Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 O’Hail the Power of the Pixiu

Ye Shaoyang turned around and noticed more and more spirits squeezing out through the crack . All of them were various shades of green . Some were just low-level spirits, but there were a few hateful spirits as well . From their appearances, some were Japanese, and some were locals . The Yin Qi emitted from the spirit nest must have attracted them . The monk had trapped all of them with the seal .

They had just witnessed Ye Shaoyang’s actions toward the first spirit that went against him . They knew how capable he was, so they were all quite hesitant to be the next to fight him . They had been trapped for a few decades . When it was finally time for them to escape from the seal, such a party-crasher greeted them . No wonder they all looked angry .

“You little local bastards . How can you team up with the Japanese? Don’t you know they invaded your country?” Ye Shaoyang nagged at the few spirits in local apparel . The spirits did not seem to care too much . They had died long before the invasion . Besides, they had already chosen to cultivate the evil path, so a sense of righteousness was not really a big deal to them .

“Well come on,” Ye Shaoyang brandished his wooden sword in their faces, as he tried to bait them into a fight . Instead, the spirits grew more frightened . They backed away further, and some of them even wanted to return through the crack .

“What a bunch of cowards!” Xiao Ma shook his head .

Suddenly, a huge spirit came out of the crack . It was hideous and carried a black chain . This spirit was different . It was red, so it was a more powerful spirit that had achieved the level of awakened spirit . It had endured at least five hundred years of cultivation and two major God’s Wrath to achieve this .

“Finally, a more qualified one,” Ye Shaoyang inhaled a deep breath, as he worried about the potentially more powerful spirits down there . It was time for him to act . He sheathed his peach wood sword and initiated a hand-seal while chanting, “O’ come the Sky-Lord of Zhao, lend me your power to slay the evil ones, shield me—your follower—from all harm!” Ye Shaoyang pricked his right middle finger and wiped the blood on his forehead . His body started to glow . He swiftly walked toward the crack and slashed off the head of the hateful spirit that was attempting to come out .

Then, Ye Shaoyang wrote, ‘Hun Dun Tai Chi Seal’ on both sides of the crack using cinnabar to seal it .

They knew what he was going to do, so the awakened spirit led all the other spirits to start attacking Ye Shaoyang . However, the glow repelled all of them . Even when the awakened spirit struck him with the chain, Ye Shaoyang did not feel a thing .

“What a bunch of idiots,” Ye Shaoyang smirked . This was the incantation of the Golden Body . With his level of cultivation, he was totally invincible once he activated this state . However, it required a vast amount of energy to activate this incantation . Moreover, it only lasted for about one minute . He did not have much time to finish what he needed to do .

Just when the glow started to fade away, Ye Shaoyang finished writing the seal . He cut the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood onto the words . In an instant, the coloration of the words morphed into a dark copper . A ray of light flashed on the seal, and the crack disappeared, firmly trapping all the spirits inside . Now that he had solved this problem, Ye Shaoyang turned around to meet the other problem—the spirits . He waved at them and pointed straight at the awakened spirit the size of a grizzly bear, “Your turn now, guys . Time to send you to your next life!”

He clapped his hands once, and a jade stamp appeared on his left palm . It was the Pixiu Seal . Xiao Ma could not help but gasp when he saw the seal . He had witnessed Ye Shaoyang utilizing the seal in the tomb . It was definitely a cool object, and its power had impressed Xiao Ma . Ye Shaoyang lifted the Pixiu Seal upward and pointed it toward the sky . Then, he chanted, “O’ hail the power of the Pixiu . Sever the calamities from the sky and the land; usher the way for men and close the door on all evil . Let your net of justice envelop everything!”

The Pixiu Seal rose into the air and formed an image of a huge mountain . The legendary sacred animal, the Pixiu, stood at the top of the mountain . It roared at the top of its lungs, and the mountain pressed down onto the room; this sight scared all the spirits . They ran in all directions, as they tried to escape .

Now, all of Ye Shaoyang’s earlier preparations in the hall paid off . Suddenly, the red ink circling the mirror trembled and shot out a beam of red light . It bounced between the mirrors and formed a net above . The net immediately enveloped the spirits that tried to escape . None of them could leave . Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing were just inches away from the net . They held their breaths, as they could see all the spirits running in all directions before them . However, the spirits only wanted to escape, so none of them bothered to cause the two humans any harm .

When they realized that the net covered their only way out, all the spirits went berserk . They tried to knock down the net . The awakened spirit leading them gathered all its Qi and charged at the net head first . By its third attempt, it had managed to cause some damage to the net . Just when it was about to squeeze his head out from the net, the Pixiu Seal came down hard and pressed down on all the spirits . The ground shook for a second, and the Pixiu Seal returned to its original form . All that remained of the spirits were dust and thousands of primordial spirits that evaporated around the Pixiu Seal . He carefully stored the seal and exited the circle of mirrors to get some air .

“Well, look at this! They look like fireflies! Beautiful!” Xie Yuqing was no longer scared . She playfully toyed with all the primordial spirits that floated in the air . The primordial spirits avoided her hands, as it was natural for them to avoid Yang Qi . However, this made her even more excited, and she wanted to catch them even more .

“I see you’ve forgotten how you vomited just now,” Ye Shaoyang shook his head upon seeing her reaction .

“Why did you mention it again! It took me a while to forget!” His words reminded her of the disgusting scene just now, so she threw a small tantrum in protest .

“Little Ye, so this is the seal?” Xiao Ma saw the ‘卐’ on the tile and asked .

“Yup, it’s the Seal of the Devil Defeating Golden Warrior . We made a slight crack in the seal when we moved the statue just now . But, it’s okay now, as I’ve mended it . ”

With these evil spirits destroyed, he had actually collected almost a thousand years worth of virtue for his next life . More importantly, he had reduced the number of awakened spirits he needed to deal with in the near future . But he knew very clearly that there would be greater challenges ahead—that female student ghost and that spooky doll . Ye Shaoyang placed the Pixiu Seal back into his pocket and exited the room .

“What happened inside just now? I heard all sorts of noises!” Liu Ming greeted him with questions as soon as he stepped out .

“Is there any documents you can find about this building?” Ye Shaoyang was too tired to answer these questions . Instead, he just raised his own requests .

“Well yes, but those documents are from after the school was built . For even earlier documents, we have to refer to the archive at the city municipal . ”

“I’ll go,” Xie Yuqing volunteered . It was much easier for her to deal with the city municipal given her identity as a policewoman . Ye Shaoyang nodded, “Look through the information on the buddhist monk and the time he placed the seal in the dormitory . Also, the female student and whatever information you can get your hands on about her and the dormitory . You can still remember her face, right?”

“It's hard to forget a face like that,” Xie Yuqing smiled bitterly . The thought of that face itself was enough to give her goosebumps .

“She surely didn't look as pretty as you are,” Ye Shaoyang did not forget to flirt .

“That's something I’d love to hear,” Xie Yuqing was flattered .

“Little Ye, since you have found the seal, why didn't you just go in and destroy all the spirits as well?” Xiao Ma asked in curiosity .

“If I were to go in now, I would be the one getting killed,” Ye Shaoyang responded, as he rolled his eyes in annoyance . Clearly, Xiao Ma didnot understand the importance of preparation .


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