Spy Mage System

Chapter 207

207 The FBI Headquarters

“We’re approaching the FBI headquarters,” the pilot announced to all of us, pointing out the window to a giant building which was so tall it seemed to reach the clouds. “We should be landing soon.”

As we got closer, I saw a helicopter with a large red cross on it parked beside the building. “I guess those are the medics,” Tisiah explained, and I nodded with him in agreement, although I hadn’t really understood what he meant. There were two other helicopters parked nearby and we could see many men dressed in black carrying guns standing on the roof of one of the buildings near the parking area.

The FBI headquarters was a way bigger base than any of others were, and when we landed I saw a huge field filled with helicopters and other types of military vehicles, along with tanks and other types of machinery. It was pretty impressive. I had heard the FBI were very active and aggressive, but this was my first time actually seeing it first-hand.

“All right everyone, we’ll go in through the main building,” the pilot informed us, and we disembarked from the plane to be greeted by a couple of guards who were wearing dark glasses.

“Do you have any weapons on you?” One of them asked us in a suspicious manner.

“Of course we do,” I told him, and I looked at Nikki and Tisiah. “We’re agents, we need weapons.” The agent didn’t respond. I couldn’t tell if he was expressing anything under those glasses, or just acting. “What’s the matter? We’ve got our weapons here.”

“It’s just that there are so many people out there, and the last thing we want to do is shoot anyone, right?” He answered in a low voice and pointed to some buildings far in the distance.

“There’s no need to worry about that. We don’t want to shoot anyone.” I repeated in a louder voice so the others could hear. Some agents took attention to it by turning their heads towards me for a few seconds, and then they returned to what they were doing.

“There’s a lot of people outside,” one of them finally said as he glanced over to a building nearby where we could see people walking back and forth with guns and other things strapped to them. He continued to watch them for a few seconds, then turned his eyes towards us. “If you’ve got any questions, feel free to ask me.”


“Yeah, do you guys know about the whole Dr. Mord situation?” Nikki asked the man, and he nodded in response. “Have you heard anything?”

“Yes we have heard a little, but we don’t really have much information to go off of. We know about the virus that he’s created and everything, but that’s about it.”

“Does anyone know that we’re trying to find the virus-like today?” Tisiah asked, using his fingers to emphasize his words. The man nodded.

“Yes, I’ve heard that you guys are trying to stop him.” He continued to speak while he was glancing at us for a few more seconds, and then he glanced away. “Follow me.”

He walked away immediately as he quickly followed, and the excitement already began to burn inside of me like a fire-a very raging fire in this case, because it seemed that we were on the right track, and that there was a good chance of us finding this virus and stopping Dr. Mord before he could unleash it on the world.

Or towards us at the least.

We followed the agent through the city and out to an area where I could see some of the other agents doing what they were supposed to be doing: securing the area, making sure there weren’t any problems, keeping things safe from the outside world. It was magnificent and so cool, it was like I didn’t even want to blink anymore, because the more I watched them, the more I realized how amazing these guys were. They had all kinds of cool gear that looked like guns, and other stuff as well, and they seemed to be really good at what they were doing.

We soon arrived at this sort of little building that served as a little section or office-and the door opened, immediately leading to an elevator, which led up into this massive room. The whole place looked like it was made entirely out of glass or something like that, because there was only one solid wall in the place, and the rest of it was all made up of these large windows that overlooked the city and beyond.

There were tables that had computers resting on the counters, and papers that were lazily organized on their tables. The men sitting at those tables were dressed in black, with black suits, and black shirts underneath of their suit jackets-and their hair was cut short, like mine used to be back when I was younger.

We don’t talk about that.

They all looked up from their work to greet us, and I immediately felt myself warm up inside, seeing their smiles and friendly faces. These men were my kind of people-I wanted to get to know them, but they seemed to be a little bit more secretive than me. I was a spy mage, and they don’t even know that we exist.

But then we entered a room that changed from the normal gray to the black that suddenly changed the mood completely. It was a sort of an office that looked like a fancy barber shop. The men here were dressed in the same clothes as the men downstairs, and they were sitting behind their own tables, with their own computer desks, and they also seemed to be doing the same thing as the guys downstairs.

But it was a very different place-it seemed as if this room was more for our eyes. It looked more like a waiting room than an office, with lots of chairs that were made out of leather, with little cushions, so you could sit back and relax.

But then, a man with silver hair walked up to us. His jaw was very out, and his sideburns were more visible than anything else in this room. He wore a gray suit with a striped tie, with gray pants that ended off with black shoes, and he wore a white shirt underneath his jacket.

He had this strange smile that was filled with power and confidence, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew exactly what he was doing. “You guys must be with Agent Nelson’s task force,” he said, reaching out his hand.

“Somewhat,” Fulton said, reaching out his hand, but then pulling it back when the man didn’t take it.

The man looked at Fulton and smiled. “Don’t be scared-I’m not going to bite.” And then he shook hands with Nikki, who was the first to shake hands with him. “Yeah, with the Cobra Virus that Dr. Mord is trying to unleash,” he said, looking at each of us with a keen eye, as if we were some sort of threat or something. “And you are?” He pointed at me.

“Connor Drails,” I said, extending my hand. He took it and shook it, then let go of my hand and nodded to Fulton.

“Alright, now Agent Nelson came to me by the phone, and told me that you all were going to come here from Las Vegas.” He pointed at Fulton. “Now, we have scouted the area and it’s filled with guards,” he said.

“Why don’t we just bomb it?” Tisiah asked, as everyone’s eyes looked at him in shock.

The man laughed out loud. “Well, maybe that could work,” he said, rubbing his chin. “But that’s not the best option here. You see, they’ve got an emergency response plan, so they’re not just going to let us walk in there.”

“I guess that makes sense,” September said with a confident but disappointed nod, like this was the end of the discussion.

“Yeah,” the man replied, looking around the room, “but what I want to do is something different.” He raised his hand and made a fist. “We’re going to get our hands dirty. We’re going to break into the place.”

“What!” Nikki shouted, causing the rest of us to look at her in surprise. “I mean, why?” She looked at the man and shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The man laughed again. “No, I’m not,” he said, and then pointed at Fulton. “You know how it is, I’ve read your file. You’ve made C.A.M from nothing, and turned it into one of the most helpful organizations in all of the world,” the man said, looking directly at Fulton’s pupils, and then back at the rest of us. “And you’re going to use that skill set and turn it to breaking into one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the world.”

Fulton smiled. “You’ve done your homework.”

“I guess you could say that, but I what I do know for sure is that this is the best way,” he said with a certain nod that proposed assuredness, like a judge passing sentence. “If we blow our way in, they’ll know who we are.”

“Well,” I said, thinking it over for a minute or two, “it sounds like it’s going to be a challenge to do this.”

“But it’ll be worth it,” he said, scanning each of us closely, “if we can make it through unscathed.”

“Unscathed?” I asked, trying to figure out what that meant.

“I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s not,” he replied, and then motioned to the other men in the room. “This is my team. We’re the best there is. This is going to work. We’re going to get in there.”

“Why are you doing this?” September asked. She looked around at the other men and back to him. “You’re not here to help us? You just want to use our team to break into a heavily guarded building?”

The man laughed. “Don’t be silly, which by the way-I have not introduced myself,” he said, “I’m Captain Michael Briggs, with the FBI. And it’s going to work because we have a plan.” He turned to Nikki. “Do you mind if I ask for a glass of water?”

Nikki walked to the kitchen area and returned with a glass of water, which he drank from and then handed back to her.

“And so, Captain Briggs,” she said, “what is our plan?”

“Our plan is simple,” he said with a smile and a nod, “but first let me introduce you to everyone on my team.”


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