Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 The Female Spirit - Feng Xinyu

Ye Shaoyang immediately waved his hand in rejection, “I have no interest in trying out a foot spa . About the karaoke session though … . ” He liked singing in general, but the idea of two men singing was another thing entirely . It really did not sound like an interesting plan . After some quick consideration, he declined the invitation . He would rather go home and rest . So, he called it a day . He exited the restaurant and immediately took a cab back to the university . Xiao Ma was already asleep when Ye Shaoyang returned to the dorms . Ye Shaoyang was feeling a little heavy in his head after one too many drinks . He fell right onto his bed and dozed off in seconds .

He woke up early the next morning after a good sleep . Xiao Ma had not woken up yet, so Ye Shaoyang cleaned himself up and went out to the cafeteria for breakfast . On his way back, he received an unexpected call from Xie Yuqing . Apparently, she had found some information in the archive . She wanted to meet up to discuss this newly acquired information . Ye Shaoyang did not expect her to be such an efficient investigator . She had acquired this information overnight . He thought for a while and said, “Let's meet at my place . It's the safest place I can think of now . ”

Twenty minutes later, she arrived as promised . She was in her sports attire—her hair neatly tied up in a ponytail . While Ye Shaoyang would usually tease her when they meet, her fresh look somewhat stunned him . He had to admit that she was really eye-catching today .

“Hold this . ” Upon her arrival, Xie Yuqing tossed a bulk of documents at him . The paper had already turned yellowish, so it must have been kept for a really long time . She blinked at him mischievously, “Of all places to meet, why did you choose your dorm? My guess is that you secretly want to show me off to everyone around you . You want to trick them into believing you got yourself a hot girlfriend, right?”

“You think too much,” Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at her, “I have numerous tools here, so no spirit can enter without me noticing . But some of my tools are quite a pain to carry around, which is why I asked you to come over instead . But if you see any guys you like, just tell me . I don't mind helping you get a boyfriend here . ”

Xie Yuqing scorned, “A bunch of young spoilt brats . Like I would need one . ”

She stepped into the room and found Xiao Ma soundly asleep in his bed . He was sleeping like a pig, and his fat belly peeked out from his loose shirt . She mumbled, “What a sore to my eyes . ”

Ye Shaoyang said, “Just ignore him . We have work to do . ”

Xiao Ma heard their voices and immediately opened his eyes . The sight of Xie Yuqing standing in front of his bed stunned him, but he quickly came to his senses and joked, “Hey Officer Xie . Looks like we have a rare visitor here . Would you like anything? How about a cup of tea or a cigarette?”

Xie Yuqing was not pleased, “Enough with your nonsense . If you have nothing better to do, get up and be useful for once . ”

Ye Shaoyang placed the pile of documents onto the bed . There were more than a hundred documents . He sighed in awe, “You are really something . Just one night and you managed to gather all of this . ”

“Some are from the archive; some are from the internal department in our police station . I haven't gone through all of it yet . I don't know if they are going to be useful, but let's go through it . ”

They distributed the documents among themselves, and the trio carefully combed through the documents one by one . Whenever they found a document that even slightly involved dormitory four, they would immediately read it out loud and analyze it together .

The earliest mention of the dormitory was in 1945 . According to the documents, this was the year the Japanese finally surrendered themselves . The government took over the military hospital of Stone City and found the building filled with corpses . The government buried the corpses of all these Japanese soldiers out of humanity and compassion . A mass grave was formed at Mount Qiuyun . Since then, the building was said to be haunted . People even died mysteriously one after another there . Xie Yuqing frowned after she read this, “This is different from the rumors . According to the stories I heard, the Japanese were forced to commit suicide in there . ”

Ye Shaoyang replied, “Let's just follow the documentation here . I would rather trust this written document instead of rumors . ”

Xie Yuqing continued, “Maybe you are right, but how did they die? They weren't under attack . As far as I know, once the Japanese soldiers agreed to surrender, the fighting stopped from both sides . They could have retreated from the country . But these soldiers didn't leave and died instead . This doesn't make sense . ”

Ye Shaoyang agreed with her words . Something was not right here . However, these documents were the only information available to them . They could not make anything further out of it .

Xiao Ma raised a few pieces of paper, “ This is a name list of those who died and some personal information . Do you guys want to read through this?”

Ye Shaoyang took the papers from him . It was a simple hospital record that contained the name, occupation, and birthplace of the deceased . However, it was incomplete; some had only a name and nothing else . Ye Shaoyang glanced through the list . It only seemed to contain Japanese soldiers . This information was not really useful for them, as they already knew that the deceased were all Japanese soldiers . But just when he wanted to put this list away, he saw a name . It was a Chinese name, which stood out as something unusual . The name read—Feng Xinyu .

What followed was some information on this girl . She used to be a university student from Stone City University, who had furthered her studies in Japan as a medical student . The government hired her as a Japanese translator . During the period of Japanese occupation, the military appointed her as a translator-cum-medical officer .

But what really caught Ye Shaoyang's attention was a certain note—when the government recovered the building after the war, they found her dead body on an operation theater . All the bodies found had started to rot, except for hers . Her face still looked alive . They buried her together with all the other bodies at Mount Qiuyun . After that, paranormal phenomenon continuously occurred in the area, which caused all the residents there to flee as they worried for their lives . Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and pointed at the name, “This . This is most probably the name we have been looking for . ”

“The female student spirit?” Xie Yuqing asked with a worried face .

“Yes . Her age, experience, and timeline matches . Besides, she died a bizarre death . Her body did not rot like the other corpses around her . Something must have happened . ” Ye Shaoyang thought hard for a while . Then, he said to Xie Yuqing, “Now that we know her name, can you find out some information? Especially her Ba Zi . ”

[TL note: Ba Zi - date of birth and eight characters of a horoscope]

“She has already died for such a long time . She is a spirit now . What do we need this for?” Xie Yuqing could not understand .

“Of course it's going to help . With her Ba Zi, it’s going to be easier to defeat her,” Ye Shaoyang replied . In his mind, an idea had started to take shape .

Xie Yuqing nodded in agreement, “Ok, I will get this done . What's your plan?”

Ye Shaoyang replied, “I’ll head to Mount Qiuyun . I need to find Feng Xinyu’s corpse . ”

Xie Yuqing was shocked . Nevertheless, she supported his decision, “I know there’s a Mountain called Qiuyun at the south of the university . It's not far from here . But I am not completely sure . Do you want to check it out?”

“I guess that is the mountain we are looking for . There were so many bodies to bury at that time, so they wouldn't be able to bury them too far away . ”

“That’s a good point . So, do you want to go now?”

“Let's prepare ourselves before we go . If we can really find the body, I need to perform aconsecration ritual on the spot . We wouldn't want to waste time making another trip . ” Ye Shaoyang decided to give Old Guo a call . He explained the situation . He wanted Old Guo to bring over some required items . Considering that he might need an extra pair of hands, he also called Li Duo to meet him there . Li Duo and Xiao Ma had been the two best candidates if he needed any assistance . He would rather pay them than hire a new face . Afterall, he did not want too many people involved .


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