



Im terrible at writing these, but I felt that this story deserved one.

To those of you reading this: I hope you enjoyed the story to this point. I hope youll keep up with the next volume when it inevitably releases, or that youll keep up on my patreon.

Sporemageddon was a weird idea I had one day while walking Molly that I jotted down on a whim. I didnt expect it to become this big, but Im happy it did!

As for the future of this story... well, it was recently sold to a big publisher. I cant disclose many details, but suffice to say it will be available online soon, and in a new format. Im hopeful for it, and think that Sporemageddon might do well in its new home. Still, Im sad to see it go, and Id understand if you felt the same.

Once the story is up, Ill be posting some news about it in the ANs of my other stories, no worries.

In the meantime... well, if you enjoyed this story, then theres a good chance youll enjoy some of my other stories. Some are quite a bit longer than Sporemageddon, and a few are even completed!

Check out Stray Cat Strut if you want more action, Cinnamon Bun or Fluff for more cuteness, and Heart of Dorkness for more not-horror!

If youre looking for something entirely completed, then look at Lever Action or Love Crafted!

On that note, I wish you all the best! If you want to support me, check out my patreon, and if you want a physical copy of Sporemageddon, then theres a version of volume one up on Amazon right now. The audiobook is being negotiated with another publisher as I write this, so thatll be showing up soon as well!

Thank you for enjoying my story!

Keep warm; stay cool,



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