Spy Mage System

Chapter 180

180 The Escape

But then they pulled me up out of my seat, and I could hear them strapping me down into a different chair in another room somewhere else in the warehouse. It was dark all around me except for a small window up in the corner where some light was streaming inside from outside.

Then a man walked in with a tray of food before setting it on a table next to me and walking away. I turned my head to see what the food was-bread with some kind of meat spread on top of it that was like chicken and cheese.

So, not only was I trapped-I was used to finish the construction on the Xeno, and now I’m stuck here forever, in this dark room. Where am I? What have they done to me? Why am I still alive?

I stared at the food-stared at it until it disappeared, then stared at the wall-stared at it until it disappeared, stared at the ceiling, stared at the floor, stared at the chair in which I sat in. It felt so good to stare at it. So good to just stare at the empty air and not think about anything at all. But then I heard the footsteps returning.

Did they forget something like that?

But then, my eyes began to waver and everything began to go blurry, and then blackness overtook me completely.


I finally woke up, feeling as if I had just came out of the grave, or something like that. I blinked slowly as I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It felt heavy, like all of my bones were broken into little tiny pieces and now I had to reassemble them all in order to stand up.

But then, I heard shouting-loud shouting that bellowed through the halls, through the walls, through the doors of this room I was in. The sound echoed throughout the entire place as if it would never stop. But then I heard footsteps coming towards me as if someone had come to tell me I could leave this place.


If only, though.

Suddenly, a guard opened the door. “What did you do?” he asked. Confusion raced through my head.

“What do you mean?”

“We got YMPA agents outside of the warehouse, and you obviously did something. What did you do?” he asked, as he got closer menacingly, his hand out in front of him.

“I didn’t do anything,” I said. But then a second guard came inside and grabbed my arm.

“Yeah well,” he said as he led me out of the room and down a long hallway that was lit with the same greenish-yellow lights from before. “We got a lot of things that don’t add up in here,” he said as he held my arm tight behind me. “We’re going to interrogate you again, so just stay calm.”

But then I heard him mutter something under his breath. I’m not sure what he said, but all I know was that there was an opportunity here. I looked around, seeing a good time to launch my idea. Depends if it works, though.

Well, here goes nothing.

Quickly, I kicked the guard on the right of me on the thigh, shattering his stability and position enough for me to follow up with a powerful right hook. He fell to the ground as I took off running through the corridor. “Get him!” someone yelled, as I ran down the corridor, turning left into the first available hallway.

Then I heard footsteps behind me, and I knew they were coming for me, but then suddenly a wall appeared right in front of me, cutting me off. I needed to find somewhere to hide, but where? I could hear them running towards me as they closed in on me from behind. But then suddenly the wall split apart into two halves like a giant piece of chocolate cake had just been sliced in two, and then a big metal door slid open.

I ran inside and slammed the door behind me just as the first guard came crashing through. Then the second guard followed behind him, and as I turned around and looked at him, I saw the guard was holding his stomach in agony as if he was in pain.

He looked over his shoulder at me with blood pouring out of his mouth. “You can’t get away,” he groaned before falling forward onto his stomach.

I took a deep breath after what had just occurred. But who notified the YMPA about me and Masaru and-Masaru! I needed to free the rest, but where were they? I heard the footsteps of the guards outside the door, so I knew I couldn’t stay here for too long.

Where to go now? I thought to myself as I ran down the hallway towards a set of stairs that led up to a higher floor in this warehouse. I never thought that had an upper floor, but here we are. But as I ran, I began to hear voices-Maddie Cone’s specifically.

“So you want your agent back, but I will kill him if you even think about storming this warehouse,” she said, her voice booming through the whole warehouse as she continued to speak to whoever it was she was talking to on her other end of the phone. “And don’t think that I won’t kill him,” she continued, as she listened to her caller reply with some kind of answer that sounded like a yes.

But that caller sounded very, very familiar.


Of course they came for us, and they brought some backup with them too, probably some of their strongest agents or something like that. But I needed to find Masaru, and quick, before they killed him and any of the others here. I was just about to go upstairs when I felt something tug on my legs as if there was a rope attached to my legs pulling me towards the wall next to me. But then I heard something else-a clatter coming from the other end of the hallway, as if something fell off a shelf onto the floor.

It was a key ring.

It was my chance. I pulled on my legs and was able to move them freely once more. I ran to the end of the hallway, then turned right and went down the stairs, making my way towards the sound of something being destroyed upstairs. I ran as quickly as possible, knowing that it was not going to be long before they caught up with me.

I rounded the corner and saw that the door leading into this room had been opened.

I looked inside, and I saw a man working on a computer with a big smile on his face. Maybe I could ask him where Masaru Kin was, perhaps. But what do I threaten him with? I don’t have my wand or gun, and even if I did, they’d be able to trace it back to me easily enough. So what could I threaten him with?

But then, I saw that he had a gun on his belt, meaning I had to be slick and fast, or else he was going to shoot me down like a dog right there. I couldn’t let him take me alive. I had to get away before he shot me. But then suddenly the door began to close itself.

Oh, no.

The door began to slide closed, but before it did, I jumped on the side of the door with one of my legs, and then pulled on the other leg in order to gain purchase on the side of the door as well. It was enough for me to push off the door with my legs in order to launch myself off of it and towards him.

I ran towards the man as he turned around to look at me with surprise written all over his face.

He got up from his seat and tried to pull out his gun, but I quickly grabbed that arm, twisting it behind his back so he couldn’t pull out his gun as he held onto me tightly. Then I grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground over and over again until he stopped moving. Then I grabbed his gun from his hand and pointed it at him as he lay on the ground.

“Where’s Masaru Kin?!” I shouted, and he stammered in fear as he began to sweat profusely.

“I’m going to kill you!” I told him as I walked closer to him so I could look at him in the eye, hoping to intimidate him. “I’m going to shoot you right here, right now!”

“No,” he said during three hiccups.


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