Spy Mage System

Chapter 231

231 A New Location, A Revealed Enemy

The group followed her down the stairs, making sure to be extra careful with how quiet they could be, knowing that they would have to pass through a lobby before going back to their floor. “Alright, Tisiah–search through the cameras to find Matthew Lock anywhere,” September ordered, which Tisiah immediately took heed to her word. He moved his head from side-to-side as he clicked around the camera on the lower level.

“Found him,” he responded with a nod of his head.

“Where?” I asked, walking over to his mixer and looking at the screen.

“He’s coming up the stairs with two other guys,” Tisiah said with a chuckle. “One of them is looking pretty serious.”

I watched as one of the men approached Matthew and they talked briefly. Then the man shook hands with Matthew and walked away. “You might wanna move over to the door on your left to escape him,” I said, looking at their angle and Lock’s. Me and Tisiah were literally in the YMPA building, watching over them while September, Nikki and Malachi–as well as some of Marcello’s men, were at the island.

“Alright, got it,” September said, moving over to the door and taking her place. She held her wand tight in her right hand and pressed against the door lightly. The others followed quickly, but silently, and they all piled into the room with their guns raised. Eventually, Matthew and his team walked up the stairs, and passed through the hall and therefore, passing them.

“Alright,” September said as she cracked her neck. “We gotta go now.” They began to make their way out of the room and I looked up at the screen to see if I could see any sign of movement. “No one is near you right now, but you might wanna follow Lock. Just don’t make it obvious,” Tisiah said, and the team nodded.

“Everyone, follow our lead,” one of Marcello’s men said. “We’re assassins, we’ve been in situations like these before.”

“Alright, just don’t kill us,” Malachi said, as they began to faintly follow the assassins, which led them up the stairs after Matthew. He was beginning to walk inside of this hall, with a long red carpet and white walls with paintings and sculptures on the walls.


“You three try to cut him, we’ll go after him,” one of the assassins said, as he turned his head to look at Nikki, Malachi and September.

“Alright,” September responded. “Tisiah, find out if they know we’re here.”

“Okay...” Tisiah said prolonged as he searched through the cameras. “Not that I see.” September nodded as she looked at Nikki and Malachi. “Let’s go.”

“Wait–I’m not sure we should go now,” Malachi said in a rush of panic, as he turned his head towards Nikki.

“You’re not supposed to say anything,” Nikki said, as she stood in front of him. She was completely calm and focused as if nothing was bothering her whatsoever, which only made me wonder what she was thinking. “Says who?” Malachi hissed at her as she sighed. “Nothing, let’s go,” September said, as they booked it down the other hall to the right. They stayed low to the ground and moved through the halls quietly, so that no one could hear them.

“This is stressful,” I said to Tisiah, which he chuckled in response. “Welcome to being a spy mage,” he said. “Camera version, of course.” I chuckled while looking at the two assassins moving directly behind Matthew. He was alone now, not noticing the two assassins behind him, and he continued down this long red carpeted hall, until he reached the end where two doors were facing each other–one of them open–and another set of doors was open but blocked by a big red wall.

“Okay,” he said. “Hopefully this is good news.”

I watched as he opened his mouth, but nothing came out for a minute or so, before he closed his mouth and nodded his head. He walked through it, as a man with dirty brown hair and the stubble beard made his way towards him. He was wearing a suit with a gray vest under, and he had a matching pair of black shoes on.

I was guessing he was an executive or something like that. But soon enough, Redford Bane walked inside of the room. “Ahh, you’ve finally arrived my son,” Mr. Bane said, hugging the executive-looking person, while Matthew stood awkwardly. “It’s been a long time since we last saw each other.”

“Yeah, it has been,” the man responded in a flat tone.

Mr. Bane turned over to Matthew. “This is my son, Luther Bane.” Shock plastered onto my face, as realization finally took the throne, as I looked at Matthew and saw the same thing on his face as well.

“No... you’re...” Matthew stuttered as he turned red. The man–Luthor Bane–nodded. “I’ll be your bodyguard, and trust me, you’ll be safe,” he said with a smile, as he turned around to face Matthew.

Matthew’s face looked like someone had smacked it with a brick wall, but he tried to maintain his composure. “Y-yeah,” he stuttered as he took a deep breath and began to calm himself down. “You’re the bodyguard?”

“Yes, and I will do this for your safety,” Luthor Bane said. “After all, you have our greatest weapon.” Mr. Bane chuckled in response to his son’s witty reply, before turning to face Matthew again. “So what do we need to discuss? If there is anything that you need to know...”

“We don’t have much time,” Matthew interrupted quickly. “We need to get to Saudi Arabia, at least in two days.”

“In two days? Are you sure you want to rush time like this?” Mr. Bane asked with a bit of a plea in his voice, which I figured meant he was concerned about Matthew’s health and well-being. “After all, it’s been a while since you’ve been out in the public eye.” Matthew chuckled and cracked his knuckles, while Luthor Bane just stared at him blankly. “But if you’re sure you can’t wait longer than two days...”

“I’m very much sure,” Matthew said with a sigh. He seemed himself even a bit nervous about the whole idea, but he was still persistent. It was almost heartbreaking to look at the fear on his face.

Luthor Bane sighed and looked around the room with his hands folded over his stomach. He then looked back at Matthew. “Okay, let me talk to some people and figure out the details.” He began to walk over towards Matthew, who backed up until he was right up against the wall. He looked back at Luthor Bane and said nothing.

All of a sudden, Mr. Drails busted into the camera room. “Tell the team to call off, we got enough information,” he said abruptly, which I nodded slowly with a startled thought, wondering if all this was worth it or not. I watched as Matthew seemed surprised at his sudden appearance before he relaxed.

“Okay,” Matthew responded in a shaky voice before he turned his head towards Luthor Bane and looked up.

I spoke into the mike. “September and everyone needs to move out, we got what we needed,” I said in the microphone, as I heard them move out of the room. I turned my head towards Tisiah as he turned off his screen and walked over to me. “Nice job,” he said with a little smile, as he rubbed the back of my head.

“Thanks,” I said, watching as everyone was now outside of the room. I could hear footsteps making their way up the stairs as we continued to watch through the screen. I turned the screen off, taking a deep breath and thinking about what happened. That was different, very different. But, it was fun. Seeing them rush throughout the building in the search of Lock, and information, was almost as exhilarating as being there. Figures, I thought to myself with a chuckle. I felt a little bad for Lock, though.

I walked out of the room and stood beside Tisiah. The portal opened up, as Malachi, September, and Nikki entered through the inside of Mr. Drails’s room. “That center smelled like honey,” Malachi said, taking a deep breath. “Oh man,” Nikki said as she began to cough. “I mean...” Malachi said as he rubbed her back with his right hand.

“Wow...” I muttered, almost laughing for some reason, although I began to feel a bit bad for her. “Must’ve smelt terrible.”

“Honey doesn’t smell bad... for a while,” September said, starting to cough herself.

“Maybe you should stop going around picking fights with your life-threatening diseases,” Malachi joked before looking at September. “I’m kidding.”

“Well, that’s not true...” September started to say but then began to laugh herself as she continued to cough and hack in laughter.

“Alright,” Nikki said as she wiped her mouth and stood straight, but her eyes were still red from all those wheezing coughs. “We at least know where he’s going.”

“To one of the richest places on earth,” Mr. Drails said. “Saudi Arabia.”


Sorry I didn’t post for a while, I was pretty busy. Enjoy this chapter!


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