Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 92: Instinct

Chapter 92: Instinct


“Run, everyone, run!”

No one saw the chaos coming. Blood flew from every direction, mixing with the sharp, piercing screams. Terrified spectators shoved, tripped, and trampled each other, desperate to escape.

“Calm down!”

“Don’t move recklessly!”

Instructors and martial artists scrambled to restore order, but assassins shouted from every corner, stirring confusion and feeding the chaos.

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“Poison! Someone released poison!”

“There are explosives in the stands!”

In the midst of the turmoil, the Black Forest’s Third Captain telepathically barked orders to his subordinates.

[First unit, continue to incite and confuse.]

[Yes, sir!]

[Second unit, block the obstructors.]

[Yes, sir!]

[Third unit, eliminate the target.]

[Yes, sir!]

Having issued commands, the Third Captain slipped away, blending into the crowd.

The ones attacking us… it wasn’t Bloodletter.

At first, he thought Bloodletter was the attacker, but the more he thought about it, the more he had doubts. Eventually, he discovered that Bloodletter was also a target, hunted by unknown entities.

Could it be Deathshroud?

He entertained the thought for a moment but cast it aside swiftly. The proud Deathshroud wouldn’t stoop to such underhanded tactics. Had Deathshroud been behind this, either all of Black Forest’s assassins would be dead, or Deathshroud’s would be.

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Only one other possibility remained.

This is the work of Shadow and her allies.

This revelation had come at a high cost. The ranks of Black Forest assassins were now halved, and the target had sailed through the exam unharmed.

Under normal circumstances, he would have retreated, but not this time. Failure to capture the target was not an option; the Black Forest’s leader would not forgive him. Besides, the stakes of this mission were too high to simply walk away.

I must kill the target, even if it means sending all the assassins I brought to their deaths.

Thus, he hatched a bold plan, knowing that as long as Gongson Su died, the imperial authorities would overlook any casualties incurred here.

“Ahhh! Save me!!” he screamed, his face ashen as he maneuvered through the crowd towards Gongson Su, his eyes colder than ever.

I’ll finish this myself.

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“Protect the Elder!” Baek Suryong’s shout carried from afar.

However, even before his cry could reach him, Hyonwon Kang was already springing into action. Planting himself in front of Gongson Su, he yelled, “Gramps! Stay behind me!”

“What’s happening…?”

“Elder,” Shadow whispered, materializing beside Gongson Su. She chose to reveal herself, seeing it as a better strategy than remaining hidden.

Witnessing their worried faces, Gongson Su quickly caught on. “…They’re after me, aren’t they?”

“There’s no need to worry.”

“You knew already?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Shadow bit her lip, her eyes darting towards the advancing assassins. “I’ll accept any punishment later. For now, please just trust me.”

As the assassins charged, they flung their hidden weapons. Shadow and Hyonwon Kang stepped up to intercept the onslaught, but as they parried the weapons, the leading assassin darted forward, thrusting a slender spear towards Gongson Su’s heart.

“Not on my watch!” Hyonwon Kang roared, his foot sending the spear skyward as Shadow slashed the assailant’s throat.


Blood splattered in front of Hyonwon Kang, sending him reeling, but there was no time to hesitate. More assassins pressed forward, and stopping them was the only way to keep Gongson Su safe.

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“Haaah!” Hyonwon Kang bellowed, his blade whirling to deflect the flurry of hidden weapons. Those he couldn’t swat away, he blocked with his own body.


Knives and shurikens buried themselves in Hyonwon Kang’s limbs, and he stumbled just as three assassins converged on him.

“Grandpa!” From the duel stage, Wiji Cheon dashed toward them, his sword qi clearing a path through the enemies. “Are you alright? What’s happening?”

“No time to explain. Just stop them!”

Shadow, Hyonwon Kang, and Wiji Cheon formed a defensive triangle around Gongson Su even as the assassins multiplied, swarming like moths to a flame, heedless of their own safety.

Hyonwon Kang clenched his teeth, battling the assassins fiercely. Blood drenched his martial arts uniform, soaking it through. He couldn’t even pause to wipe the blood from his face, feeling the sting of blades slicing his flesh.

“Gasp… Gasp…”

Soon, his breaths became short, rapid gasps. His face paled, and dizziness and nausea threatened to overwhelm him. Although he was known as the worst troublemaker at the Azure Dragon Academy, he had never killed anyone before today. The burden of taking so many lives, a crushing toll that would make even a hardened adult falter, weighed heavily on him. Still, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

“Senior, please fall back,” Wiji Cheon urged, his voice steady. He nudged Hyonwon Kang aside and took on most of the assassins, his sword swift and ruthless as it decapitated one person and pierced another’s heart.

Even the seasoned assassin Shadow was taken aback by the boy’s icy demeanor.

“Crazy…” Hyonwon Kang murmured, stepping back and staring at Wiji Cheon in awe. Once again, he felt embarrassed by his own lack of skill and experience.

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“Senior, are you okay?” Gongson Su supported the wounded Hyonwon Kang. Although the assassins’ blades hadn’t touched Gongson Su yet, he drew his sword and remained alert.

Hyonwon Kang wheezed, “Damn it. What kind of senior am I if I just get in the way and can’t even help?”

“If it weren’t for you, those knives in your body would be in mine. Don’t talk too much, I think you’re poisoned.”

“Poison… that explains it…”

“Here, take this.”

After swallowing the pill Gongson Su offered, Hyonwon Kang felt a bit steadier. He leaned on the ground, catching his breath. “Whew, I feel a bit better now.”

“Your stamina is monstrous.”

The two stood back to back, vigilant and ready.


“My arm, my arrrrm!”

Chaos reigned all around. Screams and the clash of metal filled the air as assassins attacked from multiple points, sowing confusion and drawing attention away from their main target.

“What about Mr. Baek?”

“It’ll take him a while to get here.”

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Baek Suryong and other instructors were embroiled in battles with different assassin groups.

“Attacking innocent people…!” Gongson Su’s rage flared as he stood firm, bellowing at the assailants, “Hey, you! You must kill me today! Because if I survive, I will hunt down you and your backers and eradicate you all!”

His words seemed to momentarily unnerve the assassins, but their hesitation stemmed from more than just his threat.

What’s going on? Hyonwon Kang felt a chill crawl down his spine, and his heart raced. Of all times, he suddenly recalled how Baek Suryong had once counseled him after a defeat by Wiji Cheon.

“Your advantage over Cheon? You’ve got brute stamina…”

“That doesn’t count. I don’t think I’m better than him at anything.”

“No, your instincts are sharper. Like an animal’s.”

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“Is that really a plus?”

Trusting his gut, Hyonwon Kang suddenly yanked Gongson Su aside, just as a spear whizzed past where they had been moments before.

“Tsk.” A man appeared behind him like a specter, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

How long has he been there? Hyonwon Kang wondered, his skin prickling with cold sweat.



Wiji Cheon and Shadow dashed towards them, but assassins threw themselves in their path.

“Get out of the way!”

“Protect the Elder!”

Surrounded by assassins, they were trapped. Seizing the moment, the Third Captain charged at Gongson Su.

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“Gramps! Stay behind me!” Hyonwon Kang shouted, stepping in front of Gongson Su and gripping his blade tightly, even as his survival instincts screamed at the danger.

“Senior!” Gongson Su cried out.

He’s a master far beyond me. Hyonwon Kang clenched his teeth. His foe was not just any assassin but a martial artist of far superior skill, his plain-looking sword gleaming with lethal intent. “Damn it…” he cursed.

The man advanced silently, swinging his sword wordlessly, like a grim reaper.

This is it… I’m going to die. Hyonwon Kang had never felt death so close. It was an eerie feeling. His pupils dilated, and his breathing slowed to a near stop.

Time seemed to drag on forever.

As death loomed, Hyonwon Kang’s instincts, once praised by Baek Suryong, surged through every cell of his body.


Hyonwon Kang’s sword met the Third Captain’s, and blood spurted from Hyonwon Kang’s chest as he crumpled to the ground.

“Kang! Damn you, you bastard!” Gongson Su howled, fury driving him as he charged at the Third Captain with his sword raised.

“……” The Third Captain grimaced and pressed his hand against the bleeding cut on his arm. In the final clash, the boy’s desperate move had left a deep wound on it.

He dodged my killing blow and injured me in the process, he thought, looking at Hyonwon Kang who lay twitching on the ground, severely wounded but alive. Frustrated by his failure, the Third Captain wanted to finish him off, but Gongson Su was the more pressing target now.

Shadow and Wiji Cheon were still entangled with other assassins, and the instructors scrambled to control the chaos. The brief respite Hyonwon Kang had bought seemed fleeting.

“We’ve won.” The Third Captain smirked, swinging his sword towards Gongson Su’s neck.

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Just then, Hyonwon Kang’s sacrifice paid off.


“…!!” The Third Captain intended to ignore the command, but his sword halted just shy of Gongson Su’s neck, as if grabbed by an unseen force.

A tremendous energy pressure then crushed his body.

“Ugh, ugh…!” he groaned, feeling as if his entire body was being squeezed.

“I said, stop.”

“Argh!” Finally, the Third Captain spat blood and dropped to his knees. Nearby assassins also collapsed, bleeding profusely. None were spared.

“What the…”

“Why suddenly…”

Wiji Cheon and Shadow, still battling, glanced at the fallen figures in shock, then looked up sharply.

Namgoong Jaehak hovered in the sky, the sun blazing behind him, commanding the scene below. “I believe there is much I need to hear from you,” he said to the Third Captain, before shifting his gaze to Baek Suryong, who had just caught up.

“…And from you too,” he added.


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