-headed and continued to shout.

"Stand down." Wu Potian reacted quickly, pulling his son back. He slightly cupped his hands and said calmly, "In that case, we will trouble Manager Ye."

Ye Xiang sneered, "It’s good that you know your place."

Li Xiaofei frowned tightly.

Are all members of the five major families this domineering? Just a small hotel manager can scare the big shots of the slum badly.

This was Li Xiaofei's first encounter with someone from outside the slum, and his impression of the Ye family, one of the five major families, was extremely poor.

At the same time, Li Xiaofei realized for the first time that the so-called slum powers were really just at the bottom of Liuhe Base City. The five major families were the true movers and shakers of the city. It seemed that being a king in the slum was a mere frog in a well. One had to broaden their horizons to become a true powerhouse. Li Xiaofei now had a new perspective on the slums.

Soon, it was time for the Martial God Arena battle.

"The Martial God Arena battle begins, both sides, please take the stage," Ye Xiang's voice rang out.

The Starforce amplifier ensured that the thousands gathered at Memorial Square heard him clearly. Wu Potian shrugged, allowing the strong wind to carry his black cloak away as he stepped onto the ten-meter-high steel arena.

The Martial God Arena battle was a traditional way for slum gangs to resolve disputes. It represented the sacred honor of martial artists. As the number one on the Combat Rankings, Wu Potian had experienced ninety-nine battles of various sizes since his debut and had won all ninety-nine. Today’s battle would be his one hundredth. As he ascended the steps, it was as if a king of the battlefield was inspecting his domain.

In the eyes of many martial artists in the slum, this skinny old man was the invincible God of War of the slum. Countless admiring gazes focused on Wu Potian.

And then...


Dugu Que sprang into the air like a giant mantis, covering twenty meters in an instant before landing heavily on the arena. The massive Martial God Arena, forged from 999 black steel pillars, seemed to tremble at that moment. The two masters faced each other.

"Old man, savor this feeling in the Martial God Arena," Dugu Que sneered. "You won't have another chance. Today, in your hundredth battle, I will personally shatter your honor. After this fight, there will be no more Wu Potian and no more Dragon Fang Gang in the slum." Dugu Que grinned, staring at Wu Potian like a vicious jackal eyeing its prey.


The sound of something cutting through the air suddenly rang out. Wu Potian made his move without any unnecessary words. His body seemed to transform into a breeze, crossing ten meters in an instant to appear before Dugu Que. A crimson cold gleam appeared in Wu Potian's right hand as he slashed at Dugu Que’s neck.

"Haha, good timing!" Dugu Que laughed wildly as a curved blade popped out from the light armor on his arm. He slashed his blade horizontally.


The sound of metal striking metal filled the air as sparks flew and the two figures passed each other. Dugu Que looked at his titanium curved blade to see a pea-sized notch in it.

He then glanced at the crimson short sword in Wu Potian's hand and smirked, "Is that the Dragon Fang Sword? The treasured weapon of the Dragon Fang Gang? A weapon rumored to be forged from the teeth of an Earth Dragon. It is indeed sharp, but it will soon be mine."

Wu Potian remained silent. The strong wind blew through his loose, pale red robe, outlining his bony frame. Wu Potian looked like a frail, small man compared to the 1.9 meter tall Dugu Que. Yet, the aura he exuded was not to be underestimated. His seemingly aged and cloudy eyes watched his opponent like a hawk on the hunt.


In the next instant, Wu Potian attacked again. He was just as quick as before. Most of the crowd could barely catch sight of his movements. Li Xiaofei squinted slightly as surprise rose in his heart.

Is that some kind of movement technique?

The number one on the slum's Combat Rankings truly had some impressive skills. Just this set of movement techniques alone could secure an unbeatable position.

Ding ding ding.

The sound of metal clashing rapidly filled the air as the sword and blade met and disengaged. The two masters were now engaged in close combat, and the battle quickly reached a fever pitch.


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