Spy Mage System

Chapter 32

32 The Scientist’s Truth

We got the map and we saw it, attempting to sort out the arrangement of this spot. In view of the map, we chose to head towards the high level. There was a little lift toward the finish of the passage, so we took it.

The researcher could be situated in the LG floor, yet it wasn’t precisely a very remarkable savvy thought. On the off chance that anybody could go there, thinking that he is would be simple.

We took a gander at the map of where to go straightaway, and we made a beeline for the west side of the structure. We went down a couple of floors, and we saw an open entryway that was marginally unlatched. “What’s prompting this entryway,” I mumbled to myself. I opened it completely, and we wound up inside a room. It was dim, however we could see the layout of certain seats and work areas. “Turn on the lights,” Mr. Drails requested. I attempted to track down the light switch, yet the haziness totally took my vision. That is until I felt a switch of some kind or another, and the lights came on.

I checked out the room, and I saw a work area close to the back. On the table was a book, and it had a wide range of notes wrote on the pages. I checked out the room once more, and I saw one more entryway in the extreme left half of the room.

“No researcher here,” I said. Mr. Drails murmured as he went arms akimbo. “We should continue moving,” he expressed, highlighting that entryway. We traveled through the entryway, and ended up tracking down sight of a gatekeeper. We quickly shut the entryway and remained by the corner, sitting tight for him to cruise by.

I looked, seeing him turn left.

“OK, we should move,” Mr. Drails said. He pushed me forward, and we strolled into the corridor. As we were strolling, I heard strides coming towards us. I saw a way to the left half of us. “Speedy in there,” Mr. Drails said, and we immediately shot within the room. Two guards walked around us, as my heart dashed into a quick rate as they strolled by the window. I gradually opened the entryway unlatched and looked outside, seeing the guards leaving.

“I can’t help thinking about what’s behind that entryway,” I said. Mr. Drails gestured. “They may be monitoring something helpful there.”

We continued, however ensured our strides were not bouncing off the walls. We arrived at the entryway, and I squeezed my ear against it. I didn’t hear anything, so I opened it and ventured inside.


“It’s vacant,” I said. Mr. Drails shook his head. “This will be an exercise in futility.”

We looked through the room, our strides making extremely clearly crashes as we kept on strolling. However, when I handled my foot on the floor, I heard the sound of metal. I halted cold and checked Mr. Drails, who likewise froze out. I pivoted and checked the entryway out.

“What is it?” he inquired.

“I assume I found a mystery secret entrance,” I said. “Look.”

I kept on squeezing my foot against the floor, and the sound kept on reverberating itself. I opened it and peered down, and I saw a flight of stairs driving downwards. “We should go,” I said.

Mr. Drails followed me down the steps. It was very frightful in the event that I really do say so myself, and my heart started to shudder a little. Yet, I attempted to keep myself engaged and fearless as I creeped down the steps. However at that point, I felt as though that all hurried away once I heard a moan. I screeched, alarming Mr. Drails also.

“For what reason are you hollering?” Mr. Drails grumbled, getting my arm.

I shook my head. “I don’t have the foggiest idea. I feel like I’m being watched.”

Mr. Drails laughed. “Quiet down, nobody is watching you. How about we forge ahead.”

We went on down the steps however the moans continued to rehash the same thing. I shivered at the commotion. I felt a developing sensation of disquiet. I was apprehensive to such an extent that I shouted once I contacted the ground.

Abruptly, the lights flicked on, leaving us cold speechless.

I saw a person with a stubble facial hair growth with dark wavy hair that was in a seat with chains locked on his wrists. He wore a lab suit and a white coat, and he looked pale.

He raised his head and checked us out. He gazed at me, and I shuddered. “Who are you folks?” he inquired. I stammered, excessively frightened to try and say a word. Mr. Drails took over for me, being that I was not actually at a steady position.

“We are YMPA specialists, attempting to save you from your circumstance that you might be in,” he said. The man gestured. “So you’re a piece of Emotional?” he inquired. “Might you at any point get me out of here?”

“Of course, definitely,” I expressed, attempting to quiet my pulse to an ordinary rhythm. “Just – simply allow us a second.” I checked out the room.

I saw a PC, and I got it. I put the PC onto the work area, and turned on the PC. The screen tapped on and there were records that hung by the side, conveying different data within their portfolio. I tapped the symbol that addressed itself as a mp4, and a video showed up on the screen.

I saw a similar man binded in the seat – like the one that was fixing his gander at us now and I saw a watchman stroll by him. I saw the watchman go to the opposite side of the room, and I saw the gatekeeper check out the room.

Unexpectedly, Demeitrus Rocke strolled in. “Hi, Dr. Micheal Jones,” he said in a dim and detestable voice. “I hear you are a man of significance. I couldn’t want anything more than to have you on my side.”

The man shook his head. “I won’t ever join your side, ever,” he said. Rocke murmured, “Well that simply makes things harder isn’t that right? Let me know where the Armonk is.”

“No,” Dr. Jones kept up with. “You can kill me, however I won’t tell you.”

Rocke grimaced. “Kill you?” he inquired. “Is it true or not that you are certain you believe should do that? You are a significant man, and I’m willing to offer you an arrangement.”

“I don’t need an arrangement with you individuals. I believe that you should let me be and to bring me back home,” he said. Dr. Jones started to shake more in dread as Rocke drew nearer to him. There was a seat by the side that was unused, not long before Rocke hauled it out of its settlement and utilized it to lay himself on – organizing it looking towards Dr. Jones.

“You know those scale stylistic layouts that you used to have when you were a kid? Yeah, simply believe you should envision that at this moment, alright? Now, we are an association that has abilities that could kill countless men and you simply have a significant situation as a researcher to safeguard by not tolerating, or hearing my proposal by any means,” Rocke showed. “Tune in, simply hear my arrangement. We will allow you to live. Consequently, you will let us know where the Armonk is, and you will do anything we request from you.”

“So you believe that I should annihilate my country, just to live?” he addressed. “I fail to understand how that is superior to death.”

Rocke shrugged. “Let’s be real, I lean toward living,” he recommended. “I’ll give you an opportunity to think, OK?” He left as the guards then, at that point, got once again to their post. Then, at that point, the tape finished, and the researcher started to whine.

“Thus, they will kill you?” I inquired.

The researcher gestured. “I don’t want to pass on, yet I would rather not deceive my country,” he said morally. Mr. Drails strolled over to him, and got the seat, “Could you let us know where it is, and we can caution the president about what might be said about’s to occur. Other than this work, I’m a Mystery Administration Specialist, so I can let the president know this.”

Dr. Jones shook his head. “I can’t let you know anything,” he said. Mr. Drails murmured. “Thus, you’d prefer bite the dust than get an opportunity to save your country since you’re worried we will conflict with the US?” he inquired.

The researcher gestured. “Please accept my apologies,” he said. Mr. Drails murmured once more. “Indeed, that simply makes things harder, doesn’t it?” he said.

Mr. Drails then moved over to the PC and switched it off. “Indeed, there’s one way we will find out, and you will not be alive to see your nation saved.”

We progressed towards the steps however at that point in two seconds the researcher shouted out to us. “Stand by!” he yelled, making us respite and pivot. “What?” I inquired. “You at long last decided?”

“There is a plain island that is by the US that we have control of. Despite the fact that I know its name, here are the directions. Just our PCs can see this island, nothing else,” he uncovered.

“That sounds like a decent spot for a mystery base,” I said. Mr. Drails gestured. We got the directions that he gave us and we went on higher up, however at that point we heard strides rushing down the hidden entryway. Out of nowhere, a lot of guards encompassed the region and started to keep their firearms pointed right at us.

“Try not to move!” they directed. Then, we heard weighty strides and we realized who was descending. Rocke grinned at us forebodingly as he showed up from the shadows. “Who realized our adversaries could be so useful. You for all intents and purposes went about our responsibilities for us,” Rocke said.

“How could you know this?” Dr. Jones inquired. Rocke shrugged. “It wasn’t difficult to sort out. We just watched you as you were conversing with Drails. We have surveillance cameras in the event that you know.”

He laughed detestably. “Guards, remove them.”


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