Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 6: Meeting Queen Amidala

Chapter 6: Meeting Queen Amidala

After eating two of the apples, I put the last three in my space rings and got up from the bench. I then head to the Royal Palace. When I finally arrive before the Royal Palace, I can see the wide front steps leading up to the palace with the steps lined with statues of the Naboo deities. At the top of the steps were towering pillars standing firm before the palace doors.

I slowly walked up the steps while my HK-47 was following and R2-D4 was using its jet thrusters to fly up the steps behind me. As I approached the Royal Palace Entrance, I found two Royal Naboo Palace Guards guarding the main entrance into the palace.

The two Palace Guards were wearing their durasteel helmets with their red plastifiber which was from my perspective was ugly looking. The designer of this outfit should really be ashame of themselves. The Palace Guards were also wearing Ubese leather boots and gloves while they carried modified D-18 pistols in their holster on their belt.

As soon as the two Palace Guards spotted me walking up the top steps, they both pull out their D-18 blaster pistols and aimed them at us while they held their other hands out, with their palms facing me.

"Stop where you are!" said the two Palace Guards. "This is the Theed Royal Palace, you are trespassing!"

When we finally reached the top of the steps, HK-47 was standing on my right, while R2-D4 landed on my left.

"Query: Master these meatbags seem hostile to us? Shall I dispose of them?" said HK-47 eagerly waiting with its right hand on the DXR-6 disruptor rifle strapped to its back.

"Calm down, HK. We aren't here for killing" I said while looking at HK-47

I turned to the Palace Guards and said "Palace Guards of Naboo, inform Queen Amidala that I am here to offer her protection!"

The Palace Guards looked at each other and made a face that said 'what the hell is with this guy'.

"Tell her that a powerful Force Knight is here to see her" I said while I lifted up my left hand used the Force to pull their D-18 blasters out of their hands and towards me. The D-18 blasters were now hovering in the air above my left hand. The Palace Guards looked at each other again and then one of the Palace Guards stayed to watch me while the other went off to report what's happening.

After waiting for 8 minutes, 20 Palace Guards swarmed out of the palace gates and surround us.

"Statement: These meatbags are surrounding us." said HK-47 "Suggestion: We should dismember these meatbags. It would be much so fun."

When the 20 Palace Guards heard that, they aimed their D-18 blasters at HK-47.

"HK, don't frighten these people too much." I said "I need to meet the Queen, and you dismembering her Palace Guards will make that kind of hard to do."

"Retraction: Then we won't dismember these meatbags then" said HK-47 "Statment: I am so sad that I can't kill any meatbags today?

Out of the many guards that surround us, I recognized one of them from the movie Phantom Menace. The guard was Captain Quarsh Panaka, the head of the Royal Naboo Security Force and loyal retainer to Queen Amidala.

"We are hear to escort you to meet the Queen" said Captian Panaka "I am..."

I held up my hand to him, to stop him from talking.

"I know who you are Captain Panaka" I said "Take me to the Queen"

The Palace Guards surround us and escorted me and my droids into the Royal Palace.

Once inside the palace, I was breathtaken. The Palace is just like I remembered from 'Phantom Menace' and 'Battlefron II'. It was magnificent and beautiful. The floors and walls are made of reflective marble and corridors lined with the paintings of past kings and queens. As we entered in the entrance hall there were two doors to on the left and right side of the hall which both led to control rooms which contains the Palace's security systems.

We walked further in and entered the central hall with marble columns which paved the way to the Palace throne room. In the centeral hall were two marble staircase on the right and left which lead up to the throne room.

We walked up the right staircase, and as we got to the top we entered the throne room which was an immense and cavernous hall with high vaulted ceilings and the hall walls and floor was adorned with polished marble slabs in different colors ranging from gray to red. Beyond that the throne room was barely furnished and barren. With the throne, the sovereign's desk and a few seats for the members of the Royal Advisory Council.

Even though the throne room was barren, it was still spectacular with its ample windows that bathed the room in sunlight and offered an impressive panorame view of the city and surroundings.

I see the Queen's Handmaiden Sabe disguise as the Queen sitting on the throne which was behind the raised soveregin's desk fronted by a low flat surface divider at the center of the throne room. On the right and left side of the throne were four more handmaiden, one of which I recognized as the real Padme Amidala.

I walked towards the Disguised Queen and the Handmaidens and stopped 20 feet away from the throne. HK-47 and R2-D4 were standing behind me.

"Why do you wish to see me, Master Jedi ?" said Sabe disguised as the Queen

I turned to face the real Queen Amidala disguised as a Handmaiden.

"I am no Master Jedi, Queen Amidala" I said to the real Queen. "I am a powerful Force Knight, the Jedi are inferior, weak and stubborn."

"Why are you talking to me?" said Padme "You should be talking to the Queen."

"But I am talking to the Queen." I said "I know you are Queen Amidala"

"I see" said Padme "Sabe, please move"

Sabe dressed as the Queen got up and stood at the side of the throne while Padme sat down on the throne.

"How did you know I was the Queen? Not even a Jedi should be able to tell who I am" said Padme.

Even though I know what she looks like and how she does things from the movie, I couldn't tell her that.

"The Jedi are a joke, their ways and connection with the Force is laughable compared with me." I said "Plus they are ignorant and stubborn which will bring them to their doom"

"Back to the matter at hand" said Padme."Why do you want to see me?"


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