Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1229: Catch!

Chapter 1229: Catch!

There were actually 3 True Immortals hunting Kou Chongxue down!

They seemed to be extremely careful. Even though they held the absolute advantage, they didn’t hold back.

Even when they emerged from the void earlier, they would rather slow down slightly to surround him and not try to race after Kou Chongxue in unison.

Now that the formation had activated, Shang Xia couldn’t hold back. He trapped one of the True Immortals and sent his Stone Rod crashing down on them.

The Stone Rod where Shang Xia had been storing energy for quite some time was swung at full speed, and Shang Xia unleashed his first move of his Six Harmony Rod Technique, Harmonizing Continent!

There was no real technique behind the strike other than the fact that it contained a horrifying amount of energy. Moreover, as Shang Xia’s cultivation realm grew, the power contained in it grew proportionally.

Being caught off guard, there was no way the foreign expert could dodge and he could only welcome his demise.

With Shang Xia’s Stone Rod smashing his domain part like tofu, any defensive artifact he brought out also crumbled. Rays of lights scattered about but it failed to stop Shang Xia’s Stone Rod in the slightest.

Despite his desperate struggles to get free the moment he was bound, he only managed to shatter a single ring of light. 2 others remained.

Biting his tongue, the foreign cultivator spat out a burst of essence qi along with his blood. The fresh red blood sprayed at Shang Xia in a desperate attempt to live.

Unfortunately, it failed to even pierce his domain.

“High-level...?” Even though he couldn’t speak freely without his tongue, he was able to transmit his final thoughts to his companions.


The foreign exert was sent flying, and before he got far, his body exploded. His life force was completely wiped out.

A third tier True Immortal from an Essence World was killed by Shang Xia without the slightest ability to resist.

At the same time Shang Xia trapped one of the foreign experts chasing after Kou Chongxue, Kou Chongxue turned around suddenly but didn’t head over to regroup. Instead, he rushed at one of the experts chasing him.

Kou Chongxue’s clone, who had been protected by Shang Xia earlier, rushed out from his domain. He didn’t plan to attack anyone. Instead, he rushed to meet up with his true body.

When Shang Xia’s Stone Rod landed on the third tier True Immortal, Kou Chongxue’s clone arrived beside him.

Fusing with his clone, Kou Chongxue managed to regain a bit of energy he had exhausted after being hunted down for so long. Even with the warning from their companion’s dying breath, the other 2 were a little too slow to react.

With renewed vigor, Kou Chongxue released a powerful sword qi that rushed at Lan Zhengfeng, the third tier True Immortal from the Spirit Faith World. Since he had dealt with his opponent, Shang Xia’s Stone Rod tapped the Five Element Ring before him lightly as the Formation Divine Artifact raced towards the other foreign expert.

However, the speed at which Shang Xia sent the divine artifact over was slightly slower than the other side’s reaction time and the third expert seemed to realize what happened and he turned to flee.

As the Five Element Ring flew into the streams of chaos, multiple rays of five colored lights emerged. It managed to come into contact with the fleeing expert, but it didn’t trap him completely.

The third expert forced the light that was trying to drag him back away before rushing into the void.

When Shang Xia finally turned his attention to Lan Zhengfeng who was locked in combat with Kou Chongxue, he seemed to have thought of something and he realized he couldn’t allow the third expert to escape so easily.

Feeling about with his divine soul, he thrust his Stone Rod into the void before him and unleashed his third move, Void Emptiness.

Not only was he using his Stone Rod, he had also sent his Five Element Ring after his enemy.

The Stone Rod tore through the void, and its trajectory was quickly covered up by the streams of chaotic space that closed up the spatial crack it created.

Even though his divine soul was disrupted by the streams of chaotic space, Shang Xia still heard a twisted miserable scream.

Without a change in expression, Shang Xia rushed through the void where the streams of twisted space failed to affect his domain.

The next second, he paused slightly as he suddenly felt the connection between his Stone Rod and Five Element Ring disappear for a second.

The space before him started to twist as cracks started to form in the void. He saw the third tier True Immortal rushing at him with a sinister smile on his face despite having lost an arm.

Shockingly enough, Shang Xia could feel the aura around the other party steadily growing to the fourth tier of the Martial Void Realm.

Everything happened too quickly, and Shang Xia didn’t expect the other party to possess abilities like that.

With the connection to his weapons severed, Shang Xia had to fight barehanded. With the foreign expert using some sort of secret art to reach the level of a fourth tier True Immortal, it was the best time to try to take Shang Xia down!

His only choice was to look for a chance to live by risking it all!

Despite being locked on by the murderous gaze, Shang Xia didn’t panic in the slightest.

Forming a seal with both his hands, he unleashed the Twin Fusion Imprint he learned from the Spirit Faith World in the past.

The moment it was unleashed, the space before him started to split apart. As the expert passed through the fragmented region, he felt his body growing weaker.

He only sustained his cultivation realm with some sort of secret art in the first place and Shang Xia didn’t even have to fight back. All he needed to do was to stall for some time before the other side would lose all their combat capabilities.

As he was holding his opponent back, Shang Xia heard a distorted cry coming from the side, “Grab my sword!”

Shang Xia felt the void beside him tear apart, and a bronze-colored sword emerged. Shang Xia reached out and grabbed it.

“Oh... I haven’t used my sword art in a while...” A light flashed in Shang Xia’s eyes, but he looked at the cultivator rushing at him as his expression changed into one of mockery.


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