Spy Mage System

Chapter 260 - 260 The Final Plan

260 The Final Plan

“Alright,” he said. “Now we have something on our hands. The question is, what ideas do we have?”

“What do you mean?” September asked, as he chuckled. He responded back, “We need ideas, like how are we gonna take it from him. We can’t just bust in there, because he’ll have time to escape.”

“Makes sense,” I said.

“So, we have to lure him, but how?” Mr. Drails said, pacing around the room.

I looked around, although I’m not sure why I did that, but I just did. But that—apparently—mustered an idea into my brain.

“Wait. What if we pretend to make a murder scene?”

It was as if the room paused completely, as everyone looked at me. Some were intrigued, and some were concerned.

“Murder scene?” Mr. Drails muttered to himself. “How would that work?”

“Well… maybe we could get a few YMPA agents to pretend to make a murder scene, in which it would force Matthew Lock to escort himself from the Bronx.”


“And then…” Malachi added, basically ordering me to continue.

“We tail him until we find an alleyway or somewhere secret to take him down, and get the two briefcases.”

“What if he has the briefcases saved somewhere. He has the ISM working with him, so they probably have it,” Nikki said, rubbing her chin.

Mr. Drails sighed, and inhaled before he exhaled out his thoughts. “We could get some YMPA agents to scout out the place. Maybe see or examine any rooms that might have the briefcases. If not, then Matthew Lock clearly has possession of the two.”

“Mhm,” I agreed.

“Otherwise, we go on a full search of Matthew Lock. We clear everyone out—including him—and then we keep on following Lock until we find him in a secure and unknown area, and then—Bam—we got him!” he said, in which the ‘Bam’ startled all of us.

“Yeah… so what do we do now?”

“Well, we do have the location of him right on my computer, don’t ya think?” he said, turning his computer to once again reveal his location.

It was this big red dot that was on a white map, which was a clear representation of his whereabouts. “Now what would be our positions?” September asked. Mr. Drails stopped, as his face transferred to a thoughtful expression.

“Well, perhaps, we would need the most skilled or powerful, in fact, both to go after him. September and Malachi will follow him. However, Connor, Nikki, and Tisiah are going to try and figure out where exactly Matthew Lock is coming from. Once you catch sight of him, immediately tell them.”

“Alright, and can the other YMPA agents help?”

“Hopefully, but something tells me the residents are going to occupy them for a little while.”

I sighed. “That’s unfortunate,” I muttered. “What if September and Malachi need help?”

“What do you think?”

Tisiah reeled back in shock of such quick-paced harsh words. “Dang…” he muttered to himself, scratching his head.

“You will not help them, but in fact, help the other YMPA agents in keeping the residents cool.”

“Wait—what?!” everyone shrieked in shock. “So we’re by ourselves?” September asked.

“You guys have been in this for so long, it’s almost time for you to graduate. Trust me, you guys can take him down.”

“But he’s an official YMPA spy mage, we’re just juniors!” Malachi said.

“There’s two juniors and one official. I’m pretty sure that’s an even match,” Mr. Drails said. “Alright?”

“Yeah…” I muttered. “So when are we doing this?”

“As quick as we can,” Mr. Drails replied. “Now, I have to talk with some other YMPA agents so they can create this murder scene. In the meantime, you guys can prepare for when the time comes. Don’t fail me guys. Don’t.”

“Yes, sir,” we all confirmed. We left the briefing room, and the only thing that I could think about was this upcoming mission.

I thought Saudi Arabia was going to be the final mission of dealing with Matthew Lock, but what about now? What else is going to happen? What do we do at that point?

I sighed, and wiped my head. I wasn’t sweating, but it sure felt like it. Then, I heard my phone ring, and I immediately went to pick it up. I looked at the phone, seeing that it was Greg. Probably what I needed right now. I answered the phone, in which Greg shot, “What happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“What has happened so far?”

“We found out where Lock is, and our plan of luring him into a trap might work.”

“Wow. That’s fantastic,” he said, in disbelief. “How did you even find him?” I chuckled. “We found this tracker Mark Gerard, who used to work for the TSA but retired. He helped us.”

“Really?” Greg asked, his voice curled in surprise.

“Yep,” I quickly uttered.

“That’s crazy. So what happens next? How will you go after him?”

“Well, we’re following him, and if he tries to escape, we’ll corner him. We’ll lure him out by creating a fake murder scene, and then capture him right when we need him to. Or we could wait for him at an alleyway, but he knows we’re coming. But since he’s not expecting much from his new enemies, maybe that will work. Although, we’re going to need more YMPA agents.”

“Yeah, you don’t say. It’s an entire murder scene. YMPA agents will be required. They should be helping.”

“Oh, they will be. Well, I gotta go; we’ll talk later. Bye.” But then I stopped, and I never pressed that little red button on my phone. A thought entered my head at the last moment. I returned back to the phone. “Anything from Fulton?” I asked.

“Not too much, or too little I guess,” Greg chuckled. “He’s currently keeping an eye on the blue drive, seeing if it’s going to be arriving back anytime soon. I’m sure it is, though, seeing as we’ve been hearing about it every day.”

“Okay… Okay. Alright. How soon?”

“Maybe two or three days. It really all depends, Connor,” he said. “I just hope we’re not doing anything wrong.”

“Fulton is very experienced. In fact, he literally owns an entire organization. He knows what he’s doing…I hope,” I said, slightly becoming less confident as I continued. “What do you think?”

“Honestly, Connor? I have no idea. But I trust him, because it still boggles me that Mr. Drails is trying to make a deal with…Oh, my goodness.”


“You know how you convinced Dr. Mord to help you guys?” Greg asked. I nodded. “Yeah, what if Mr. Drails’s plan is to use that as a way to make an alliance with the BMO. That’s already one down, and now the SAF is next. We need to be careful, Connor. I’ll keep in touch with you, okay?”

“Okay. Well, I better go, I’ll keep you updated.”

“Alright,” Greg said, as he hung up the phone. I sighed, looking down at the dragon designs and golden fire that was scattered throughout the rails. It made it seem like the YMPA was some fantasy kingdom, with dragons and soldiers fighting for victory. Then again, we’re spy mages. This is a fantasy. That thought made me feel better.

A few moments passed by. Then, I heard someone approaching. It was Tisiah. He sat next to me, with a strange expression on his face. I looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

“Hey Connor,” Tisiah said with a chuckle. “I heard you talking to Greg about something.”

“Yeah, just updating him on what happened,” I said, smiling back. But Tisiah wasn’t smiling anymore, in fact, he had this expression of concern. “It was about some blue drive. Did you guys find something?”

I tried to give a confused face, but it was almost ironic just doing that. A smile still played on my lips. I didn’t want to scare the rest of the agents. “Yeah, yeah, we found some blue drive. But it was something from the YMPA, so it’s nothing to worry about. We thought it may have carried some documents by the TSA of the virus or something. But we were told it was just some sort of memory drive, though. It’s from the YMPA, so we shouldn’t be concerned,” I lied.

Tisiah nodded. “Alright, lunch is about to start. So, just meet us at the table if you need to talk to us or anything.”


“Did you find something out? Anything? Let me know,” he asked, making sure that I knew that it was alright to let him know the truth. “Don’t hold things back. You have me and the other two,” he said, nodding his head in the direction of September and Malachi.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, but Tisiah just shook his head. “You never know when you might need them, if you really wanted to. Trust me; you need them.”

I nodded.

“Well, I’m going to take off then,” Tisiah said, as he got up from his seat. He went to the cafeteria.

“Thanks. See you later,” I said, waving him goodbye.

“Okay, bye Connor,” he said.


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