Spy Mage System

Chapter 236 - 236 The Storm

236 The Storm

Now was the day to storm the Fillmore Center. We had an idea of where Matthew Lock and Luthor Bane would be in. A convoy of boats, specifically meant to protect him.

We had to strike them hard.

There was no way we didn’t have them in the bag. They’re trapped, and they can’t withstand an entire fleet of YMPA boats after them.

It just ain’t happening.

We were inside of the room where we are usually briefed for our missions. Mr. Drails was really more strict this time, being the fact this was a chance to end the uprising.

I can’t blame him.

This could probably be the one mission that ends everything. That allows us to continue in our quest to protect the world.

“Alright, remember the plan I told you guys,” he said. He pointed at the fleet of YMPA boats that were charging in. It was a simulation of what should happen, in which he was explaining as it went on.

“We first surround the island, as an initial wall to block them. To not allow them through,” he said. “That’s the first plan.”


He looked back at the simulation. “Second, a few boats will come in for the attack. They will close in, and make sure that they infiltrate and find Matthew Lock. In the case they escape, the outer wall should block them.”

It showed a bunch of boats leaving the island, which had to mean the TSA.

“In doing so, we will send our pursuers after them to take them down. We need Matthew Lock alive, so what you guys must not do, is to blow up the ship. Don’t blow it up. You may shoot at it, and you may sink it. But make sure to get Matthew Lock in time. He’ll tell us the location of the virus hopefully, and we can end this once and for all. It would look great on your spy mage resumes.”

“We have resumes?” I asked.

“In the matter that you don’t want to work here, you can transfer to a different agency and that’s when you’ll need your resumes.”

I nodded, understanding now.

“Get your gear ready,” he said. “We’ll be leaving in twenty minutes. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” we all shouted, and immediately we got to checking our vests. I checked and examined every single weapon in my arsenal.

Gun, check.

Knives, check.

Tasers for some odd reason, check.

Wand, charged and ready.

“Are you ready for this?” Tisiah asked me, but I could only shrug. The anxiety of this not working was very high, and it was only going to be worse when we actually got there. I couldn’t help but feel it.

“Yeah,” I said, as I tightened my vest. “You?”

“I’m ready. Just imagine this being on our resumes. Stopped all the MSTO organizations in releasing a virus, and starting a pandemic,” he said. “I’m excited. This has to work.” I nodded, releasing a deep sigh before looking at him. “I hope so,” I said, trying to keep the optimism alive.

I felt it start to fade as I saw the look in his eyes. It was a sense of concern and unease.

“You’re worried too, right?” I asked him, and he nodded slowly. “Tell me about it,” Tisiah said. “I’ve seen many missions go the complete opposite direction. That’s why I always try to keep a smile. To hide my fears.”

“Well, we’ll make it happen,” I said. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“Let’s go,” I said. “I’m ready for the battle.”

“So am I,” he said.

As soon as twenty minutes passed, we lined up in a single file line, waiting for the mission to arrive. Mr. Drails swung his wand in the direction of a circle, and a portal manifested into life. Ahead was the inside of something, and it seemed to be moving, being the fact it was swaying.

We walked through the portal, and the last thing I saw before the portal closed was a giant blue screen. Then the view began to move, and we were inside of a boat.

The boat started to accelerate, and we quickly fell in the ocean.

“Whoa!” I yelled as I fell. I grabbed onto a railing, and then I looked around. “Where are we?” “A boat!” Malachi shouted, and I nodded in response. Knew it. We continued to move around from the crashing waves, rubbing up against our windows. “How far are we from the island?” September asked, which one of the agents looked back at us.

He was wearing a baseball cap, with a suit that was clean as the walls of this ship, which was pretty clean. “About a mile,” he said, which I responded with a nod, before looking back at Tisiah. He looked at me, which then I turned back to the front. Agents held on the rails, with their wands firm in their grasp.

“Things are about to go down,” Malachi said, glancing at me. I chuckled, mainly because he was right. Things were definitely about to go down. The question was, is it going to go down in our favor, or theirs? That was the real question. All of a sudden, the boat shook, almost sweeping me off my feet.

That was no wave. Or maybe it was, but it wasn’t the ocean’s doing.

“We’re being attacked!” someone shouted, which began to echo from the other’s mouths. I felt my heart pulsate at more speed than before, and it was only climbing from there.

“I don’t see anything,” I said, as I tried to peer out of the window. There was nothing to see, just the ocean, and a little bit of white. “What’s going on?”

Tisiah looked at me with shock on his face. “What do you mean you don’t know? We’re being attacked, embrace yourself!” Tisiah shouted. but right at that moment, another blast crashed into the ocean. The boat shook once more, and this time, more aggresively. I saw a hole in the side, and I looked at the man next to me.

“They’re getting close,” I said, and he nodded. “It’s time to get serious,” he said, and we both looked forward.

“We’re approaching the island,” someone said. “We need to build the wall!” Soon enough, the boat turned from its position, and was now heading for the island. We moved closer, and soon we could see the island. I saw the sea surrounding the island, and the island was massive, which I could tell.

Other boats began to get in position, creating a long wall of boats that surrounded the island, leaving no room for escape.

We need to move in quickly, because I’m pretty sure they noticed it a long time ago—and if not—they sure noticed it now.

“Alright, agents, get ready!” one of them shouted.

“You heard him, let’s get ready for action. This is going to be a good one,” the agent next to me said.

I looked back at him, and we exchanged a glance. I turned around and took a good look at my teammates. “Ready?” September asked all of us, which in return she got a simulation of nods. “Alright, we’ll be moving soon,” she mumbled. Soon enough, the doors opened, and agents stormed out of the boats.

It was like a battlefield.

It was like war.

It was like a fight for our lives.

“We need to stop them,” I said, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and I found Tisiah looking at me. “You ready?” he asked, and I gave a hopeful nod. “Let’s do this,” I said. Our team was one of the last to storm out, but for a good reason. TSA agents already piled out of the Fillmore Center and were attacking the charging agents.

“Oh, boy,” Nikki muttered in fear.

“They’re coming!” I shouted, and we started to run towards the beach, to find Matthew Lock. As we ran, I felt a burning sensation in my leg, but it was gone in an instant. Maybe it was the nervousness that was coursing through my body. Bolts shot through the air like bullets, and the thick noise of clashing wands.

“Come on!” Malachi shouted, as we continued to run through the immense battlefield. I saw the wall of boats, and the agents that were fighting for their lives, trying to push their way through the army of the MSTO.

“This is not going to work,” Nikki said, and I knew she was right. “We need to end this fast, the TSA are pretty burning through us.” September nodded. “Well we need to get inside of the center. Or at least find where Matthew Lock may be. We need to split up.”

“Of course,” Malachi responded, rolling his eyes.

“Nikki, you go with September,” I said. “You two can go left while me, Malachi and Tisiah go right. We’ll meet back at the center. We need to find him, and fast.”

“Got it,” Nikki said. Immediately we went our chosen directions. The problem was, we couldn’t just storm through the gate. We needed to find another way, and time was against us. “Do you see any way we can go?” I asked, looking around hopelessly.

Malachi didn’t respond, but only kept searching. “I’m not sure.”

“Me neither,” Tisiah said, but he wasn’t being honest.

“You do have a plan, don’t you?” I asked him, and he nodded. “Well, tell me what it is. I’m not a mind reader.”

Tisiah thought for a moment, and then he looked at me. “Okay, we should probably use the wall.” He said, and I looked at him with confusion. “How, do you have some rope or something?” I asked, which I ate my words right at that moment. There wasn’t a rope, but there was a pipe. “There, right?” I asked.

“You’d be correct,” he said, and I sighed with relief and nodded. “Who’s going first?”

“I’ll go. Let me show you how it’s done,” Malachi said, rubbing his hands as he approached the pipe.


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