stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 17 Battle Against Hobgoblins - 2

Behind the first line of defence stood the bloodliners, a select group of warriors blessed with the bloodline of the powerful werewolves. They moved with agility and precision, acting as swift executioners for any hobgoblins that managed to break through the initial defence. Their speed and ferocity were unmatched, ensuring that any intruder faced a swift and merciless end.

As we neared the defensive fortification, we encountered the last line of defence, comprised of just over 100 warriors armed with swords, spears, and an assortment of short-range weapons. They lacked the heavy armor of the frontline soldiers, but their role was vital. They served as a backup force, ready to engage in close combat should too many of the heavily armoured soldiers fall, or if the enemy managed to breach the second line of defence.

Occupying strategic vantage points were the archers, their bows at the ready. Each archer was equipped with two types of weapons. The first was a regular bow, capable of launching ordinary arrows, while the second was an enchanted bow. These enchanted bows had the ability to unleash a limited number of arrows imbued with special powers, thanks to the assistance of the deck users. The archers seamlessly switched between the required weapons based on the orders they received. For this battle, the lieutenant had instructed them to focus on using ice-type arrows, as they had the ability to slow down the hulking hobgoblins, making it easier for the rest of the forces to engage them.

Lastly, we had the mages positioned on the walls. They were divided into two sections, each with a specific focus. One section was tasked with casting fire-type spells, unleashing waves of scorching flames upon the enemy, while the other section specialized in earth-based spells, employing the forces of nature to create barriers and cause upheaval. To maximize the power behind their spells, the mages were organized into teams of five, working in synchronized harmony. Every individual's role had been determined well before my arrival, as meticulous planning was essential for the success of the defence.

The stage was set, the roles assigned, and every member of our forces stood prepared to face the impending onslaught. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, knowing that the outcome of this battle would hinge on our collective efforts and the skilful execution of our respective tasks.

We left the command center and made our way to a vantage point where I noticed that the lieutenant was already present.

"Good evening, sir", I greeted lieutenant which he acknowledged with a simple nod.

Soon, within eyesight, I could see the army of hobgoblins. They appeared as formidable creatures, their physical features distinct and menacing. Hobgoblins were taller than the average human, standing around 7 feet tall. Their muscular frames were covered in rough, dark green skin, giving them a rugged and resilient appearance. They possessed sharp, yellowed fangs protruding from their mouths, hinting at their ferocity in battle.

Their faces were characterized by narrow, slanted eyes that glowed with a fiery intensity, and their ears were pointed and elongated. Hobgoblins had long, wiry hair, often in shades of dark brown or black, adding to their wild and savage demeanor.

Clad in crude armor made from scavenged materials, such as scraps of metal and pieces of animal hide, they carried a variety of weapons. From crude swords and axes to jagged spears, each hobgoblin was armed and ready for the impending assault. Their movements were agile and predatory, reflecting their predatory nature.

As the hobgoblins closed in on the base, the anticipation grew palpable among our defenders. In response, a torrential rain of arrows descended upon the approaching horde, loosed by skilled archers positioned strategically along the perimeter. The archers unleashed a relentless barrage of deadly projectiles, their aim honed through years of practice. The arrows sailed through the air with uncanny precision, finding their marks and piercing through the ranks of the hobgoblin army. Their impact was swift and devastating, leaving a trail of fallen foes in their wake.

Simultaneously, bursts of flames erupted from the hands of powerful mages, their incantations weaving the very essence of fire. Fireballs, infused with searing heat and destructive power, hurtled towards the enemy ranks. The explosions of heat and flames engulfed clusters of hobgoblins, turning their advance into a frenzied dance of chaos and pain. The fiery onslaught continued unabated, as the mages unleashed their arsenal upon the enemy, reducing the once-formidable force into a chaotic inferno.

Not to be outdone, earth-wielding mages lent their strength to the defense, conjuring the very foundation of the battlefield against the hobgoblins. With focused concentration, they manipulated the elements, causing large boulders to be propelled through the air with unstoppable force. The massive rocks crashed down upon the enemy with bone-crushing impact, obliterating those unfortunate enough to be caught beneath their immense weight. The ground shook with each impact, adding to the devastation and confusion among the hobgoblin lines.Vแป‹Sit no(v)3lb/!n(.)c๐’m for new ๐’ov๐’†l๐’”

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the piercing cold of the icy arrows cut through the air. Skilled marksmen, armed with enchanted bows, unleashed these frost-laden projectiles with deadly precision. The icy arrows found their targets, striking the hobgoblins with chilling force. Wherever they landed, frost spread, encasing the hobgoblins in a layer of ice that rendered them motionless and helpless. The battlefield became a tableau of frozen foes, their aggression halted and their fate sealed in icy captivity.

The combined assault of arrows, fireballs, rock boulders, and icy arrows created a scene of overwhelming devastation for the hobgoblins. Their ranks thinned rapidly as they succumbed to the relentless onslaught. The ground, once a canvas for their advance, transformed into a grim mosaic of lifeless bodies, a haunting reminder of the power and coordination of the defending forces. Their determination and unity in battle proved formidable, leaving the hobgoblins in despair.

However, amidst the chaos, a few resilient hobgoblins managed to breach the assault, their tenacity and desperation pushing them forward. But their progress was short-lived, for they encountered the unwavering resolve of the shield-wielding warriors. These stalwart defenders stood firm, forming an unyielding barrier that repelled the frenzied attacks of the hobgoblins. With shields raised high and unwavering determination, they thwarted the advances of the invaders,

With unyielding resolve and a fierce determination to defend their position, the defenders unleashed a flurry of deadly attacks. Swords and spears sliced through the air with expert precision, finding their targets with devastating accuracy. Each strike brought down another hobgoblin, their bodies piling up as a grim testament to the defenders' unwavering commitment.

The battlefield became a macabre scene, adorned with the fallen bodies of the hobgoblins. The clash of metal reverberated through the air, accompanied by the shouts and grunts of the combatants. The defenders fought with unwavering discipline, their movements honed through rigorous training and battle-hardened experience.

As the hobgoblins attempted to breach the first line of defence, they were met with a relentless counterattack. The werewolf bloodliners, infused with the primal power of their lupine ancestry, unleashed their savage fury upon the enemy. Their enhanced strength and speed allowed them to tear through the hobgoblins with ferocious efficiency. Fangs and claws tore into flesh, leaving a trail of carnage in their wake.

The slaughter was a harrowing spectacle of carnage, with the defenders launching a merciless assault upon the hobgoblins. Their blades cut through flesh and bone, causing rivers of blood to flow across the battlefield. Limbs were severed and heads were lopped off, leaving behind a gruesome trail of mutilated corpses. The defenders revelled in their superior skill, relishing the sight of hobgoblins writhing in agony and begging for mercy that would never come.

As the battle raged on, the air grew thick with the metallic stench of blood, mingling with the acrid scent of fear. The defenders showed no mercy, hacking and slashing with relentless fury. The hobgoblins' once formidable force was reduced to a pathetic mass of broken bodies and shattered spirits.

The ground became a grisly canvas, painted with the grotesque tableau of death. Entrails spilled out like macabre ribbons, while shattered bones jutted out from mangled limbs. The defenders, drenched in the blood of their fallen foes, stood among the wreckage, their faces smeared with the evidence of their savagery.

Moans of agony and gurgling cries of the dying echoed through the battlefield, intertwining with the triumphant shouts of the victorious defenders. They stood tall, their bodies battered and fatigued, yet fuelled by a primal thirst for domination. Each gasping breath was a reminder of their own mortality, but also a testament to their unyielding determination to emerge victorious.

As the dust settled, Lieutenant wasted no time in taking action. He organized small search teams, their mission twofold: to eliminate any surviving hobgoblins and to locate the elusive leader who orchestrated the pack's assault. Each team was composed of skilled fighters, armed and prepared to scour the area for any signs of remaining hobgoblin presence.

Additionally, scouting members were dispatched to aid in the search for the leader. Their expertise in tracking and intelligence gathering made them invaluable in the pursuit of this vital target. The lieutenant recognized the importance of capturing and eliminating the leader to prevent any future threats and disrupt the hobgoblin's chain of command.

With determination and vigilance, the search teams and scouts spread out across the battlefield, combing through the aftermath of the battle. Every corner was meticulously inspected, every hiding place examined. Their mission was clear: to ensure that no hobgoblin survived and to bring an end to the reign of the ruthless leader.

The hunt for the leader would be a challenging endeavor, but the lieutenant and his forces were undeterred. They understood the significance of their task and the implications of its success. The search continued, driven by a sense of duty and a shared commitment to safeguarding the region from any future threats.

In the aftermath of the one-sided slaughter, the battlefield stood as a testament to the overwhelming victory achieved by the defenders. But their mission was not yet complete. The search for the leader of the hobgoblins had just begun, and the fate of the region hung in the balance.

The arduous search persisted for over a day, spanning various terrains and encountering numerous challenges along the way. The relentless pursuit of the hobgoblin leader eventually bore fruit, as intelligence revealed the location of their stronghold. However, the journey to reach the leader was not without sacrifice.

Tragically, five squads comprising twenty-five skilled soldiers paid the ultimate price, their lives forfeit in the pursuit of the hobgoblin leader.

Upon receiving the news of the leader's whereabouts, the lieutenant wasted no time. Displaying a different side from his previous demeanor, he swiftly rallied the other 2 tier-3 soldiers and embarked on a mission to confront the leader. The urgency and determination displayed by the lieutenant and his fellow tier-3 comrades underscored the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile, reports from the scouts painted a picture of the hobgoblin leader on the cusp of attaining uncommon rank. The information suggested that the confrontation would not pose a significant challenge for the experienced tier-3 soldiers. With their superior skills and power, they quickly engaged the leader, dispatching the foe with remarkable efficiency and speed.

Having achieved a swift and decisive victory, the lieutenant and the other tier-3 soldiers returned triumphant. The enemy leader lay defeated, ensuring the end of mission.



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