Spy Mage System

Chapter 233 - 233 A Hopeful Feeling

233 A Hopeful Feeling

The next day of school came, but now I had two missions at the YMPA to do, which weirdly, all of them came from Greg.

I was walking through the halls, now thinking less about the classes ahead of me, and more about the secret little mission ahead of me this time.

Pretty sure you already know what it is.

First thing though, I need to talk to Greg. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this, if I also have to focus on Lock.

What if Denver is on another mission?

She did graduate, so it’s not like there are other classes to actually do. And how am I, a person who just did this for a matter of months–going to best Anne Denver, an agent who not only has years of experience but also graduated early.

In fact, I think I might be interrogated by her instead.

I went to Greg, who was talking with some of his friends before he found me, making my way towards him.

“Well, if it ain’t Connor,” one of them said with a chuckle. I gave a quick smile, but quickly I went beside Greg. Before I could whisper anything, he nodded and looked back at his buddies.


“I’ll be back alright?” he said. He and I began to walk away from them, and they seemed a bit startled from the sudden announcement.

“Okay, so what’s the game plan, how am I going to kidnap her?” I asked. Greg looked around once more before he looked back at me.

“Do you know how to use your wand yet?” Greg asked.

“No, because everytime I do, my Perk saves me,” I answered with an annoyed attitude.

“Dang, that must be very irritating,” Greg said with an embarrassed expression, but not for him of course.

“Anyways, how am I gonna kidnap her? Where will we meet?” I asked him, and he shook his head as if I said something wrong.

“Don’t worry about it, okay?” he said. “What we’ll do is after we get Denver, we’ll bring her to that one abandoned building back at, um, that street when you come out from my neighborhood.”

“Okay…” I said. “How are we gonna drag her there? Mr. Drails will see me exit when it’s not over, and use his portal to put me right back in that academy.”

“So do it towards the end. All you gotta do is go to the right section of your building, see her exit there and then boom–that’s where you can kidnap her. Alright?” Greg said.

I nodded, trying to keep myself sane after all that just sprayed out of Greg’s mouth.

“Understand?” he asked me, to which I nodded. “Alright,” he said with a smile. “I’ll see you in class.” And then he left me standing alone in the hallway.


I entered the YMPA room, seeing the rest of my team there. “Hey Connor,” Nikki said, rushing over as she wrapped her arms around me. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine,” I said quickly as I hugged her back, making her smile and nod with satisfaction. Mr. Drails nodded before he turned back to his screen. “I’ve set up some groups to surround the building, which we’ll storm in tomorrow,” Mr. Drails said. “I want you guys to find out which area on the island they’re leaving, alright?”

“Do we go now, or do we wait?” I asked.

“Whoever said you had to go there?” Mr. Drails said with a chuckle. He then pointed at the room behind him, the room with all the screens in there. “Check the cameras, find out some information. I wanna make sure that this doesn’t get out of hand. I don’t want to play games with the enemy,” he said.

“Got it,” Malachi said. “But there’s only space for two of them.”

“Then don’t use the headphones, now I’ll be dealing with something else, so carry on,” he said, as he moved his head as a gesture to move to the room, which was right next to us. “Just go in and look at the screens.”

“Alright,” I said with a sigh of relief before looking at everyone else’s faces. We rose from our seats and walked in through the room, as the white walls welcomed us in. “So this is what you guys used,” Malachi said, glancing at me and Tisiah. I nodded, “Pretty much.”

“Alright, let’s turn these on,” Tisiah said, walking over to the first mixer, which turned on. The screen came alive, and the first camera was the view of the roof of the Fillmore Center. “So if we are to find information, where would we look?” I muttered to myself, which in the end, everyone heard. “Oh…”

“Oh?” Nikki asked with a giggle. “You sound like you don’t even know where to look.”

“Because I don’t,” I said.

“Try switching to a different camera. Maybe an idea will come up in your head,” Malachi joked, which wasn’t funny in the slightest. I turned the screen to the front of the room, and sure enough, the room was filled with people. They were wearing black robes that covered their entire body except for their hands.

“What the…” I muttered as we all looked.

“Switch a different one quickly,” Tisiah said, a bit horrified by the sight, but then again, it wasn’t like anyone had seen this in real life before. It was all from movies and shows, but not even then.

I turned the camera around and switched it to a different one from the camera on the other side of the room. A person was walking through it slowly; and lo-and-behold, it was Luthor Bane. “Monitor him!” September shouted, pointing at him on the screen.

I clicked on the button of the camera and zoomed in on Luthor Bane’s face, which was looking around everywhere, almost like he was cautious. “He knows something, but what?” I muttered, this time more silently, as my heart raced a bit faster.

“We have to follow him,” Tisiah said as he turned the camera back to the other side of the room. He walked over to a black door, and he opened it. “Switch to the next room he’s in,” Tisiah ordered, and I nodded—looking down at the numbers near the top of the keypad and pressing it. The door opened, and I saw another person who was walking towards him and smiled upon seeing him. It was Lock.

“Finally, I’ve been waiting for how long?!” Lock said, as they went into a hug. “How have you been?”

“Just like all the other days,” Luthor Bane responded, “But I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine,” Lock said, before he looked down. “I’m perfectly fine. I’ll be better once I leave for Saudi Arabia,” he added, which Luthor Bane nodded in agreement, making me look at the screen. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re doing well,” Luthor Bane said with a smile, and then his smile grew. “We have the transport to take you there ready. You’ll be ready to go tomorrow.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Matthew Lock said, taking a seat on one chair by the side of the door. He put his hands on the desk and sighed, “I know we’re going to be late, but I have to see this through.” Luthor Bane nodded. “I know, but every organization in EMO is looking for you, it’s best you move as fast as you can.”

“Doesn’t no one know about this place?” Lock asked, which Luthor Bane nodded. “So I’ll be fine then.”

“You seem to forget that EMO, especially the YMPA and FMA are quite persistent corporations,” Luthor Bane added quickly, as his expression changed to a stern one.

“I know,” Lock said, “but I still need to see it through.”

“It’s funny how before, I said you should wait. You have, and I’m speaking against it,” Luthor Bane chuckled. “Funny how that works.”

“I need to see this through, I need to,” Lock said. “And I can’t say I agree with you, but I respect you for saying that.”

“As your bodyguard, I can only suggest to you what is best for you,” Luthor Bane said, now taking a seat by Lock. “I don’t suck up to anyone, but I respect my masters.”

“I don’t blame you for that, it’s not like you do it on purpose. I’m just glad you’re here,” Lock said, smiling at him. “And thanks for coming to my rescue. I know that was hard to do, but I really appreciate it.”

“I wouldn’t mind helping you,” Luthor Bane said. “I mean, if it was to protect you, I’d do it. You are the answer to our victory, of course I would. It’s just my job.” Luthor Bane leaned in on that sentence, creating this sort of eerie feeling that could feel from behind the screen. “But, I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Lock said, and he gave him a smile.

“It’s fine. I don’t want to keep you any longer. I’m sure you have many things to do,” Luthor Bane said as he stood up, putting his hands in the pocket of his robe. “I’ll see you later, alright?”

“Yeah, I hope so,” Lock said, which made Luthor Bane chuckle.


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