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7 months ago
An average, normal university student transmigrates into the royal family in another world, where... Read more An average, normal university student transmigrates into the royal family in another world, where he becomes one of the successors of the throne. Life in the palace is inevitably difficult though, what with all the scheming enemies around him. This man’s only wish in this world is to be able to protect his “younger brother,” and for that, he’ll do anything–whether by hook or by crook–to ensure his brother’s safety and have him succeed the throne.The man never once expected, though, that the person whom he swears to protect would be the one to stab him in the back. He got locked in a dungeon where he was tortured for three years. And when he was on the brink of death, his body was thrown away into the river.When he wakes up, he finds himself in an eccentric and peaceful place, where everyone is suspiciously more than what they seem…***[This is a story about recovery from trauma and finding happiness.] Collapse Ancient Times, Betrayal, Bickering Couple, Boss-Subordinate Relationship, Calm Protagonist, Carefree Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Clever Protagonist, Complex Family Relationships, Depression, Disfigurement, Doting Love Interests, First-time Interc**rse, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Helpful Protagonist, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Male Yandere, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Past Plays a Big Role, Past Trauma, Pragmatic Protagonist, Royalty, Sickly Characters, Slow Romance, Strong Love Interests, Tragic Past, Transmigration, Transported to Another World, Ugly Protagonist, Weak Protagonist