Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Midnight Scouting

Ye Shaoyang quickly turned around to check what was behind him, but he saw nothing . He was sure that he felt something enter the room, and it was not far from him . Maybe just five meters away . This spooked Ye Shaoyang a little . Given his level of cultivation and power, common spirits would not be able to hide from him . Unless it was … a specter .

Where did it come from?

Ye Shaoyang gave it a quick thought and realized that the Yin Qi in this place was the perfect place for the creation of specters . The seal was put in place to trap the spirits, so it did not have any effects on specters . Ye Shaoyang figured that the specter must have been created here in dormitory four and there might even be many more specters! Ye Shaoyang reached into the pockets of his belt for some copper beads . But then, he stopped at the last minute and thought of something . Since this specter was following him, he might as well catch the specter and interrogate it about the spirit nest . Since the specter could just go through the walls and run away . Ye Shaoyang quickly planned something in his mind . He intentionally stood up and went straight for the stairs . Sure enough, that thing closely followed behind him .

After the first turn on the stairs, Ye Shaoyang slowly and secretly took out his eight-trigram mirror to peek at the thing that followed him . A big cloud of black trailed him, and there was also something inside the black cloud .

What the f*ck is that?

Ye Shaoyang grew more and more unnerved . He walked up to the fourth floor and went straight into room 404 . As soon as he went through the doorway, he quickly pulled out the eight-trigram mirror and placed it on the doorframe . Then, he naturally walked into the room and waited for the thing to enter . As soon as he sensed that the specter was in, he swiftly chanted an incantation and threw out a talisman paper to activate the eight-trigram mirror .

The mirror formed a boundary within the room, which would be able to trap [a][b]spirits, demons, or specters . If it was not a being that had a thousand years of cultivation, it would not be able to break the power of the eight-trigram mirror and escape .

The fact that the plan worked out relieved Ye Shaoyang . He turned around with a smug look, as he leaned against the window ledge . The specter stopped motionlessly in the middle of the room . It was as though it did not care about its entrapment . Ye Shaoyang was ready to beat its ass . But right at this moment, he heard clear and crisp footsteps from the hallway . The footsteps finally stopped outside of the room . Before Ye Shaoyang could even process this turn of events, a strong beam of light struck his face, and a woman’s voice shouted, “Who is in the room!?”

The presence of another person shocked Ye Shaoyang . He used his hand to shield his eyes from the light and asked, “Who are you?”

“Police!” The woman walked into the room and did not even wait for Ye Shaoyang to respond . Ye Shaoyang avoided the beam of light that shone on his face and checked out the person who had just entered the room . The woman was in her twenties; she had high cheekbones and big eyes . She looked pretty cute and had short hair that stopped at the level of her ears . Her crimson dress accentuated her devilish figure . Ye Shaoyang could not control his eyes, which were drawn to the woman’s busty rack .

“Hey, what are you looking at!” The woman shook her flashlight at Ye Shaoyang to snap him out of his daze . Then, she demanded, “Tell me why are you in this dorm at this hour!”

“Why can’t I be here? That’s right, let me see your badge . ”

“I don’t have my badge with me right now . So, why are you here?”

“I’m a Daoist master, and I’m here to hunt spirits,” Ye Shaoyang honestly answered her question, as he hoped that she would not antagonize him . After all, they were not the only ones in the room; there was still a specter . Ye Shaoyang was mindful of the specter, and he could sense that it was still in the middle of the room and unmoving .

“Hunting for spirits?” said the female officer in a sarcastic tone, “You’re crazy right?!”

“You don’t believe me? Let me show you then,” Ye Shaoyang grabbed a bunch of copper beads and threw them in the direction of the specter . The beads struck something, and a cry of pain pervaded the room . Then, a black humanoid figure appeared from a mist of cloud . The black figure rushed toward the door in an attempt to run away . As it came close to the door, the eight-trigram mirror shot out a flash of silver light . Then, as though it hit a hard wall, the black figure was pushed back into the room .

“What an idiot . ” The stupidity of this specter stunned Ye Shaoyang . This specter acted like a mindless undead .

“A ghost!” the female officer yelled, as she witnessed a black figure materialize out of thin air and rush in her direction .

The specter tried to escape again . It collided with the barrier head-on, but the power of the mirror still pushed it back . Ye Shaoyang quickly leaped toward the specter to destroy it . He formed a hand seal with his left and prepared to strike the specter . Suddenly, as though the specter was trying to show its intelligence, it dodged back moments before Ye Shaoyang made contact . Then, the specter reached its claws out toward the stupefied female officer . “Careful!” Ye Shaoyang quickly grabbed the back of the female officer’s dress, and he tugged it hard . He hoped that this would be enough to save her . At the same time, this action created an audible ripping sound . He pulled the female officer out of harm's way and threw her to the other side of the room .

Then, Ye Shaoyang quickly threw eight ancient Chinese coins toward the specter .

“O' mighty Heaven and Earth, with the power of Yin Yang, destroy!”

The coins connected and purple lights immediately shot out from the specter . It laid on the floor and writhed in pain . Its cries slowly faded away, until it totally disappeared . The only thing that remained on the floor was a puddle of black liquid . The fact that the specter died slightly pissed off Ye Shaoyang . He had tried so hard to catch it and wanted to interrogate it . Moreover, his efforts were wasted thanks to the female officer who had interfered . If it was not for her, he would not have to use deadly force to destroy the specter .

“Hey, officer . It’s safe now, let’s go,” said Ye Shaoyang, At this time, he was still checking on the puddle and had not looked at the female officer . The female officer did not reply . Her silence perturbed Ye Shaoyang, so he looked over, and his nose almost bled .

The female officer was sitting on the floor . Ye Shaoyang had accidentally ripped off her dress, so she only had her undergarments left . Even though she tried very hard to cover up her bountiful breasts, they were still able to partly escape . She had dropped her torch in fright, and it pointed in her direction . Hersnowy-white skin and luscious curves were all on display . Ye Shaoyang had not expected to witness such a raw and unrated scene . This incredible sight left him completely stunned, and his eyes were uncontrollably fixated on her breast . He gulped down the saliva that quickly filled his mouth, as his mind let out a very impressed wow .

“What are you looking at; stop looking already!” The female officer blushed and became redder than an apple . This situation completely embarrassed her, as she had never shown anyone her body . Then, she quickly picked up the torn dress; she hoped to use it to help cover up herself . However, Ye Shaoyang had somehow managed to completely tear her dress from top to bottom, so it was not wearable anymore . Only anger filled her mind, as she thought about the absurdity that the young man before her had caused . Then, she yelled at Ye Shaoyang, “I will kill you!”

“So much hatred,” mumbled Ye Shaoyang, as the aura of the female officer caused him to tremble . He scratched his head and tried to explain, “That … the thing that I did … I didn’t do it intentionally . I was just trying to save your life . If it wasn’t for me, you’ll be dead right now . ”

“Even if I die, I’ll still haunt you and kill you!” the female officer continued to yell at him .

“You also saw what happened just now, right? I was just trying to save you from that ghost,” Ye Shaoyang tried to explain again .

“The thing I saw wasn’t even clear, so how do I know this wasn’t your trick? You little sh*t! You pervert!”

Then, Ye Shaoyang gave up and said, “Right, right . Whatever you say . Now that everything is gone, let me bring you out of here, okay?”

“Are you going to just let me walk out there like this?” the female officer’s anger had already dissipated .

Ye Shaoyang peeked at her cleavage and said, “You’re right . Don’t you have your cell phone with you? Why don’t you just call someone up to bring clothes here?”

“Easy for you to say . What if they saw me here like this with a young man like you . How … how am I going to explain myself? Am I suppose to tell them that this happened while you were trying to hunt for a ghost? You think people will believe that?”

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and thought, Indeed, if people saw the two of us like this with her clothes torn apart, even the most naive person would think that something must have happened between us . Moreover, we are here at this kind of hour .

[a]cant trap undead?

[b]it doesnt say


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