Spy Mage System

Chapter 254 - 254 The Meeting

254 The Meeting

Both teams cocked their weapons, signaling for the meeting to begin.

“First things first,” Luthor Bane said immediately. “How in the world did you manage to escape the YMPA prison? That’s quite unbelievable.”

“Well, I won’t say it’s luck,” Dr. Mord said.

“I guess. You were always known to be the crazy one, just like your sister,” Luthor Bane chuckled.

“Not crazy–determined,” Dr. Mord corrected, but Luthor Bane just shook his head and chuckled. “Perhaps.”

“Now, how are things going with my baby virus?” Dr. Mord asked. “You guys have it correct?”

“Oh…” Luthor Bane breathed. “That’s a long story on its own.”

“Pardon me?” Dr. Mord said, his eyes widening.

“We were doing the meet at Saudi Arabia, and the next thing you know, those dumb YMPA spies decided to arrive first. Everything just dissolved into chaos at that point.”


“When you say those YMPA spies, do you mean?”

“The ones that killed Rocke, and in fact, your sister. Those same people that got you in that prison,” Luthor Bane hissed. Dr. Mord’s face wrinkled into anger, which was ironic because we were working with him right now.

“Someone’s gotta kill those kids.”

“Yes, we have some guys searching for them. But they can hide, and I can tell you that much,” Luthor Bane said. “Anyways, we had to go after Matthew Lock after he decided to bail and take the ISM into his own hands. He jumped off the roof.”

“He’s dead?”

“I highly doubt it,” Luthor Bane said. “He had two briefcases, one with the Cobra virus and antidote. The other had our money of five hundred million that he took for free basically.”

“Do you have any leads?” Dr. Mord asked. Luthor Bane chuckled. “What kind of person am I without a lead? I can search for anyone.”

“What about those kids?”

“I never said I didn’t know they were, but they’re good hiders. But there’s only five of them and the whole TSA on their backs.”

“Well they still have the YMPA though,” Dr. Mord said. “They are literally YMPA agents.”

“The YMPA is a bunch of fishes that have a lot of money. They don’t think or remember anything, but yet they have all these resources. They would care less about five kids.”

My heart was beating rapidly the more he continued speaking, and I felt like it was going to burst into pieces any second now on.

They’re searching for us?

He thinks the YMPA are a bunch of fishes?

Fear wasn’t even coursing through my body, but it was anger boiling inside of me. I felt like running over there, and shooting him myself, and not even with no dart gun–but with an actual bullet or bolt. In fact I would destroy him once I activated my Perk. I would disintegrate his face, watch! But I needed to keep my cool, because this was for the better of the world, including myself.

“So what should we do then?” Luthor Bane asked.

Then all of a sudden, my radio was switched on, and Dr. Mord’s voice projected through the radio.

“Well, there are many things we could do. But one thing’s for sure, this can end up blowing into a ball of fire.”

That was the que.

Dr. Mord shifted out of the way, revealing the BMO agent with the fake bomb. “Bomb!” a TSA agent shouted. Everyone’s eyes shifted to the agents, and wands were brought up from all directions.

“Get down!” Dr. Mord yelled, and everyone started to drop to the ground. Then the sound of explosions and screams of pain filled the air. “Go, go go!” Malachi shouted through the radio, as he, September and Nikki shot down the hill. I quickly got up, and ran with them, while Tisiah and Malachi followed behind us. I could see a TSA agent take cover behind one of the vehicles, shooting bolts as he did. “Malachi!” I yelled, and he turned to look at me. I pointed at the vehicle, and he nodded, turning to look at Tisiah.

“Connor, come with me. We’re going for Luthor Bane,” he said. I nodded, as we continued to run down the hill. We were now in the thick of the battlefield, where bolts shot past us every second. “Get down!” Malachi shouted, as we dove down to the ground. “Stay low.” I looked back at him, and he shot another bolt, and then turned to look at me. “Stay low. Now let’s go.” I nodded, and we started to move forward again.

Suddenly, a bolt shot through the trees above us, and I saw a woman’s body fall to the ground.

My heart skipped a beat once she hit the ground, and my eyes widened in shock as I looked at her lifeless face. “C’mon, let’s move!” he said, pulling me by my hand and dragging me away from the body. “Where’s Connor?” I heard the familiar voice of September, and we ran to the left, and then we ducked down, as another bolt was shot at us.

“I’m right here!” I said on the radio. “Is there a problem?”

“You’re still alive?” September said.

“Yeah, why?”

“Good,” she said. “Let’s keep it that way. What are you guys doing?”

“We’re trying to find Luthor, but he seems to have escaped, or disappeared or something,” I said, glancing around. “You guys see him?”

“Not yet,” Nikki responded, with a hint of worry in her voice. “We’re heading to the middle, but we haven’t found him yet.”

“What’s your location?” I asked.

“We’re just south of the main battle.”

“Keep going south.”


We kept on running, and eventually, we made it to the middle of the battlefield, where it seemed like everything was a mess. Glass and doors were scattered all over the road, and blood was splattered on the hood of each car.

“This is insane,” Tisiah said, taking cover behind a nearby tree.

“Malachi!” September called out. “He’s over here.” Me and Malachi instantly turned our heads, seeing Luthor Bane and two guys running away from the scene. “I’ll go after them!” I shouted, as Malachi began to stutter, but I already left before he could even say anything.

“Wait!” I heard his voice call out, but I was too far to hear what he said. I didn’t know if I should turn back, but I decided to continue after them. They sped through destroyed cars, and fields of glass, and through little strips of space between the big TSA trucks. They were fast, I can tell you that much. I kept on their tail, but I was just a tad bit slower.

“Luthor Bane, stop right now!” I yelled, as I took the last turn. I could see the two men who were with him were shooting bolts at me, but I just dodged it. Then I saw Luthor Bane running in the distance. He wasn’t getting away so easily…I hope. I began to gain ground, enough to reach the first guy that was closest to me. He turned around, and fired a bolt at me. I dodged it, and then I grabbed his wrist, and twisted it. He fell to the ground, and I turned my attention towards the other guy, who was also running.

He was way faster than the first guy, like I mean ten times faster. I felt as if I was running a marathon. I could barely keep up with him. He was on the edge of the field, and I was in the middle of it. The wind blew my hair, and I felt as if I was going to pass out from exhaustion. Suddenly, I felt my foot get stuck in a hole, and I tripped over my own two feet. I rolled, and felt my shoulder slam into the ground. I looked up, and saw the other guy running off, and I looked back up at Luthor Bane.

“Stop!” I shouted, scrambling back onto my two feet. I turned my head, and saw that Luthor Bane was looking at me, with a smirk on his face. I was breathing hard, and sweat was dripping off my forehead. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, and I felt a warm liquid drip down my arm.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Connor,” Luthor Bane said, stopping. “You’re kind of a fun guy to play with. I don’t want to kill you just yet. But you have to go through me first. I’m the boss.”

“You’re not the boss, Luthor Bane,” I said, staring into his eyes. “You’ve never been the boss. You’re more of a prince, if you’re picking up what I’m putting down.”

“Oh, you’re those smart-alecks. Those are my favorites to kill. But let me just have a little fun with you. Then I’ll finish it,” he said. He suddenly swung out his wand, and went for the striking blow. I didn’t have a chance to block it, and I felt my body jolt as it hit my chest. It was like I was being electrocuted. I felt myself hit the car next to me, as the glass shot out in little pieces before clattering to the floor. I coughed up blood, and I felt my consciousness slipping away.

“I don’t want to kill you,” he said, as he lifted his wand.

“I don’t want you to either,” I muttered, languidly reaching for my wand. I pressed the button on the utility belt, as the wand popped out from its hole and I grabbed it in the air. Then we both swung, with the energy flowing through our veins transferring to the dome of our wands.

“You’re not as good as I am, Connor,” he said, as he got the upper hand. I had no time to react, and he shot another bolt. But this time, I did have time to react, and I quickly dodged it.

“You’re wrong,” I said, as I moved to the side of the road. We were moving in a circulating motion, our eyes steady and directly facing one another. “Because I have this.” I charged up my Perk, feeling the energy and power shot inside of me, and feeling the intensity and excitement spark inside of me. Then I ran forward, my arms glowing, as I jumped, seeing his shocked face. I hit the ground, and the cars surrounding me leaped in the air, as well as Luthor Bane. I felt my body shake, as I slowly stood up, and saw the cars crash back down to the ground, and the two guys were on the ground, holding their heads.

Luthor Bane was trembling from the pain, slowly trying to reach for one of the hoods of the car to lift him up. Now was the time. Now was the time to shoot him. I reached for my dart gun, facing right at his shoulder. All I need to do is to shoot him, then he’ll be unconscious, then I’ll plant the tracker, then mission accomplished. I looked at him, my wrist trembling, shaking the dart gun. But then I pulled the trigger, and closed my eyes.

“You’re not going to get away, Luthor Bane,” I whispered to myself, as I shot him with the dart. My vision blurred, and I heard him groan, and then he dropped to the ground. He closed his eyes, as he began to lose consciousness and then he loosened, going into a temporary sleep. I took a deep breath, and then I looked down at the dart, which was now on his left shoulder. I removed the dart, and walked towards him.

I reached into my pocket, pulling out the tracker which was a small attachable red button. I placed it at the other side of his utility belt, hoping it would be unnoticeable once he wakes up from his painful slumber. I stared at his sleeping face, and I looked down at his hands, seeing that he had a wand in it. I shook my head, and turned around.

I looked down, seeing the radio stuffed in my pocket. I picked it up, and quickly dialed the number. “Hey, uh, I got Luthor Bane. I’m at the swings of the park. I’m heading back.”

“Are you alright?” September asked.

“I’m fine,” I said. “I’m heading back now.”

“Good,” she responded, as I hung up the radio. I took a deep breath, and I walked away from Luthor Bane’s body. I glanced back at it, and then I quickly made my way back to the front, where Malachi, Tisiah and September were waiting for me. Once I met their eyes, relief soothed their faces, as Nikki emerged from behind them and closed in for a hug.

“You’re alive!” Nikki said.

“Yeah, I guess I am.” I sighed, as I took a step back. “What about you guys?”

“We’re fine,” September said, as she held her hand out to me. “Where’s Dr. Mord?” Right at that moment, Dr. Mord appeared over the corner of the car by Malachi. He squished through the lean space between two cars, before arriving in our presence. “Got him?” he asked me.

I gave a quick nod, and he sighed in relief as well. “Good, good.”

“So, are you going to go back to the prison?” I asked. His face melted into a thoughtful, but almost regretful expression.

“Yes, I think so. But, I think that it’s time to stop. I’m just so tired. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, or to this country. I hope I can pass the test, and see my family again. And that’s all I can hope for.”

“It’s time to give up, huh?” I asked.

“Yes, I think so. I don’t want to kill anymore. I don’t want to get into a fight with people, I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I don’t want to kill anyone,” he said, as his eyes glazed over with tears.

“Alright, then we’ll just leave the rest to you, doctor.”

“I will take care of it, yes. Goodbye, Mr. Connor. It was nice to meet you, even though it was brief,” he said, as he extended his hand out to me.

“Thank you, doctor.”


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