Star Gate

Chapter 286: Silver Moon’s Reaction (I)

Chapter 286: Silver Moon’s Reaction (I)

“Violet Moon’s run off and Red Moon’s people are pretty much all dead,” Wang Ming spoke rapidly. “Have you guys forgotten that there’s still three Red Moon Sunflares out there? Everyone’s scared witless and fleeing for their lives, no one’s thinking about the Sunflares! The Night Watchers are busy picking up the pieces, so it’s free game!”

How were they still not getting it? No one was looking after the three Red Moon Sunflares that’d just emerged from the ruins!

Li Hao and Liu Long’s jaws dropped as they stared at Wang Ming, dumbfounded. Hot damn! This was what the guy was thinking about at this time? Unbelievable! Not even Li Hao had given thought to this.

“There’s a metal attribute among them...” Wang Ming continued urgently. “I remember that one of them wields metal energy. C’mon, Sunflares only go so fast, they must still be in the area. Li Hao, doesn’t this make us rich?”

Well, fine, so this was why the handsome supernatural was thinking of those Sunflares.

“Are we going or not?” Wang Ming urged. “We need to hurry before other people realize the same thing. There won’t be anything in for us then!”

Li Hao looked at Liu Long, who looked back at him. They grinned ferally at each other. Although Wang Ming was being a little insatiable and probably blinded by greed, he was right. If they didn’t claim the three Red Moon Sunflares now, there would be nothing left a while later.

Once the rest of the Night Watchers reacted, remembered the existence of the Sunflares, and grappled with the allure of the scarlet shadow, they might truly close in. The agency was already on such poor terms with the organization that one less Red Moon member was one less enemy. There was nothing else to consider.

Li Hao had no more questions and quickly set course for a certain direction. The Red Moon members were all too visible to him. Their scarlet shadows were an undeniable beacon. They were a threat to others in normal times, but right now, they would cause the death of their handlers. Those brightly colored things were so visible in the dead of the night that it was impossible for their keepers to hide from Li Hao! Any other supernatural might be able to make it out of the wilderness since they were less conspicuous.

A mosquito’s leg was still meat!

Setting aside the mysterious power that the three Sunflares contained—that was just a minor matter—the key was that they’d all entered the inner city. Although they may have handed in all of the mysterious power stones that they’d found, but... just what if?

What if they hadn’t?

What if they’d kept some for themselves?

Liu Long and the others had kept some for themselves, would these Sunflares be so circumspect as to truly turn in all of their gains? Even if they were, might they wait to do so after they left the ruins? It was very possible!

Added to that the scarlet shadows...

For Li Hao in his current stage of development, killing Red Moon members was to his greatest benefit. He sped over the ground, swiftly followed by Liu Long and Wang Ming.

They were two Dominators and one Sunflare going against two mid Sunflare and one late Sunflare. No one was weak to any degree!

Wang Ming was so bold not because he thought himself as strong, but because he knew how mighty Li Hao was. The young man had almost killed him with one stroke earlier and they’d jointly killed a mid Solar together.

Would there be any difficulty in eliminating three late Sunflares, particularly when their targets were scared witless?


Within the wilderness.

Three Red Moon powerhouses shuddered with dread. It’d been the middle of the night when they left the ruins, but so many powerhouses had been present at the canyon that their supernatural abilities lit up the surroundings like it was day. In actuality, it was still the dead of night.

Three Sunflares trembled in their hiding place. They’d chosen to take cover the second they left Rift Canyon—they didn’t dare to attempt a brash escape. Who knew how many heavyweights were running through the surroundings? It would be disastrous if they accidentally ran into an enemy!

Elder Red Hair was dead, and leader Violet Moon had fled! The rest of them who’d exited the ruins had likely been arranged to leave the province early on since they came with a bundle of Black Armors. These three were the only Red Moon representatives in all of Silver Moon now and lost their wits the moment that Red Hair was run through.

Thankfully, everyone had been shellshocked and Hou Xiaochen didn’t have the effort to spare for insignificant minions like them. That was how they were lucky enough to retain their lives.

Currently, they hid inside a boulder.

Yes, a boulder.

One of them was an earth supernatural and deployed his power to hollow out the entire boulder. The three took shelter inside and sealed the boulder shut again, as quiet as they could be. This was the safest hiding spot at the moment.

As for bending the earth to go underground... There was exceedingly high pressure below the surface. Their concealment would be useless if it was too shallow, but they would have to contend with the oppression by the dirt if they wanted to go further.

The three Sunflares had given it some thought—when would they dare leave this place? ...not for another couple of days! They apprehensively hunkered down mutely inside the boulder, fearful expressions twisting their faces and not saying a word.

Their powerful organization had sent a Nova titan from the central region, but he’d been dispatched by a single spear jab!

How unforgettable a scene that was!

It induced more despair and terror than the Gold Armor killing Ding Chen with one punch. Perhaps the Celestial Sunflares had felt the same horror when they were exterminated. The three didn’t have further effort to spare for their Celestial counterparts since they were all dead.

The surroundings gradually quieted down; faint breathing sounded as all three softly exhaled at the same time.

“Will Lady Violet Moon... remember us?” one of them breathed.

It wasn’t a viable course of action to stay here forever, but they truly didn’t dare make a run for it on their own. They could only hope for even stronger personages from the central region to return with Violet Moon—they would be able to leave then.

“I don’t know...”

“Don’t talk!” hissed the third person. None of them should talk. Although they were hidden in the middle of the boulder and not a peep could get out, they could not go wrong with being prudent during this period of time.

It was too dangerous!

The three fell silent.


Outside the boulder.

Li Hao stared wordlessly at the three noticeable balls of light inside the boulder, then at the three blindingly obvious scarlet shadows hovering next to the rock. It’s crystal clear that they’re here, what are they hiding like this for?

Of course, it was due to his unique abilities that he could see so much. Who would pay attention to a particular boulder in a field of rocks and investigate its internals? Normal people wouldn’t do such a thing.

Liu Long looked at Li Hao; the young man vaguely shook his head. He made a hand gesture for the chief to wait. Li Hao began accumulating his strength.

Accumulating for what?

His strength to compress the earth sword!

Indeed, the mountain was only the size of a pillar in his spleen at present. He’d held off from continuing to force it smaller; now was when he wanted to try again. Rocks were just as well—they counted as the earth attribute! Would his earth sword aura be formidable? He really wanted to try.

The three inside were the perfect targets for practice. They were unmoving and didn’t pose the slightest threat. It gave Li Hao more time for his first experiment with the earth aura sword. Such nice people they were!

The earth sword was continuously compressed and compressed in his spleen until it was fashioned into the form of a heavy sword. After some thought, the young man finalized it as the broadsword wielded by the Silver Armor.

That weapon’s keenness had been unbounded, but its cutting force overpowering. The Silver Armor’s final strike had also been unforgettable. He’d felt that it wasn’t a good match with the sword aura that he’d perceived before, but now held the opinion that that strike was very suited to the earth sword aura!

The Earthturner Sword trembled slightly in his hand. It was a formidable treasure—Hong Yitang had said it would be useful up till Summoner of Spirit. But as Li Hao shaped the earth sword aura into being, the sword trembled in response. It was as if this was the true Earthturner Sword!

Changes gradually filtered through Li Hao’s aura. When the broadsword took shape, he sensed that it could meld into the sword aura and become a true earth sword aura!

Earth and sword as one! It was a more apparent feeling than when he set foot into Dominator. He’d felt that he fused the auras together when he advanced, but that’d felt very contrived and unnatural. But in this moment, they were quite naturally one.

Li Hao flashed a grin and raised the Earthturner Sword. He thought back to the Silver Armor’s stroke as he looked at the giant rock in front of him...

His aura abruptly shifted! To forge forward without pause! To strike at the nameless enemy in the firmament and view death as a return to their origins...

“Strike!” Li Hao grunted when he proved unable to contain his emotions. He was very agitated, impulsive, and couldn’t help but give voice to his feelings with this stroke. Despite knowing that proceeding soundlessly was the best course of action, was he afraid?

The three Sunflares inside the boulder heard his grunt and reacted with dismay when they sensed the incoming attack!

The boulder split open and all three wanted to rush out. They didn’t know who it was that’d come, but fleeing was the first course of action. And yet, it felt like Mount Tai bore down on them as soon as the rock shattered.

An earth supernatural?

The earth supernatural among the three roared and let loose with his power. The metal supernatural condensed countless spikes and shot them at the enemy they’d yet to lay eyes on. Meanwhile, the last water supernatural sent a water dragon churning toward Li Hao...

The three reacted extremely swiftly and decisively. Not only that, but three scarlet shadows also rushed Li Hao upon a barked command. They’d been hidden nearby out of concern for discovery. The soundless and formless shadows were often Red Moon’s key to victory.

However, they underestimated their enemy’s strength this time.


An enormous broadsword descended and sliced through the earth supernatural’s shield of earth. The metal spikes were blown up and the water dragon sliced into two.

The broadsword continued descending!


The earth supernatural stepped forward, but was pressed into the ground by the weapon and had all of his bones crushed to smithereens. When the broadsword continued its descent, the supernatural exploded loudly!

He was stunned beyond belief even at death. What was this??


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