Spy Mage System

Chapter 265 - 265 A Daring Escape

265 A Daring Escape

Oh…it hurts. It feels like something is devouring my stomach. The pain—the pain throbbing in my stomach is unbearable.

First of all to start things off, where in the world am I?

I began to take notice of the surroundings around me.

Something was moving, for a fact, and it seemed to be moving forward to a certain destination. It didn’t feel like a boat. No, it felt quicker than that. Maybe it was…maybe a plane? But I could feel the bumps from the moving entity I was inside.

And that clue alone finally gave me the answer.

I was in a car. And it seemed to be a large one. It was probably a van or something along those lines like a truck. Now the question is, which one?

I slowly began to open my eyes, which took a great amount of effort to do. I was behind a wall, a very fabric wall. I looked ahead of me, and I saw a big window that led to the veneer.

I was definitely in a van.

I slowly began to advance to my knees, in which in a split second, I saw heads in my view and I immediately ducked down.


“How long until we get to that plane?” someone asked. This person, who sounded like a male, had a growling voice that scared me to death as if he was a bear that knew English.

“I’m not sure, probably another hour or so,” another said. Alright, based on that information and what I heard, those are not YMPA agents. And they’re trying to take something to a plane.

What is that something?

I slowly began to move to my sitting position, as I continued to listen to their conversation. “Where do you think Matthew Lock is?” one of them asked.

“They’re probably with those kids. Imagine getting arrested by small children.”

“But those small children are very good. They somehow keep posing as a threat to us,” one of them said, which I think was the driver based on how far away his voice was.

But right then and there, I just realized whose van this is. It’s the TSA’s, and once I realized that my memory rushed through my brain like the wind.

I could remember us fighting Luthor Bane and his men, and pursuing Matthew Lock for both briefcases. And I could also remember Luthor Bane spearing me right in the side of my rib.

Once I realized that the pain hurts a whole lot more.

They kidnapped me and put me in their car as well as the two briefcases. But why did they kidnap me when I could’ve died right there in the middle of the street, wounded?

It makes no sense.

The only thing it could be is that they were trying to get information out of me, and that thought alone made me almost shriek in terror.

“How’s the boy doing back there?” I heard a familiar voice ask. It was crafty and cunning, like some sort of spy from a movie which is ironic because we are spies.

Luthor Bane.

Quickly I turned back to my original position, and closed my eyes, hoping they weren’t twitching in terror. I could hear a person moving over their seat to look at me, and I could smell the breath from their mouth, which actually was pleasant.

“He’s good, cap,” the person returned. He shuffled back to his seat, and relief washed over my heart.

They continued driving for a certain moment until they suddenly stopped. Right then, I decided to create a game plan. The briefcase isn’t back here at the truck, meaning that it’s with them.

Maybe I could wait until one of them gets out of the car or something.

But then I heard Luthor Bane say, “Hey, Mike, watch over that boy over there, alright?” I quickly returned to my original pose.

All of a sudden, three doors at once opened and then closed in unison. I could hear the man moving to look over me, and his loud breaths.

“Sounds like someone is sleeping, ay?” he said with a chuckle, which I could tell he was British.

I didn’t say anything, because that would foil my plan. I waited, unsure whether to move now or later when he turned back.

But then, he moved his body to where his loud breaths were faint. There was no other time than now. Quickly, I rose from my position and went in for the surprise attack.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he screamed and shouted for help. “Get off me you little pri—” he barked, but I tightened, cutting him off his sentence.

Little cries and whines of pain escaped from his throat until I punched him right in the head and he slumped over.

I did it, I did it! But now what?

I looked and I saw the two briefcases right beside him. Bingo. I fetched the two briefcases, and I quickly drove toward the handle of the door.

I opened it, as the air scuttled in, and I quickly made my escape. We were parked at a gas station, in which TSA agents were gathering around the gas pump.

I needed to hide behind somewhere so they didn’t immediately take notice of me.

I looked around, and I saw this car that looked broken down as if it was only worth a couple of bucks.

I quickly ran towards there, my breath short, and sweat dripping down from my forehead. I was terrified but hopeful.

I made it, seeing it was a station wagon that looked as if it was from the 70s.

Quickly, I went towards the driver’s door, and I tried to open it. But it was locked, somehow, although there was a key in there. I looked through the window to what left I could see of the trunk, which there was also nothing.

Quickly, I charged up my Perk, and I punched the window, which dissolved into nothing.

I reached for the little switch above the handle and once it clicked, I opened the door and I jumped in the car.

I quickly turned on the ignition, and the car coughed to life. I pushed on the pedal and began to make my way toward the road.

I could see the men turn to look at me, but I ducked my head low so they wouldn’t notice me. Then I turned to the road, in which the light was green and I drove away.

I escaped! Yes!

But what now? There was a list of things to do, and I didn’t even know where to start!

I quickly looked in my utility belt, and I saw that I didn’t have my wand, my gun, or any weapon at all. I was defenseless, completely!

Worry began to overtake me, and my stress soared through the roof. What do I do now? Alright, I still have my radio right?

I checked, and lo and behold, I didn’t have it.

How were they supposed to track me, or how was I supposed to call them and say this: Hey, I need help. I’m on this street on Bell and Greenway, if that even exists.

I continued driving, just trying to figure out what to do. Let’s try to do one step at a time alright?

First of all, I need to find help or some sort of place where I could get treatment. This stab in my stomach is killing me!

But I probably don’t even have my phone, do I? I checked my pocket, and I felt a long object that was in my hand.

Quickly, I pulled it out and I saw my phone, and joy surpassed me completely. I activated the GPS to the nearest pharmacy, and I had a bit of hope again. After that, I could find a place to eat. If only I had Nikki to create some fake money.

I quickly drove my way towards the pharmacy, which was quite soon up ahead, probably only about a mile away. I couldn’t stop thinking about my Mom, Mr. Drails, or my team, who are probably panicked and scared about what happened to me. Or where I am.

I felt like crying, but I was a bit too relieved and focused to cry. Right now, what I needed to do was to grow up, and get myself together. I’ve been through this before, and I know it.

I still can remember when we were being hunted by Rocke because of the Cybertron. But the difference was, I wasn’t alone.

I had help, and someone to talk to. We had to depend on each other, but now, I can only depend on myself. But then, I realized that there was—in fact—a person to whom I could reach for help.

I tried to think of the name, but it was so hard to figure it out. What was it? How come I couldn’t remember it?

The frustration began to sink inside my mind, and I began to thrash the wheel in fury, clamoring like a maniac as I did so.

Then I stopped, out of breath and almost too sightless to focus on the road. My head hurt badly and my body felt as if it wanted to plunge into a long sleep.

I needed to treat myself for this wound, and soon.


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