stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 26 Title – Exercise - I

Title – Exercise - I

Past, day after devon told us about the exercise:-


We found ourselves gathered in the grand arena, a sprawling space that buzzed with anticipation. Each student present had earned their place among the elite, carefully handpicked by the instructors based on their exceptional skills. As the main combat instructor, Devon would oversee the proceedings and provide his assessment, potentially opening doors to regional families or guilds for those who excelled.

Devon addressed the assembled students, setting the stage for the exercise ahead. "The objective of this exercise is simple," he began, his authoritative voice reverberating through the arena. "You will be tasked with confronting a variety of beasts in a dynamically changing environment to increase difficulty of exercise. Initially, the beasts will pose moderate challenges at 1-star. However, as you progress and clear each level, their numbers will increase up to a total of 20. Once this limit is reached, the beasts will evolve into more powerful adversaries, escalating in difficulty. This cycle will continue until the beasts reach a six-star rating."

He emphasized a crucial rule, pausing for emphasis. "During the exercise, the designated leader must refrain from engaging in direct combat. Instead, it is the responsibility of the leader's teammates to shield and protect them at all costs."

Devon's reasoning became clear as he elaborated further. "In many real-life scenarios, the loss of a leader can lead to the downfall of an entire army unit. Additionally, leaders need to maintain their physical and mental readiness in case unforeseen circumstances arise. So, let’s start without any delay.", he snapped once he finished talking teleporting everyone out.


In Room:-

As we materialized within the designated room, a peculiar sense of disorientation enveloped us. The initial sight was one of complete emptiness—a blank canvas devoid of any distinguishing features. The walls, floor, and ceiling all melded into a seamless expanse of darkness, casting an eerie aura over the space.

However, in the blink of an eye, the room underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. A vibrant burst of colours and scents filled the air as the surroundings transformed into a lush forest setting. Towering trees with emerald leaves reached towards the heavens, their branches swaying gently in an unseen breeze. Sunlight filtered through the verdant canopy, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

The ground beneath our feet shifted from a cold, featureless expanse to a rich tapestry of moss, grass, and fallen leaves. Soft earth cushioned each step we took, as if beckoning us to explore the secrets hidden within the sylvan realm. The air itself seemed infused with the refreshing scent of pine, intermingled with the earthy aroma of damp soil.

As our eyes adjusted to the newfound scenery, we noticed a myriad of flora dotting the landscape. Delicate wildflowers burst with vibrant hues, painting the forest floor with splashes of crimson, golden yellow, and royal blue. Majestic ferns unfurled their fronds, creating a green carpet that adorned the forest's undergrowth. The distant sound of a babbling brook reached our ears, its gentle melody adding to the enchantment of the scene.

The room's transformation was nothing short of astonishing, transporting us from the sterile confines of the blank void into the immersive embrace of a living, breathing forest. With every sense awakened and attuned to our new environment.

"Oh, it's so beautiful. Zack, come here, look at this flower," Charlotte exclaimed with childlike wonder. Her voice echoed through the forest, filled with excitement and awe. I couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. It hadn't even been a minute since we arrived in this magical realm, and already Charlotte had found something to captivate her attention.

Eager not to disappoint her, I made my way over to where she had crouched down, her gaze fixated on a delicate blossom that had caught her attention.

As I joined her, a sense of wonder washed over me. The flower she was admiring stood tall and graceful, its petals painted in a mesmerizing array of hues—petals that seemed to shimmer as if kissed by the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the dense foliage above. Each delicate petal bore intricate patterns, a testament to nature's artistic prowess.

Kneeling beside Charlotte, I followed the lines and curves of the flower's petals with my eyes, marvelling at the precision and intricacy of its design. The fragrance that emanated from it was equally enchanting, a subtle yet intoxicating perfume that mingled with the earthy scents of the forest. The bloom seemed to emanate a serene energy, inviting us to pause and appreciate its fragile beauty amidst the wilderness.I think you should take a look at

As Charlotte reached out a hand to gently touch the velvety petals, a smile graced her face. The simple act of being in the presence of this exquisite flower had transported her to a world of tranquillity and awe. I couldn't help but be swept up in her enthusiasm.

"Oy, you two! We're not here on a date; we have to finish this exercise," Ayaan scolded us, his voice cutting through the tranquil atmosphere of the forest. Startled by his interruption, Charlotte's cheeks flushed with a tinge of embarrassment, her gaze shifting from the flower to Ayaan.

Realizing that we had momentarily lost focus, I couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. Ayaan was always the practical one, never one to get lost in the whimsical beauty of nature like Charlotte and me. His reminder snapped us back to the task at hand, serving as a gentle nudge to refocus our attention on the exercise that awaited us.

"Sorry, Ayaan," I replied, a sheepish grin spreading across my face. "We got carried away for a moment."

Charlotte, regaining her composure, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Ayaan. Let's get back to it."

“Are they always like that.”, one girl who had joined us for these exercise asked ayaan.

“Yeah, for most time. They just don’t pay attention to anything other than what they find fascinating.”, ayaan answered which only increased blush in charlotte checks, which in term increased her beauty.

The first girl, Claire, who joined us for the exercise was from warrior class who wielded dual swords with impressive dexterity. The first sword, adorned with intricate engravings along the blade, was slightly longer and had a broader edge, making it ideal for powerful strikes and sweeping attacks. The second sword, slenderer and more lightweight, featured a serrated edge that allowed for swift and precise movements, making it perfect for quick slashes and defensive manoeuvres.

The second girl named Haley, a mermaid bloodliner, possessed a remarkable affinity for water manipulation. She could harness the element to form protective shields and conjure daggers made entirely of water. While it was great but the size of her shields and the number of daggers she could create were limited.

"Alright, everyone, if you've finished observing your surroundings, we shall commence with the first level of the exam," Devon's voice resonated through the arena, indicating his vigilant monitoring of each participant. It was clear that he would closely observe our every move.

As soon as his voice faded, a blinding light erupted beside Haley. Gradually, the light subsided, revealing the menacing form of a goblin. With no time to waste, the goblin lunged at Haley, seeking to catch her off guard. However, before it could strike, a precise and deadly blow pierced through the goblin's forehead, leaving a hole between its eyes. I recognized the spell immediately—it was the magic bullet. A tier-2 spell capable of unleashing a concentrated surge of magical energy. What set this spell apart and elevated it to the tier-2 classification was its unique capability to let mage create and store magical bullets for later use in magic circle itself. This remarkable feature meant that a skilled mage who had mastered the intricacies of Magic Bullet and honed their craft over an extended period could unleash an unrelenting barrage of bullets without pause or exertion, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

But the advantages of Magic Bullet did not stop there. One of its distinguishing features was its compatibility with other spells. Mages proficient in Magic Bullet had the extraordinary ability to seamlessly integrate other spells into their bullet attacks.

"Indeed, Charlotte, your aim is truly remarkable," I praised her skilfully executed shots.

Amidst her playful laughter, she confidently boasted, "Ha! I am the best. I could even shoot these magic bullets in my sleep and hit precise targets, just watch!" With an effortless grace, she spun around, releasing a flurry of magic bullets that whizzed through the air, finding their mark on various trees from diverse angles.

With a satisfied smile, she turned towards me and said, "See, I told you I'm the best. No target is safe from my magic bullets!" Her eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and pride, as if challenging me to match her skill.

I chuckled, acknowledging her incredible talent. "You certainly have proven your point, Charlotte. Your proficiency with the magic bullet is unmatched. It's a privilege to witness your skill in action. But now we have another job to finish. Everyone get in your position. Ayaan summon your familiar to be our shield, claire and haley behind him be ready with your weapon. Charlotte go behind me and shoot your spell from there."


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