Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 20: Smashing My Way In

Chapter 20: Smashing My Way In

"Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you." said Captain Panaka "She wishes for her to observe the local..."

"No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain." said Qui-gon "This spaceport is not going to be pleasant..."

"The Queen doesn't want her to go with you Master Jedi but with her bodyguard." said Captain Panaka

"I don't think that is a good idea." said Qui-gon

"I've been trained in defense, Master Jedi." said Padme "I can take care of myself."

"If you say so" said Qui-gon

"Alright, you can stay with me, young one" I said playing along with Padme's disguise "But before we leave, let me grabbed something from the ship first."

"Ok" said Padme cheerfully

I walked back to the Defender. I was standing halfway up the Boarding Ramp when I yelled out

"HK, come here" I yelled into the ship

After 20 seconds, HK came walking down the Boarding Ramp

"What is it, Meat....Master?" said HK-47 "Query: Do you need me to kill some meatbags?"

"There might be an opportunity for you to do some killing" I replied back ignoring him almost calling me a meatbag

"Statement: I am ever so joyous about disposing of some meatbags, Master" said HK-47 "Statement: I was afraid my skills and body would rust away from doing nothing for these last few months"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said "You will be protecting the girl over there for today and killing anyone that tries to harm her"

I pointed to Padme disguised as a Handmaiden. When I pointed at Padme, HK-47 looked at her.

"Query: Master, isn't that the mea...Human Queen, you are protecting?" asked HK-47 "Query: Why must I protected her?"

"Because this planet is run by the Hutt Cartel, so it's dangerous" I said "So, maybe some meatbags will try and attack her, and you can have some fun with them"

"Statement: That would ever so wonderful" stated HK-47

"Hurry it up then, we don't have all day" I said walking back down from the Boarding Ramp towards Padme

I walked up to Padme and stood in front of her

"HK here will be protecting you" I said

"Why is it protecting me instead of you" replied Padme then she whispered to me "Aren't you supposed to be my bodyguard?"

"I have something to do on this planet, so I will be busy" I said "Since I might not be able to concentrate on protecting you, HK will do it instead"

"Ok" said Padme while pouting

"Follow me now you two" I said

I started walking out of the spaceport with HK-47 and Padme. I turned towards the North where the other being with a strong connection to the Force was. I don't know why but I could feel the Force pushing me towards the North, telling me I need to find the person with the Force Connection.

I started to feeling excited at the prospects of finding the person with a strong Force Connection almost as strong as Anakin's. I bet if I take that person under my wing, they can be even more powerful than Anakin ever was during the Clone Wars and when he was Darth Vader.

The closer we got to the person, the stronger my excitement became and the stronger the Force was pushing me towards the person, which told me that this encounter will bring me good things.

After walking for 20 minutes, we were getting close to the person with the strong Force Connection. I could feel my heartbeat increase, and my excitement growing with each step I got closer towards the person. As the Force kept guiding me, I continued walking, letting the Force guide me.

Soon, we were in front of a huge building which looked like a little fortress with 4 Gamorrean Guards, which looked like Orcs from a fantasty world, guarding the entrance.

As I stood in front of the building, the Force was rushing me to go in, which caused me to gaze at the building with great excitement and curiosity of who this person with a strong Force Connection is. I then turned my gaze towards the Gamorrean Guards, I known of one person of Tatooine who used Gamorreans as their bodyguards, and that is Jabba the Hutt.

I started walking towards the entrance, when the 2 Gamorrean Guards on each side of the entrance stopped me from entering by crossing their two vibro-axes in a X.

"Is Jabba the Hutt here?" I asked

One of the Gamorreans started to grunt and squeal in its language, that I could understand.

"HK, translation" I commanded

"Translation: Why do you want to see the Great Jabba the Hutt?" translated HK

Tell him, their is someone in Jabba's presence I want" I said

HK then translated what I said to the Gamorrean who spoke. The Gamorreans turned their heads to each other, and spoke with each other then one of the them walked in the building.

After a minute or two, the Gamorrean Guard, came back and spoke to us in it's language again.

"HK, translate what he said" I commanded

"Expletive: Damn it, master, I am an assassination droid... not a Translator!" whispered Hk-47 but I could he what he said

"You are the only one that can understand them and translate for me" I said "and I don't have a protocol droid that can translate for me yet."

"Yes, Master" said Hk-47 "Translation: The Great Jabba doesn't want to see any visitors at this moment"

"Tell Jabba I will pay him some credits for his time" I said

Then HK-47 translated what I said to the Gamorrean, and the Gamorrean left to send my message to Jabba. After another 2 minutes, the Gamorrean guard came back and squealed and grunted at us.

"Translation: The Great Jabba doesn't want to be disturbed" said HK-47 "Translation: So go away you puny bugs"

"So you want to do this the hard way then" I said while sighing "Guess I have to smash my way in then"

I lifted up both of my hands and used the Force to push and smash the 4 Gamorrean Guards against the building very hard, then I used the Force to pull them away from the wall and smashed them against the building again. I kept doing this 5 more times until they were all knocked out and then I dropped them on the ground

"Statement: That was an excellent show of force and violence, Master" complimented HK-47 "Statement: I wish you were like this more often"

"Did you really have to do that?" asked Padme

"I needed to go it" I said "and we don't have a lot of time to waste here, so this was the fastest way to get inside"

"Ok" sighed Padme

"Alright, let's go inside" I said while walking through the entranceway.


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