Star Gate

Chapter 277: Gains (III)

Chapter 277: Gains (III)

After the discussion was over, the Revolution King left with his sole surviving subordinate to investigate other areas in the outer city. Perhaps there were more ancient houses with open front doors.

Violet Moon also left with her three Sunflares. She didn’t dare stray too far from the Revolution King due to concern about being attacked by the Night Watchers. It would take concerted action between Red Moon and Yama to withstand the Night Watchers now.

As for Hong Yitang, he decided to stick with the Night Watchers. At times like these, the government agency benefited from a good reputation.

The Night Watchers were gathered in one spot; Hong Yitang kept his distance. Hao Lianchuan scanned those remaining and sighed with emotion, “Thank goodness we had the others leave first. We brought in such a large expedition team this time, but eighty percent of it died! This was far more dangerous than our previous explorations!”

“Director Hao, there are a few more of ours left in the city.” Director Zhou frowned. “Are we really going to leave them behind?”

Hao Lianchuan shook his head and looked at the sky. “We can’t enter the city anymore, it’s too dangerous! I suspect that even those who took the second passageway won’t be able to enter anymore either. Just look at Violet Moon and Revolution—do they dare fly over the walls now? There’s... no saving the ones stuck inside!”

Zhao Huan and Director Zhou said nothing more.

“Are you sure that Zhang Ting entered the city and didn’t come back out?” Hao Lianchuan looked at Li Hao.

“She went inside!” Li Hao nodded.

Hao Lianchuan sank into deep thought. It was fine that she’d entered the city. He was only concerned that she hadn’t and was hiding somewhere. That would be bad as she was an agent of the central region. The Solars had actually found some secrets inside the inner city, but they were in tacit accordance and wouldn’t speak of what they found.

There weren’t that many surviving at this point, so not much information would be revealed. As for the situation in the outer city, all that could be freely spoken of!

On the other hand, Hao Lianchuan hadn’t given up on the Black Tortoise Seal. It wasn’t just him—all of Silver Moon wouldn’t relinquish the treasure. But had Zhang Ting really entered the city?

With the uproar that’d taken place, she should’ve ran for her life even at the cost of exposing her strength and identity. Equipped with an origin weapon and being mid Solar, she wouldn’t die so easily so long as it wasn’t to the Gold Armor.

On the other hand, could she have died without entering the city? Hao Lianchuan found that hard to believe! Liu Long and the others didn’t have the strength to kill her. He looked at Wang Ming and assessed the young man’s condition, remarking with an odd tone, “Wang Ming, you seem to have grown a little stronger...”

“Mmhmm!” The smiling supernatural nodded. “I absorbed some of our earlier gains when you guys entered the city, Director Hao! You’re amazing and have such keen eyesight as to see even this! Incredible!”

He fawned over the deputy director as much as he could! Hao Lianchuan raised an eyebrow, is that so?

“So you were with Li Hao and the others this whole time?”

“That’s right!” Wang Ming responded with surprise. “Whyever not? Li Hao himself said that he needed me to protect him. That’s why I stayed. It wasn’t that I was afraid, so don’t misunderstand, Director Hao!”

Alright then, that was fine. Wang Ming had been present the entire time—he was a good sapling being raised by the Night Watchers. If Liu Long and Li Hao had other plans in mind, they wouldn’t execute them in front of Wang Ming. It’d only been a few days since the young supernatural was deployed to Silver City.

In that case, one could only conclude that Zhang Ting had been unlucky enough to blunder into some of the city’s danger zones. Well then, who cared if she was dead or alive! More than one Solar had died on this expedition and Celestial had lost two. Yama lost one, whereas Hao Lianchuan and Hu Dingfang had worked alongside them the entire time. No matter how the central region conducted their investigation, none of the blame would fall on their heads.

Not to mention that they wouldn’t dare voice the truth. They could only mutely endure this loss!

“Director Hao... I have something I’d like to say,” Li Hao raised awkwardly.

“What is it?”

“I er... handed in a sword last time and you said that you’d either give me a large sum of treasures or allow me to choose three treasures from the ruins. Is the expedition over at this stage?”


Silence! Hao Lianchuan hadn’t thought that the fellow would still remember this.

“It’s not that I really want to bring it up...” Li Hao continued hesitantly. “It’s that we almost haven’t gained anything on this trip. The Black Armors are a joint finding and have nothing to do with me or chief. That’s why I’m wondering...”

Almost gained nothing? Liu Long remained staunchly silent. Sure! Probably! We really don’t have anything to our names!

Hao Lianchuan looked at him and didn’t respond for a moment. “Out with it, what do you want?”

“I won’t be getting anything too precious,” Li Hao said hesitantly. “And I wouldn’t dare accept it either! Director Hao, do you have any origin weapons?”

“......” Hao Lianchuan paused, dazed. Hu Dingfang had his eyes closed in repose and abruptly opened them, almost choking on his next breath. An origin weapon?

“Do you know what origin weapons are?”

“I do!” Li Hao hastily bobbed his head. “Wang Ming said that they can extract mysterious power from the land...”

“Bullshit!” Hao Lianchuan cut him off. “Don’t even think about it! My Flaming Phoenix Spear is Director Hou’s, where am I supposed to get one for you? There’s some inside the inner city, go get it yourself. It’s yours if you can get it!”

“Then... what about water of life?” asked a regretful Li Hao.


“My teacher says that some ruins have water of life that can return a person to their youth...”

“Get out of here!” Hao Lianchuan roared. He knew about the legend, but he’d never laid eyes on it. What was the little bastard on about?

“Then fine, I want mysterious power!” Li Hao sighed. “I want all elements other than unattributed. How about blood pearls? I want as many as possible! Let’s convert everything that Director Hao promised to mysterious power, it’s probably worth about five thousand cubes...”

Hao Lianchuan looked like he’d swallowed a mosquito. “Fine!” he capitulated. “I’ll tell Director Hou when we go back!”

Whatever, it has nothing to do with me! Director Hou can take care of it!

Five thousand cubes was a significant sum if one wanted to label it that, but it also wasn’t a staggering amount either. Hao Lianchuan had harvested more than that on this trip, he could afford to pay that much. But at the same time, he was very suspicious as to whether or not Li Hao had truly turned in the sword of the Lis.

Who knew? That was Director Hou’s matter.

“Director Hao, why don’t we consider attacking Red Moon and Yama?” Li Hao pivoted. “If martial uncle Hong agrees to help...”

“Do you think killing them is a good idea?” Hao Lianchuan murmured with a shake of his head. “Not necessarily! At the very least, we know those two well. If the central region sends more powerful representatives after we kill them... that will be real trouble then! The three great organizations will certainly send people after their massive losses this time—we may not be able to coexist peacefully with them! Therefore, there will be upheaval to come with the three great organizations in Silver Moon. That may turn into a chance for us Night Watchers!”

He looked at the young man with a meaningful look. “Don’t be so obsessed with killing. Sometimes, bloodshed isn’t the only way to resolve the problem!”

Li Hao mulled over his words, but also had his own thoughts in mind. That’s because you haven’t killed enough! The man in my memories killed everyone—who could resist him then? That’s true... Oh Bah! Why am I thinking of these things?

As for Violet Moon and Revolution being alive... Li Hao decided it was a fine outcome after some thought. He wasn’t strong enough yet and couldn’t brashly take action. After he returned home, digested his gains, consolidated his cultivation level, devoured mysterious power, strengthened the five organs, summoned more spirits, then nurtured his auras to the point of emerging... Perhaps he could seek them out for an individual conversation.

As for these people being good at concealing themselves...

Heh! With my pair of eyes, they’ll have to hide in an outhouse... No, I’ll find them with a casual sweep even if they’re in the pit itself!

Origin weapons!

Indeed, he had his eyes set on Violet Moon and Revolution’s origin weapons. He needed sword energy so much! There were only two ways that he knew of to replenish it. One, find a second stone door. It exuded energy so slowly that the first one likely hadn’t recovered yet. Second, break the soul of an origin weapon!

Upon further thought, Li Hao felt that it wasn’t the best time to make a move. If he did so and killed Violet Moon, he wouldn’t be rewarded with her origin weapon. The Night Watchers would take it, and that wasn’t his goal!

“The director is wise!” Li Hao flashed a smile. “I wondered why the director would let someone of the three great organizations go. So it’s in preparation for events to come...”

Hao Lianchuan cast a strange look at him. What had come over this guy today?

“Director, are those stones we found earlier useful?” Li Hao asked.

“It’s mysterious power stones!” The deputy director went along with the change in topic. “A treasure used in cultivation during the ancient civilization. Powerhouses abounded in that age due to this treasure, but they’ve long disappeared from the Skystar domain. There are many uses for this item. The most basic is to directly extract energy from it for cultivation. But to do so would be the greatest waste of this treasure!

“The second is to reawaken inert origin weapons. Some origin weapons have gone completely asleep and can only be returned to activity through mysterious power stones!

“The third is to activate some puppets from the ancient era. I suspect that the Gold Armor inside the city might possess many of these stones, which is how he can erupt with such power!

“Fourth is that this item is very useful to martial masters. They can be used to strengthen the body, but most people won’t use them so wastefully!


Li Hao listened to the list with admiration. “Can you give me some?”

“......” Hao Lianchuan’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “This is a strategic resource, anyone who finds one must turn it in! Of course, you’ll receive money for any that you hand in. Depending on the size, even the smallest piece usually fetches five hundred cubes. Do you have any?”

“No,” Li Hao said sheepishly. “Then can I trade my five thousand cubes for ten pieces?”

“Don’t even think about it!” Hao Lianchuan shook his head. “That’s not happening. All factions need mysterious power stones these days—they’re the key to supernaturals being able to ascend. It’s easier for rookies to advance with the energy inside. How else do you think the Night Watchers are able to induct power with such a low death rate? It’s because of the mysterious power stones!”

Alright then, it did seem very precious. In that case, there was no way that Li Hao was handing his in. If he hadn’t taken the bag from the Yama Sunflare, it would’ve all gone to strengthen Yama.


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