Spy Mage System

Chapter 270 - 270 A Hostile Visit

270 A Hostile Visit

For a very odd reason, I found myself terrified from the morning light. I woke up, drenched in sweat, as I looked beside me. Oddly—if it’s even odd—she wasn’t there. I sighed, as I got up from my bed and exited the room, just to see her nowhere.

Absolutely nowhere.

Did she escape or something—unless—she ran with the money!

Of course that fiend would take my money and run with it! That betrayer! The anger boiling through my blood was too great to contain.

But then, I heard the bathroom door open, as she exited out of there. She looked at me with concern, which I calmed down, trying to pretend nothing happened.

“You good?” she asked.

“Yes, I think,” I said with an embarrassed smile. “So when are we going to get to the airport?”

“Tomorrow, so that we can meet your friend and get back to our regular lives as soon as possible,” she said. She spit her marinating toothpaste into her cup, leaving this sticky, viscous residue.

“Well, I guess that’s good,” I said, chuckling a bit.


She shifted into a position, as she took a good look at me. “Are you always nervous?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, right now.”

She wasn’t wrong, I had to give her that. “I mean, we are in a very nerve-racking situation so in a sense, I guess.”

“It is what we spy mages do, correct?” she asked me, which I hesitantly nodded. She was right, unfortunately.

“You should calm down some time, it might actually do you some good,” she said.

“No, I’m perfectly fine,” I said. “Are you good?” She smiled with her toothbrush shoved in her mouth. “Never been better.”

She returned back to the bathroom, in which I sighed, looking around the place. It wasn’t bad, and the sun shining was a nice addition to the room.

But then, I noticed something on the TV, or more on the screen.

I didn’t even turn it on, and the static picture was playing, which alarmed me instantly. “Uh, did you turn it on?” I asked, hoping she would hear me from the bathroom.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Then, the picture cleared up into an actual video, which the video was showing a dark room that shadowed every corner.

But then, one lamp turned on, then two, then three until the entire face of the speaker was the main product on the screen.

“Hello, Connor, I know you’re there,” he—Luthor Bane—said. “I’m not sure how you thought it was a good idea to escape from us, knowing that it was a bad idea anyways.”

Fear captivated my heart, as I heard the loud footsteps from the bathroom head towards that door.

“Hey, Connor, do you happen to know…oh,” Brie asked, before she abruptly surprised. Luthor Bane noticed her presence. “Oh, that’s the woman!”

“Woman who?” she asked in confusion.

“I sent some guys to find you and to kill you Connor, but a fellow friend of yours came to the rescue seemingly,” he said. “Wow. Nice to meet you.”

“What do you want?” she asked. I turned to her. “What do you think?”

Luthor Bane nodded slowly, the smirk wiping all over his face. “First of all, to clear the air here, there’s no way you guys are escaping from us. So Connor, why don’t you hand us those two briefcases and that girl right beside you and we’ll send you back to the YMPA. I’m pretty sure they’d have compassion on you being the fact you were basically kidnapped by us.”

“I don’t think I want to do that,” I said.

Luthor Bane shook his head. “What do you think is going to happen by keeping those two briefcases. Do you really believe you’re going to survive against the entire force of the TSA on your head?”

“Well you failed to kill me in the first place,” I said. Luthor Bane sighed. “First of all, we’re not monsters. We won’t kill innocent people unless required to, to get what we want. Secondly, no one expected that girl to come to rescue like some female Batman. Now that we know, we’ll take clear caution. It is just the two of you anyways.”

“So, how does this help your case?” she asked. “Are you going to bust inside of here and kill us both or something?”

“In a sense, yes, if you don’t except my deal. Look out the window. You’ll be surprised,” he said.

I looked at him with concern, as I slowly made my way to the window, and I scooted the drapes out the way.

Shock was drawn all over my face, seeing the groups of vehicles parked all over the front gate, with men with wands and machine guns standing in front of them like bodyguards.

“Oh, no,” I mumbled. I could hear Luthor Bane laughing from the TV all the way at the corner. “Terrifying sight, ain’t it?” he said, laughing even more.

“If I accept your deal, are these guys going to disappear?” I asked, my eyes glued to the horrifying sight.

“Oh, disappear? They’ll vanish!” he advertised. “They’ll go like holograms!”

I slowly turned around to glance at Brie. I mouthed the words: “Get your wand!” She quickly nodded, and she slowly reached for her weapon.

I slowly reached for my gun, in which I cocked the weapon, ready to shoot at any moment.

“I’m waiting for an answer kid,” Luthor Bane said. I gave a smirk outside the window, curious if anyone of them noticed.

“You want an answer?” I asked. “Here’s one. C’mon in.” Immediately, I fired three bullets out the window, and the rain of bullets began.

“Get down!” I shouted to her, in which I dove behind one of the sofas.

The little quick sounds of bullets passing by increased the pumping speed inside my heart. I looked beside me and shot a few more bullets blindly, before returning to cover.

“Hey, Connor!” Brie shouted, hiding behind the other sofa on the other side of the room.

But then, the war of bullets stopped. The sounds of magazines dropping onto the floor were the last things producing sound before the silence took cover.

“That was a quick free trial of what’s going to happen. But now you have a chance to make the right choice again, unless you’re gonna have to pay,” Luthor Bane said, breaking the silence.

I glanced ahead, seeing Brie mouthing words to me: “What do we do?”

I looked around, only seeing the smoke slither through air, and the debris scatter across the floor.

I looked ahead, seeing the door which was unhinged. That was our way of escape, because we could go through the backdoor, and escape that way.

“Go over there,” I mouthed. Luthor Bane sighed once again, “I need an answer!”

Quickly we crawled towards the door, before I shot up to my feet. I reached out my hand, and Brie grabbed. “Oh my Lord, you guys are escaping again—”

I shut the door.

“Okay, we have to go now,” I said, in which she nodded. We sped through the hall, already knowing that TSA spies galore were going to flood these halls.

But as we came across one of the crossings, two agents peeked out from the corner. “Get back!” Brie shouted. She twirled the wand in her hands, fighting against them while I checked the corners to see if more were coming.

And indeed, they were.

“Okay, we gotta go like now!” I said, looking at her. She dodged an attack, then finished her last opponent with a strong strike to the jaw.

“What?” she asked. I moved my head towards the door that was letting rays of light enter, and also a bunch of enemy agents.

“Yeah, come on, let’s move,” she said. We shot through the halls, as the others came in, and immediately pursued us.

“Where’s the backdoor of this place?” I mumbled to myself, looking around for that door with the white frame.

“I don’t know, but I’ll try and keep them back,” she said. Then, an idea that I always forget to use clicked in my brain.

“Wait, watch this,” I said, stopping in my tracks and turning around. Agents poured through the halls like a rushing flood, in which I took a deep breath.

I stomped the ground, and sent a shockwave that pushed them all back.

They flew through the air, and collasped onto the ground. “That should hold them back,” I said, quickly turning my head to her. “Let’s go.”

We flew through the hall, until we finally reached that door withn the white frame. But then, at the right of us another two agents decided to appoint us as their opponents.

“Oh, boy,” I muttered, looking around. I saw a fire extinguisher, which on top of it was a fine for five hundred, although I’m quite sure my live is worth quite more than a fire extinguisher.

Quickly, I fetched for the fire extinguisher, and swung at one of the men. He quickly caught it, as he tried to throw it to the side, but I reversed that move.

Then he reversed that move, leading us into his dance or rhythm while constantly trying to hit each other with this big red bottle. I quickly swung it to the side, but this time, I kicked him in his thigh.

His stability wavered, in which I crossed him with the fire extinguisher. The bottle dropped, but luckily didn’t decide to spew out anything.

“C’mon let’s go before more come,” I said, looking at Brie, in which her nod confirmed our next move.


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