Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 8: Exploring the System

Chapter 8: Exploring the System

I said "Now I would like to find my room please"

"I will have Captain Panaka escort you to a room you can use." said Padme

"Alright your Highness." said Panaka "Follow me, Jedi"

"I need to remind you that I am no Jedi." I said "I am a Force Knight, please try not to make that mistake."

"I will remember that then." said Captain Panaka. "Follow me then and I will take you to your room."

After walking for 3 minutes, we arrived at a door.

"This is one of the many Ambassador Rooms that we have here, and this one will be yours." said Captain Panaka "Also its near the Queen's Chambers and the Barracks, so don't cause any trouble."

"Don't worry Captain Panaka, I am here to protect Queen Amidala" I said "So lets try and get along."

Captain Panaka touched an electronic panel next to the door which opened the door. Captain Panaka stepped aside and waved me to enter.

I walked inside the room with my droids right behind to find that it was a marvelous and luxurious room, it contained a bed that could hold up to 4 people, a lounge area, a large desk, a large window with a view of the whole city, and a full bathroom with a jet bath tub, a walk-in shower and marble sink and toilet.

"This room is really marvelous." I said while turning around to face Captain Panaka. "Thank you for escorting me to my room, Captain."

"Your welcome" said Captain Panaka in a serious tone. "The Queen will have some meetings later today, so you can stay here until then"

"Alright Captain. Please come and get me when its time for the Queen's meeting." I said while I used the Force to close the door.

"RED and HK take a seat and rest or look around." I said " I will be meditating

I then sat down with my legs crisscross and started looking at the Notifications I recieved in the Throne Room. I now have two new vouchers, one for a SWTOR Class Ship and one for a Force Skill.

I summoned the Force Skill Voucher from the Space Ring, and used it. The Force Skill page opened up in front of me and I start to scroll through the page looking at the various Force Skills to pick. I found the Force Power I wanted, [Mind Control/Manipulation] which I believe will be very useful for me.

After selecting the Force Power, the knowledge of how to use it was flowing into my mind and I understood how to use it. This power can control or manipulation someone, it can even change someone's memories if you are powerful enough.

I also decided to save the [SWTOR Class Ship Voucher] for a later time. I then tried to use my mind to open up the System since I don't know how to open the System yet. After saying 'Open System' in my mind nothing happen then a notification appeared before me.

'Ding' [If you want to open the System Page, please use the Force and your Mind]

I started gathering the Force in my Mind and said 'Open System'. The System opened in front of my eyes. I found Four Tabs in the System, the system looked like the ones from the KOTOR games. The Tabs were STATUS, INVENTORY, MISSION, SHOP.

I looked at the STATUS and found it had everything about my status such as my name, level, Force powers, skills and etc. The Inventory had a list of the items in my Space Ring as well as a money counter which shows my 4 million credits.

Then I stopped at the Mission Tab and looked at the missions.

[Gain your First Apprentice. Rewards: Force Skill Voucher & Item Voucher]

[Defeat Darth Maul. Reward: 1,000,000 Credits]

[Reveal Darth Sidious. Reward: Force Skill Voucher]

[Kill Darth Sidious. Reward: Clone or Droid Army Voucher]

[Protect Queen Amidala for 1 Year. Reward: 250,000 XP]

[Make Amidala the permanent Queen of Naboo. Reward: 1,000,000 Credits]

[Make Padme Amidala fall for you. Reward: 250,000 XP]

[Kill or Change the Fate of Anakin Skywalker. Reward: Force Skill Voucher and Lightsaber Building Kit]

[Defeat the Trade Federation on Naboo. Reward: Companion Voucher]

[Establish a Kingdom (Requirements: 10 Planets). Reward: Fleet Voucher]

[Establish an Empire (Requirements: 30 Planets). Reward: Army and Fleet Voucher]

These missions are just some of the many missions I can do. It looks like the System has given me a lot of missions to complete with wonderful rewards. I almost can't wait for my rewards especially for the ones with the Army Vouchers. I can see it now, me commanding a fleet to conquer planet after planet.

After finishing looking at some of the missions, I went to the Shop Tab

In the Shop Tab, it had a multiple tabs for all of the things I can buy such as Weapons & Ammo, Armor/Clothing, Aid, Buildings, Droids, Ships/Vehicles, Force Skills and Misc.

I looked at the items I could buy and found I could use Credits for buying things in my shop which makes me happy since I have 4 million Credits on hand.

I even found Darth Nihilus outfit for 100 Credits. I looked through the Tab from Weapons to Armor to find that it contains all of the weapons from lightsabers to blasters from every era of Star Wars. I can even buy armor/clothing from every era of Star Wars as well.

I looked at the Aid to find medicial supplies and enhancements. After finding nothing I want from the Aid Tab, I moved onto the Buildings Tab to find buildings I could buy such as a Cloning Facility, a Droid Manufacturing Facility, to Fortresses, and apartment buildings. It seems I could easily use the System to buy buildings and create a military base or even a city in one day. It makes me think of those Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer games were you buy buildings and place them down.

After looking at the Buildings, I decided to move on since I can't really use the Building Tab at the moment. The Droids, Ships/Vehicles, and Force Skills Tabs are pretty self-explanatory. While the Misc. Tab has stuff ranging from crystals, to metals, circuits and books about history. It had a lot of things that aren't pretty usefull but I do like the thought of having books to read about Star Wars history since I can't remeber everything about the Star Wars Universe.

After looking through all the Tabs in the Shop page, I heard a knock on the door to my room. I turned to face the doors, and waved my hands and used the Force to open the door.

Standing there was Captain Panaka.

"Mr. Jerid, Queen Amidala is having her meetings so its time to do your job as a bodyguard" said Captain Panaka

"Alrighty then, Captain." I said while standing up to my feet. "Take me to the Queen."


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