Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Inviting You to a Dream

“I was lying on my bed . Then, I felt someone watching me, and I could even feel someone blowing on my neck… . ”Xiao Ma reached to touch the side of his neck, “But when I opened my eyes, I didn’t see anything . ”

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and answered, “I think you’re just hypersensitive because you saw so many ghosts today . ”

“No, no, the feeling I had felt was real . If you don’t believe me, go to my room to sleep then,” after Xiao Ma asked him to do this, he proceeded to drag Ye Shaoyang to his room .

Then, Ye Shaoyang reluctantly checked the room, but he found nothing out of the ordinary . As such, he told Xiao Ma to go to bed and not disturb him . However, Xiao Ma was rather persistent, and he still asked Ye Shaoyang to sleep over .

“It's a big bed anyways, come on, come on . ”

Ye Shaoyang was unwillingly dragged and finally got onto Xiao Ma’s bed .

“Hey, did you lie to get me to sleep with you?”

“Ugh, I’m not that kind of person okay . Hmph, I think you’d be willing to help Zhou Jingru even if there was a corpse lying beside you!”

“Can you cut your crap?” Suddenly, a thought came to Ye Shaoyang’s mind . What if Zhou Jingru went to his room and could not find him there and discovered that he was with Xiao Ma . Would she think that he is . . . . No!!

They slept at opposite ends of the bed . Soon, Xiao Ma began to snore and was already fast asleep . Ye Shaoyang felt tricked, “How can there be a ghost if you’re sleeping so well … . ”

After he waited in bed for quite some time, Ye Shaoyang found it really hard to keep his eye’s open . He used the bed sheet to cover his head, and it also slightly blocked Xiao Ma’s snores . A short while later, he also fell asleep .

The room was pitch black and dead silent .

On the wall was an oil painting that depicted mountains and lakes . It was quite exquisite . Suddenly, the painting emitted a flash of light . Magically, the painting now had one more person . A teenager wearing white robes had materialized . He appeared to be walking on the road beside the lake . He was looking left and right, pondering where to go . “What the f*ck is this place!” Ye Shaoyang looked left and right . On his left was a patch of endless viridescent grass, and on his right was a picturesque lake . The water of the lake was very clear; lively fish and prawns filled it . He had never seen this kind of beautiful scenery in his life .

However, Ye Shaoyang knew that something did not add up .

A short distance ahead of Ye Shoayang was the unclear outline of a person . That person was also looking left and right, pondering where to go . When Ye Shaoyang caught up to that person, he saw that it was Xiao Ma . Moreover, he was also wearing a white sleeping robe . When Xiao Ma saw him, he greeted him with excitement and said, “Hey Little Ye, you’re here too . The water looks really nice; why don’t we go for a swim?”

Ye Shaoyang laughed sarcastically and said, “Swim? Do you even know where we are? This is a dream world!”

“A dream?” This statement shocked Xiao Ma, so he looked around and said, “Isn’t this too real for it to be a dream?”

“Of course, dreams are realistic . If you don’t believe me, answer me this . Number one, what is this place? And number two, how did we get here?”

Usually, a person dreaming would never think about these things, as they would always think that they were in the real world . Despite this, even the most realistic dreams would have some shortcomings . After pondering for a while, Xiao Ma’s eyes grew wide open, “You’re right … what is this place? I don’t think I’ve ever been to this place before . And I can’t really remember how I got here … . ”

“Try harder, try remembering what you did recently . ”

Suddenly, Xiao Ma remembered and said, “Ah, we just had an awesome shower in a bathhouse! And we were sleeping together on a bed!” Xiao Ma began to panic, as he looked around anxiously, “How did we get here? Is this really a dream? Are you even real … are you just a figment of my imagination?”

“What? How can your imagination ask you this kind of question?” Then, Ye Shaoyang let out a long sigh and said, “I think we’re in the same dream . ”

Xiao Ma stared blankly at Ye Shaoyang . Then, he said, “How is that possible!”

“It’s my first time too . Maybe it was because we were sleeping on the same bed . You were right; something is wrong with the room . ”

Xiao Ma furrowed his brows, “Wait, how do you know we’re dreaming?”

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, “Can you not ask such a stupid question? I’m a Daoist Master . If I can’t even detect that I’m in a dream so many small ghosts would have killed me long ago . ”

“Then … what do you think my body is doing right now?”

“Sleeping of course . ”

Xiao Ma felt very confused and strange . How could someone be separated from their body and be somewhere else? Xiao Ma was scratching his head in confusion . Out of the blue, he swung a hard right and struck Ye Shaoyang’s jaw .

Ye Shaoyang rubbed his jaw and yelled at Xiao Ma, “What the f*ck do you think you’re doing?!”

“I heard people say that you don’t feel any pain while you’re dreaming, so … I gave it a try . ”

This stupid reason left Ye Shaoyang dumbfounded .

“Little Ye, what do we do now?”

“I don’t know . Normally, a person would wake up right away when they realize that they are dreaming . But yet, we haven’t woken up, and we’re in the same dream . ”

“Well, let’s just wait then, someone is bound to wake us up . ”

Xiao Ma walked to the side of the lake and sat down . He looked left and right and happily said, “Well, I’ll just take this as a trip to Maldives then, even though there aren’t any pretty girls around . ”

Suddenly, Xiao Ma’s eyes released a beam of pervy light, “Hey, Little Ye, if there were pretty ladies here and I did something to them, there wouldn’t be any consequence, right? But it would still feel so real . F*ck! Why aren’t there any woman here!”

Then, Xiao Ma stripped naked and jumped into the lake to play . As he entertained himself, dark clouds began to form, and the wind started to pick up . Big waves filled the previously peaceful and still lake . Xiao Ma was terrified and yelled, “Hey Shaoyang, this is a dream right? I can’t die in my dream, right? I might just wake up?”

“You think this is inception? Come up now!”

Then, Xiao Ma started to swim back . However, as he was about to reach the land, a huge wave came behind him and pulled him back into the water .

Ye Shaoyang began to panic, as he could not see Xiao Ma . He was not sure what to do . Suddenly, he thought of something, “Some sorcery must be trapping Xiao Ma and I . If that’s the case … . ” He reached down his waist to grab a magic weapon, but nothing was on him . In desperation, he had no choice but to bite his tongue and use hisblood to break this sorcery . As soon as his blood flowed out, the scenery around him began to distort and darken . After a few seconds, he was able to somewhat feel his body; then, he was able to open his eyes! He was back and awake . After he woke up, he looked to the still asleep Xiao Ma . Xiao Ma’s body was trembling, while his face was green and sweaty . It was as though he was being choked .

“Xiao Ma! Xiao Ma!” Ye Shoayang shouted, as he gave him a few good slaps . Despite this, Xiao Ma remained unresponsive . Ye Shaoyang had no other choice, so he used his right thumb to cut his middle finger . Then, he proceeded to press the blood onto Xiao Ma’s forehead . At the same time, Ye Shaoyang chanted an incantation to bring back souls . Xiao Ma finally woke up; he yelled, as he sprung up . He took a few deep breaths and yelled, “F*ck! I thought I was going to drown!”

He took a few more breathes and said, “What did I tell you? After a person dies in a dream, he’ll wake up . ”

Ye Shaoyang laughed sarcastically, “You don’t even know what happened . If I didn’t save your life, you would have really drowned and died . ” Then, he proceeded to explain what had just happened to Xiao Ma .

“So, that means that people do die when they die in dreams?”

“Not sure, but something is certain; we were in someone's spell,” Ye Shaoyang turned on the lights and began to search for clues of the sorcerer . He believed that this person must have been pretty nearby to cast a spell on him, maybe even in the room itself .

“Little Ye, look!” Xiao Ma shouted, as he pointed at something .

Ye Shaoyang looked in the direction Xiao Ma pointed to and noticed a painting that hung on the wall . The painting had a clear lake and an endless field of grass . Could it be?


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