Spring Winds

Chapter 11: Official

Chapter 11: Official

"Are we there yet," my legs were killing me!

"We'd get there faster if you would stop dragging your feet," Senior apathetically replied as she kept on moving forward along the forest path.

Ah! How does this young missy have so much stamina?

Senior, I mean, Senior Sister, and I have been walking for what seems to be an hour, if not more. It's been a day since we've been admitted into Yun Cai Peak and accepted in as inner sect disciples, and now the two of us are on our way to retrieve our rewards and sect uniforms.

Looking back at Yu Lan Peak and our destination, we didn't appear to be any closer to our goal. "This is impossible."

"Constancy of purpose achieves the impossible, and it's only been twenty minutes since we started walking."


"Well, it feels like we've been walking for much longer," pouting slightly, I force myself to continue walking and match Senior Sister. "Aiyah, and I'm so sore."

"Did you not sleep well last night," glancing to the side, Senior Sister gave a drop of her attention before it evaporated under the morning sun.

"Hah! How could I? Remember how long it took us to clean our rooms and move out all the moldy furniture last night? How could Master live like this?" Thinking about the filth back at Yu Lan was enough for me to feel a bit queazy. "And not to mention how big those bugs were, I wouldn't be surprised if they evolved in some level one beast or something."

"It wouldn't be impossible."

The two of us grew silent as we focused on the task of continuing to walk; however, the novelty once again quickly wore off. "Ah, I'm sick of walking. Can't we fly or something?"

"Flying is prohibited in Yun Cai Peak unless there's an emergency."

"Um, isn't getting our stuff quickly worthy of an exception?"

Senior Sister gave a blank look before looking away again.

Geez, well, that's a no then.

"However, the expectation is if you have a transportation beast or tool, but the only ones who have those are the sect master's direct disciples."

Boo! Aren't we the direct disciples of the 'Grandmaster of Yun Cai Peak?' How come we don't have any transportation beasts or tools?

"As for the matters of flying," Senior Sister continued. "You're cultivation is too low even to lift a stick. Let alone lifting a sword and flying on it."

Geez, Senior Sister, really hitting where it hurts.

"Touche," sighing, I gave up thoughts of speeding up our arrival time. I would've separated from Senior Sister long along in an attempt to make it to our destination faster.

However, seeing as I have a track record of going in circles and setting off traps, it probably would be best that I stay with Senior Sister.

Thankfully, the journey wasn't as gruesome as I had expected as we'd arrived at the steps leading up to the top of Yun Cai Peak's central mountain, Yun Wu Mountain.

Wow, more stairs.

On the upside, however, was the fact that this mountain was shorter than the rest surrounding it, so it spared my legs some pain.

After climbing those treacherous stairs, we finally made it to the top of Yun Wu Mountain!


Similar to the training ground that I saw during my second trial, the top of the mountain appeared bare, except for a few trees and bushes accompanying the tall stone pillars that led up a grand towering structure in which fluffy clouds wrapped around its higher levels.

"Wah, this place is huge!" How is it possible that I missed this structure from a distance? "If only Yu Lan Peak were this nice, otherwise I would've suspected that this place was Kun Lun Mountian[1] instead."

In the distance, I could see that hanging above the entrance was a simple gold plaque that read, Bao Ku Hall.

"Eh," Senior Sister nodded, "let's go."

Tailing Senior Sister, we came closer to the tower when two youths stopped us at the entrance. Based on the black they had on, I could assume that they were outer sect disciples.

"Halt! What is your business here?" The youth had an average face and build, but his most noticeable feature was his thick eyebrows.

"We've come to receive our reward and sect uniform," Senior Sister answered.

"You two must be Grandmaster Luo's new disciples," a young man in blue walked up from behind us.

"Eh, that's correct," Senior Sister nodded.

"And you are," the other outer sect disciple asked. Compared to his companion, he was shorter and bit plumper.

"He's my newest junior brother," another young man came but behind the boy in blue. Patting the blue boy's shoulder, he nodded at both Senior Sister and me.

"Forgive us, Disciple Bai Chen, we failed to recognize your junior brother," the two outer sect disciple cupped their hands and bowed at the pair of brothers. "And Martial Aunts, forgive us for our ignorance."

"It's no issue," blue boy waved off with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, it's fine," I shrugged.

His senior brother gave us a polite bow, "Greetings to Martial Aunts, this disciple is named Bai Chen of Dong Mo Peak. This," he gestured to the blue boy," is my junior brother, Bai Yuan."

"Greetings, Martial Aunts," blue- I mean, Bai Yuan smiled as he cupped his hands to us in greeting.

"Eh, hello," I nodded back.

"Apologizes, Martial Aunts," the two outer sect disciples cut in. "Right this way," they stepped aside and let Senior Sister and I go in first, followed by the two brothers.

"Wah," I awed as I took in the sheer height of this place. However, what boggled my mind was the giant pit at the center of the hall. This hole was so deep that even with my enhanced vision, it was difficult to make out the bottom.

"Careful," tugging at my collar Senior Sister pulled me back from leaning too far over the railing.

"Heh, sorry," sheepishly smiling, I looked around to see where we could get our stuff.

"Martial Aunts, this must be your first time coming to Bao Ku Hall, and since my junior needs to grab the same items as Martial Aunts, why don't I assist you," Bai Chen offered.

"That would be helpful, thank you, Disciple Bai Chen," Senior Sister agreed with a polite nod.

"Excellent," Bai Chen smiled. "Martial Aunts, if you will."

Senior Sister and I followed Bai Chen and his brother down a long corridor, where I noticed a small stall at the end of the long hallway.

Manning the stalls were two youths and a middle-aged master. Behind them was an extensive shelving system, composed of a series of little boxes neatly placed in their slot.

"Hello, there," one of the stall workers greeted. "How many will I be of assistance?"

"Hello, my junior brother will be picking up his reward and uniform," Bai Chen instructed. "As will these two Martial Aunties."

"I can help Martial Aunts," the other stall worker flagged at us. Senior Sister pulled me over to the next line. The young man behind the countertop was rather thin and had a milky complexion. If he were a woman, he would be charming.

After scanning a sheet of parchment paper laid on the wooden counter, the stall worker nodded and walked over to the middle-aged man, as if asking for approval.

Once the man nodded in approval, the youth went over to the giant shelves behind him and began to scan the numerous boxes. He suddenly jumped up and grabbed a small box that was at the top of the shelves. After brushing some dust off its lid, he walked over back to us.

"Alright, let's see here," he mumbled as he fiddle with the box's latch. Once he figured it out, the lid swung open with a blinding light.

Shielding myself from the light, I watched with squinted eyes as he reached into the small box and pulled out two neatly folded light gray robes.

"Two inner sect female disciple robes and," reaching under the counter, he pulled out two more boxes. These seemed to be of a higher quality as they appeared to be made of fragrant wood. "The reward for placing on the admission's leader board: five hundred spirit stones, five level-six spiritual herbs, and three level-seven beast cores."

Placing a box on each uniform, he slid them towards us. "Oh, and one more thing," ducking down, he came back up with two jade badges. "Sect disciple badges," placing them down on the wooden countertop, there was also a thin sliver needle accompanying it.

"If Martial Aunts would please prick your finger so we can start."

I winced as I picked up the needle and tried to prick myself.

"Let me do it," Senior Sister said as she held my hand into hers. Handing over the needle to her, I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the needle to come down on my poor finger. "Alright done."

Huh? But I didn't even feel anything.

Pulling my hand back, I could see blood starting to pearl up in the place Senior Sister pricked. "Thanks, Senior Sister."

"Eh, it's no problem," she nodded as she used her needle to prick her finger as well.

"If you would please place your finger on the jade card," the young man instructed.

Pressed my finger down on the cold, smooth surface, the card lit up before going back to normal.

"Wow," I gaped as where it was once blank, was now my name carved onto the surface. Picking up the card and flipping it, I noticed the words 'Yun Cai' etched into the back. "This is too cool."

"Congratulations," the young man smiled. "Martial Aunts are now officially registered as inner sect disciples of Yun Cai Peak."

[1] Kun Lun Mountian - A mythical mountain where it's believed that the strongest sword cultivators and martial arts are found.


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