Spy Mage System

Chapter 209

209 Board Plan

It was 6 pm, the time to plan or at least hear the plan, so I sat down on a chair in the conference room with the others. Captain Briggs had been busy all day long, sending out a few men to check out the building where the virus was being held. Other agents other than my team were sitting there, but I didn’t know them. I didn’t even know their names. They were all staring at me, and I was staring at them.

“So,” Fulton began, “what’s the plan?”

Captain Briggs smiled at the question for some reason, and then turned towards me. “The plan is pretty simple, but we’re going to have to do it in a hurry,” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “What’s rushing us.”

“Usually throughout the day, guards switch positions. It takes 15 to 30 minutes, so we need to breach while they’re distracted, but that’s not going to be easy at all,” Captain Briggs said, looking at each of us, “so we’re going to have to be quick, and smart about it.”

“How are we going to do that?” I asked, still confused.

“We’re going to have to sneak in and get the virus, and then escape without anyone noticing us,” he said. Malachi scratched his head as he looked up at the board. “Why not go in and say FBI open up, arrest Mord and then-boom-we’re done?”

“Dr. Mord may use some sort of trigger that may release the virus. We need to be precise about this, men,” Captain Michael Briggs emphasized, “if we’re not, we’ll all die.”

“So we need to be precise?” I asked, “how?”


“I’m glad you asked,” he said, “I’m going to give you a list of things to do. First, we need to find out which room the virus is being held in, then we need to break into it, and then we need to get the virus. After that, we need to find a way to get out of the building without anyone noticing us.”

“What happened to arresting Dr. Mord?” September asked as Tisiah nodded in agreement.

“Again, if we arrest him-he might trigger something that may release the Cobra Virus,” he said, looking directly at Tisiah, “and then we’d all die.”

“So we can’t arrest him?” I asked, still confused.

“No,” he said, “we can’t arrest him, so we have to get the virus and leave the building as quickly as possible.”

“And how are we going to do that?” I asked.

“We’re going to need help,” he said, “and we’ll have to work together, as a team.”

“Okay, so how do we find out where the virus is being kept?” Nikki asked, looking at him, “or where it’s being held in the building.”

“Good question,” he said, “but I don’t know. I’ve never been in this building before, and neither has anyone else, so I don’t know what rooms are in here. That’s why we got surveillance on the base from other agents who have...been there before.” I sighed a bit in relief, as Captain Briggs walked over to his desk with his computer blazing light from the screen, “the agents who have been there before will tell us where the virus is being held in the building, and then we’ll go in and get it.”

“But what if we get caught?” I asked.

“Then we’ll all die,” he said, “so let’s hope we don’t.”

“Okay, so what do we do now?” I asked, looking at the board. Suddenly, a screen dropped down as what seemed to be a certain drone focusing on a certain scene or part of the base. It was crowded, not gonna lie, with guards at every corner as if they were playing tag in the forest, and I could see them moving around as if they were in a maze.

“That’s the entrance,” I heard a man say, pointing at the screen. “It looks like a normal door, but it’s actually a secret door.”

“I don’t understand,” I said, looking back at Captain Briggs, “why is there a hidden entrance to the building?”

“I don’t know,” he said, “but I do know that the virus is being held in a room behind that door, and that’s where we need to go. We got drones watching all of us. Now I made us some teams for certain situations.”

He switched to a picture that showed headlines of certain groups. There were particularly three groups with these code names: Geronimo, Charlie Company, and Delta Team. Then there were two groups with code names: Falcon and Eagle.

“This is a map of the base,” he said, “there are four entrances to the main building. Charlie Company will be the reinforcements, while Delta Team is going in first. Falcon and Eagle will be the drones in the sky.”

“Ahh, hence the name-mmm,” Tisiah muttered silently, as if he was certainly surprised, but yet happy that he was being included in the plan.

“Okay,” Captain Briggs continued, “we’ve already determined where the virus is being kept and now it’s time to go in and get it.”

“So I see we’re an integral part of the plan, and that’s good,” Tisiah said, cocking his head to the side and smiling.

“Yes, by a lot. Based on your skills you guys have shown from the past mission of getting Dr. Jameson, as told by Agent Nelson, I think you got this. But first we need to put the teams for Charlie Company.”

“Alright...” I mumbled, feeling a certain beating in my heart that screamed uneasiness.

“In Charlie Company we have, Nathan, Bob, Owen, Patterson as well as Nikki, Tisiah, and September,” Captain Briggs remarked as four guys that had a concerning build came up as well as Nikki, Tisiah and September.

“Alright, now for Delta Team: in this team we have you guys,” he said pointing at me, Malachi and Fulton before continuing, “And Agent Hanover and Agent Jones of the FBI who will be there to provide extra backup if needed.”

“Good to know,” Fulton said as he looked at me and Malachi who were right beside him, “we’ll be ready.”

“Alright,” he continued as he turned towards us with a look of anticipation in his eyes, “let’s go over what we have to do.”

He wrote some things on the board with his pen, and then turned towards us once again. “The goal is to get the Cobra virus, and then escape without being caught. Here’s how we’re gonna do it: We’re going to use a rope to climb over the fence.” He wrote ‘climb over fence’ on the board. “Then we’re going to enter through that door which is guarded by men who will probably see us if they look our direction.” He wrote ‘guard outside door.’

“When they see us they’ll yell at us to stop and that we’re under arrest. Once they say that we should turn back,” he wrote ‘turn back’ on the board as we all looked at one another. “Then boom! We tranquillize them,” he said with a certain act that seemed show some sort of surprise, “then take them down with their own guns and get inside the building.” He wrote ‘tranquilize guards’ and ‘get inside building’ on the board. “Now when we enter the building,” he said with a smile, “we’ll use these ropes and climb over this wall which will lead us into this room.” He wrote ‘climb over wall’ and ‘enter this room.’

“The problem is that this room is guarded by a guard who will probably hear us as we’re climbing over the wall,” he said. “So they are going to come, very-quickly.” He wrote ‘guard heard,’ then ‘guard fast’ and then ‘guard fast fast fast fast’ as he ran out of space for more words on the board. “We will have to tranq this guard as well, but don’t worry; I’m sure we can handle it.” He wrote ‘tranq guard’ with some excitement as he drew lines across the board and then back down. “Once they’re down, we’ll put on these gas masks to protect ourselves from their poison.”

“I’m sorry-poison?” I muttered once hearing him, and seeing the looks of shock on everyone’s face as he looked at us.

“Yes,” he said, “we’re going to put on these gas masks once we get inside the building because they’re going to use a gas that is toxic to us.”

“I thought they said they wouldn’t know we were here in the first place,” Nikki questioned.

“The knocked out guards release a toxic gas after a guard is not in action. Now I checked and there is something wrong with that certain trigger, so it only works after two,” he said, and Nikki nodded but there was a particular look that she had that showed she was definitely without a doubt-worried, or concerned as we called it.

“That’s bad,” Tisiah muttered to himself. I didn’t know why but I knew that Tisiah was somehow excited that his idea of knocking out the guards would come to life.

“Alright after that: once we’ve knocked out all the guards we’ll go down to this room where the virus is held, tranquillize all the scientists, grab the virus, then climb back out through the wall.” He drew some arrows across the board and wrote ‘tranquilize scientists’ and ‘get virus,’ and then he wrote ‘climb back wall’ in a very hurried manner.

“Once we’re outside through the gate we’re going to put these gas masks back on and then go back to the headquarters,” he said with a smile before turning back towards us. “So who is going to be doing what?” I asked.

“That’s all the Delta Team,” Captain Briggs explained, as my mouth dropped in shock of what he said. This is all just us that’s doing all this-how is this in any way fair at all, I wondered? I was used to working with a team of people to make a plan and then do it. I didn’t expect it to be just me and four others against twelve guards and two scientists.


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