Spring Winds

Chapter 3: Entrance Exam (1)

Chapter 3: Entrance Exam (1)

"Haha," I heaved as I wiped the sweat off of my brow. "I made it!"

After that senior had graciously 'directed' me in the right direction, and with the leadership of the bells, I was able to locate the spot where the entrance exams would be.


Unfortunately, in my hurry to get here, I did set off a few traps. I was able to escape them luckily, but it did shorten the amount of time I had until the entrance exam started. And, even better was that there weren't any lines!


"Hah, I made it!" Slowly walking to the edge of the crowd, I see that everyone gathered around two men in gray robes.

Could those two be the proctors of the exam?

Jogging up to the crowd, I tapped on the shoulder to the nearest person to me. "Hey brother, can you tell me what's going on?"

The stranger was an older gentleman and gave me a quiet nod. "These two men just came down from Yun Cai Peak. I believe they are now explaining the details of the exam. Best, we stop talking and listen instead."

"Alright, thank you brother," I nodded and tried to peek over the shoulders of tall men to take a look at the two proctors. Huffing slightly in the annoyance, I spot an opening and attempt to make my way over there.

"Ah, excuse me," squeezed my way between a sea of men, "Heh, sorry," I apologized until I finally arrived at my desired spot. "Whew, finally, can see."

"Hello, and welcome to everyone participating in this year's entrance exam at Yun Cai Peak," one of the proctors smiled. He was a tall, middle-aged man with a short beard and a few streaks of grey hair. "My name is Master Qing Le, and with me," gesturing to the other man, "is Master Qing Yu. The two of us will be overseeing your first entrance examination." Master Qing Yu seemed to be the stricter counterpart of the pair with his sharp sword eyebrows and the tight lined frown across his face.

"As you've might have heard before, this year's entrance examination might be a bit different compared to those in the past. How you may ask?" Master Qing Le then snapped his fingers.

Suddenly a wooden badge appeared in front of me. Reaching out to grab mine, I see a number inscribed onto the front.


Huh, I wonder what this number is for?

"This year, we are looking forward to seeing how our newcomers fair in action," Master Qing Yu suddenly spoke up. His sharp eyes scanned the sea of faces. "It would aid us in where to put you if you manage to pass the entrance examination."

"And that's why," Master Qing Le cut in. "We invited your senior sisters and brothers to help us."

Simultaneously, I felt the chill of a thousand eyes running down my back.

I wasn't the only one as others begin to look at the edge of the forests to see those curious eyes. However, they were too hard to spot.

"The badge you received is your registration number," Master Qing Yu continued. "To pass this first test, you must gather at ten points. Each badge is worth one point I might add."

Everyone began to look at each other's badgessome with concern and nervousness and others with greed and ambition.

"Also," Master Qing Le added. "Your senior sisters and brothers have a badge of their own. If you manage to grab one of theirs, it's worth two points. However, if you get your badge taken and still do not have ten points, you must work hard on gaining back those ten points or " Master Qing Le made a slow line across his neck " you get cut."

"Gulp," frick. That's going to be a lot of work.

"I hope you're all prepared for this first examination," Master Qing Le smiled. "Any questions?"

"What happens once we get ten points," someone in the crowd asked out loud.

Finally! Someone has the guts to ask the questions that everyone is afraid to ask. Thank you, kind soul!

"Once you've gained ten points, you will be immediately transported to the next trial," Master Qing Yu answered. "Any more questions? No? Good. Let's begin."

The proctors flashed away, and now left to our own devices it was a free for all. But before anyone could make a move to grab the other's badge, the stone platform underfoot began to glow with inscriptions on it.

"A teleportation array!"

The light began to glow brighter, making it impossible to open one's eyes without becoming blinded. Gripping on to my badge tightly, I wait for the array to finish.

I felt some movement, and for a brief second, I was floating.

Was I flying!

Then my feet softly landed on the sound ground once more. "Bleugh," vomiting off to the side, vertigo in my body caught up. "Ugh, teleportation arrays suck."

Taking in a few deep breaths, I finally get a sense of awareness around me. It looks like they scattered us into the woods.


"Well, no sense in crying here," might get my badge snatched. It looks like the work begins here.


"Whew!" What a productive day! Playing with the new badges I've gained, I couldn't help but let a cocky grin slide onto my face as I slid the new badges into my breast pocket.

Let's see here, two badges from seniors, that's four points right there. And three regular badges valued at one point each and including my own, "huh, only need two more points."

At first, I figured that this test would be more difficult, like memorizing four thousand rules and then reciting them correctly.

Hah, as if that would happen.


But hey, if it's just this, I'm satisfied! That means less work for me! "Hehe, almost there!"

I suppose growing up in the streets helps in how to steal and swindle people out of their stuff.

Hmm, being chased down and hunted down, was reminiscent of when my clan was slaughtered like livestock.

But I somehow found a way to live through all of that.

A dark gloom had come over me as I recalled the past even further. Geez, today isn't my day is it.

"I said, let me go!"

The angered yell snapped me out of trace as I turned my head to the direction of the sound. What was that! Slowly crouching over to the source of the noise, I hid behind a hedge, peeking through the leaves and twigs to see what was going on.

"Come on, little beauty," a gruff looking man smiled. "Hand over your badges, and we will all pamper you." The ruffian's friends all laughed as they created a sphere of influence around the poor girl.

However, this girl was tougher than I thought, because before I knew it, bits of ice and frost covering the ground and all of the men went flying. "Wow," I gasped as she managed to fight back all of these people despite her injury.

Wait a second! Is that the senior from before!

Squinting my eyes a bit, I make out the figure of the beauty in white.

It is her!

Who would have thought she would've played the weak damsel act! Ten out of ten on acting! From now on, you're my new idol, Senior!

However, I didn't notice that during my fangirling, the ruffians began to get up again.

"Little girl, before we were going to go easy on you, but now," the brute chuckled. "You will pay with your life!" And all of his b*stard friends got up to strike at her. Oh no!

Senior viciously attacked and defended herself, but she seemed to be at a disadvantage as her attack got slower! No!

"Argh!" Gritting her teeth, Senior precariously balanced on her right leg as her left had a deep gash that cried red tears.

The men slowly encroached on her as they backed her into her space.

"How unsightly," I drawled. "A group of grown men attacking a young girl, how morals have fallen."

"Get out of here, brat! It doesn't concern you!"

"Hmph!" I shook my head at these jerks. Walking up to them, I discreetly eyeball the badges hanging on their leader's waistband and sticking out of his breast pockets. Tsk, amateurs. It's almost like they're asking to be of their badges. "Now, now, gentlemen, surely there must be a better way to woo women, right?"

"As I said, brat," the leader growled. He looked like a mad dog. "It has nothing to do with you. Now scram!"

"Well," I shrugged; it can't be helped. Turning around slightly, I reel back and punch the sucker in the face, and for safety measures, I cracked the leader's family jewels to give us some time.

Snatching the badges, I grabbed onto Senior's wrist and bolted into the woods. "Let's go, Senior!"

"Big Bro!"

"G-get them!"

Mini earthquakes shook the ground as the group's feet pounded against the earth.

Ah, no good! Senior's leg is injured, and I don't want to worsen the injury.

Think, Naran, think! You got a group of angry men, and on top of stealing all of their badges, I possibly crippled their leader.

Great day, isn't it?

Before I could think of a plan, Senior grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me aside. "What are you do-"

She covered my mouth as she and I hid behind a tree. Before I could worry about the ruffians chasing us, she threw out two little paper men that resembled us.

What the heck!

"Go," she whispered, and the two puppets ran off in a random direction. Like a pack of sheep, the ruffians soon followed the dolls.

"Wow," I said in awe. "That was so awesome!"


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