Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 94: You Were the Best Teacher

Chapter 94: You Were the Best Teacher

“Skysword1 is coming? Then who’s protecting the Emperor now?” Gongson Su asked, startled. He had just heard the news that Skysword, the Royal Guard’s strongest and one of the Ten Supremes, was coming to personally escort him.

“It was the Emperor himself who sent Skysword,” Shadow replied, kneeling on one knee.

Overwhelmed by the Emperor’s concern, Gongson Su closed his eyes. “Hoho, what an honor for an old man like me…”

Since the assassination attempt a few days ago, the Imperial Palace had been in turmoil. On the orders of an enraged Emperor, a frenzied manhunt for the culprits had been launched. Several suspects were already in custody, and the thought of the iron-fisted Gongson Su returning to power sent shivers down the spines of many officials, corrupt or no.

“…Many officials have reached out. What should I do?”

“Tell them all the same thing: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. They will pay for their sins.”

“Yes, sir.”

With a stoic face, Gongson Su continued packing. He had few possessions, including only a few martial arts uniforms, a handful of beloved books, and his trusty wooden practice sword, so it was a quick task.

He stroked the sword, chuckling, “Hoho, how is my sword already so worn out?”

“…You never let it go, even in your sleep,” Shadow said with a warm smile. She knew all too well the extraordinary effort Gongson Su had put into learning martial arts. Weaker and slower by nature, he had to push himself far harder than his peers, pondering and refining his swordsmanship after every swing and never hesitating to consult his master with even the slightest doubt.

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“If the kids at the Azure Dragon Academy worked half as hard as you, Elder Gong, they’d win the Heavenly Martial Festival every year…”

Nostalgia filled Gongson Su’s eyes as he recounted how Baek Suryong often praised him for his hard work. Before he knew it, he had already trained here at the White Dragon Manor for over a month. “It feels like a dream,” he whispered.

“…A dream that came true,” Shadow added.

“Hoho, you’ve really improved your way with words, haven’t you?”

“With you and Mr. Baek around, it’s hard not to.”

“You’re getting bold! Will you challenge me to a duel next?”

“I might just do that now.”

“What? Hahaha!” Gongson Su burst out laughing.

Shadow’s smile widened. Since her arrival at the White Dragon Manor, she too had changed, her smile becoming more natural with each passing day. Even though she hadn’t formally studied under Baek Suryong, she had absorbed a lot just by observing.

“We’ve both learned a lot here.”

“…Yes. I will miss it.”

Gongson Su picked up the only new item in the room, a small jade plaque carved into the shape of a coiled dragon—the Azure Dragon Emblem (靑龍牌), granted only to those admitted into the Azure Dragon Academy. Just yesterday afternoon, they had announced the entrance exam results.

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“Congratulations again on passing.”

“That was a close one. I should have started looking from the bottom of the list.”

“It was amusing watching you search from the top.”

“You little…” Gongson Su glared at Shadow with feigned indignation.

Shadow averted her gaze, muttering, “Passing is passing, no matter the rank.”

Although he was the top from the bottom, Gongson Su had indeed passed the Azure Dragon Academy entrance exam.

“Hoho! Indeed, passing is passing,” Gongson Su acknowledged, pinning the Azure Dragon Emblem to his chest before leaving his room for the last time. “Before we leave, I must thank Mr. Baek once again. Meeting the best teacher ever has made all the difference,” he added.

“…If Mr. Baek is the best teacher, then you are the best student.”

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“Oh my, one should stick to one’s opinion. Haven’t you heard that it’s bad to keep changing your mind?”

“Just indulge me this once, it’s our last day.”

“Tsk tsk. Such a wild child, who will marry you…”

“Grandpa!” Wiji Cheon suddenly called out, running toward Gongson Su.

“Why are you so late?” Hyonwon Kang grumbled, still pale.

Wow, is this kid even human? Gongson Su thought. Even with his elixirs and Baek Suryong’s healing techniques, it was a miracle that Hyonwon Kang was able to walk again within a few days after his serious injuries.

Still, I’m glad to see him well before we depart.

Taking one last look around the familiar White Dragon Manor, Gongson Su said, “Let’s not be late for the entrance ceremony.”

Today was a big day at the Azure Dragon Academy. For Gongson Su, it was also the day he would return to the Imperial Palace.

The entrance ceremony was a spectacular sight, with one hundred new students standing in precise rows in the center of the vast martial arts arena. Surrounding them, a crowd of parents and friends watched with a mixture of pride and emotion.

“Not long ago, we overcame a brutal challenge from assassins. I’m sure you all remember the incident during the sparring exam,” Noh Goonsang, the Principal of the Azure Dragon Academy, announced from the podium.

The new students responded with grave nods. The assassination attempt during the sparring match was officially labeled as an attempt to undermine the Academy’s entrance exam, but ironically, the event had only strengthened the camaraderie among the students.

“Throughout history, the unorthodox sects have challenged us many times, but we have always emerged victorious, and will continue to do so. The Azure Dragon Academy will never yield to evil!”

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The audience erupted in thunderous applause. Concluding his speech, Noh Goonsang stepped down from the podium and handed the stage over to Mae Geuklyom, the Headmaster.

“Next, we’ll hear from the top freshman. Please step forward,” Mae Geuklyom said.

A short, frail-looking boy stepped up to the dais. He looked more likely to be crushed by a sword than to wield one, but as the top scorer, his presence commanded respect.

“So that’s Wiji Cheon…”

“The prodigy who fought Dokgo Jun to a draw.”

“I can’t believe he’s the same age as me…”

Since giving the freshman speech was a prestigious honor at the Azure Dragon Academy, second only to the graduation speech, it was only natural that Wiji Cheon was the subject of his peers’ envy, admiration, and jealousy.

Namgoong Seok, who had taken second place, gritted his teeth. “Enjoy this moment. I’ll be the one delivering the graduation speech…” he declared resolutely as Wiji Cheon walked past him.

Wiji Cheon, however, ignored Namgoong Seok. Facing the vast audience, his vision blurred under their intense gaze.

“Ah, hello. I’m Wiji Cheon,” he muttered shyly, eliciting both smiles and frowns alike.

Mae Geuklyom, noticing his nervousness, reassured him, “Just speak your mind.”

Wiji Cheon blushed, fully aware of every eye fixed on him. “Actually, I did my best to become the top entrant… because I wanted to give this opportunity to someone else.”


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“What’s he talking about?”

The crowd was visibly surprised, but none more so than Gongson Su, who realized that Wiji Cheon was staring directly at him.

“Cheon, you can’t mean…”

“Elder Gongson Su, please come up here.”

Gongson Su shook his head. He couldn’t accept a reward that Wiji Cheon had earned through his own efforts just because they were close friends.

However, Baek Suryong nudged him gently. “Go on. I suspect Cheon’s going to explode from embarrassment if you don’t.”

“Did you know about this?” Gongson Su whispered.

Baek Suryong sighed and shrugged. “How could I possibly know what the kid was planning? Anyway, hurry up and get up there. If this drags on, I will have to work overtime again.”

Gongson Su slowly stepped up to the podium, and Wiji Cheon gave him an encouraging smile before stepping down.

“Hoho… I’m not sure if this is appropriate. Principal Noh, is this acceptable?” Gongson Su asked, looking at Noh Goonsang.

Noh Goonsang, initially surprised, soon offered a reassuring smile. “Well, the reward is Wiji Cheon’s to bestow as he sees fit.”

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“Hoho… Very well,” Gongson Su said, collecting his thoughts and coolly surveying the students. Despite his initial disorientation, he was a man who often faced the Emperor and numerous powerful ministers with confidence. In comparison, addressing a few hundred people was trivial.

“I am Gongson Su, and I am sixty-five this year. If there’s anyone here older than me, please step forward. These days, looks can be quite deceiving,” he quipped, glancing at Namgoong Jaehak in the VIP section and triggering laughter from the crowd.

Now I have everyone’s attention. Confirming that his joking tactics were effective, Gongson Su continued, “I am not the top student, and I don’t harbor any grand ambitions. Instead, I will offer you the advice of an elder. Take it or leave it as you will.”

Captivated by Gongson Su’s charisma, the students listened closely to the old man’s every word even though he was probably the least skilled in martial arts among the freshmen.

“First, never despair if you find yourself lagging behind your peers. Just look at me. It took me sixty-five years to reach where you are now.”

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Gongson Su cast a glance at Wiji Cheon, a boy envied for his talent.

“The world is unjust. Much depends on your lineage, your innate talent, and plain old luck. Believe me, I know full well how daunting it is to challenge your lot in life.”

To Gongson Su, every student at the Azure Dragon Academy was enviable, not just Namgoong Seok but also those who were at the bottom of the rankings.

“I’m not advising against hard work. Strive daily, for today will not come again.”

He turned to Hyonwon Kang, a man known for his gruff demeanor yet steadfast heart, who always strove to surpass Wiji Cheon in their regular sparring sessions.

“If you’re giving your all, that’s commendable.”

Hyonwon Kang grumbled something like “annoying old man” under his breath.

Gongson Su chuckled and glanced at Shadow.

“Secondly, cultivate meaningful friendships. If you only ever look upwards, you’ll find no friends, only adversaries.”

Shadow fought back tears. Over the years, her bond with Gongson Su had evolved from mere master and bodyguard to something akin to family, but she had only realized it recently.

Why cry on such a joyous day? Gongson Su smiled at Shadow, then met Baek Suryong’s eyes.

“Lastly, seek a good mentor.”

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“……” Baek Suryong returned Gongson Su’s gaze a warm smile.

“Finding a mentor who believes in you will bring out the best in you, revealing strengths and qualities you never knew you possessed.”

Gongson Su had never believed that he could do it. As Dokgo Jun had once remarked, he had started learning martial arts for fun.

But you made me serious.

Baek Suryong had discovered a potential that he himself had not recognized and convinced him that it was feasible.

You were the best teacher.

Even without words, Baek Suryong understood Gongson Su’s unspoken thoughts. You were the best student as well, he conveyed to Gongson Su with his eyes, knowing that the old man would also understand him.

“That’s all from me. I wish all of you, my fellow students of the Azure Dragon Academy, success and good health.”

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Gongson Su stepped back, bowing slightly.


Baek Suryong started clapping, not merely out of courtesy but with genuine enthusiasm. Shadow, Hyonwon Kang, and Wiji Cheon joined in. The applause, initially sparse, cascaded through the crowd and lingered long after Gongson Su had vacated the podium.

Following the ceremony, Gongson Su submitted his withdrawal letter to the Azure Dragon Academy.

  1. Skysword: The author messed up and forgot his own character’s name rofl. The same character was called Skykiller in Chapter 82. As he is named Skysword from now onwards and in the manhwa, I will update the old chapters. ↩


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