Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 89 [Who are you, Peter Parker?]

Ch: 89 [Who are you, Peter Parker?]

[A few hrs later]

After handing Flash over to the cops and as usual, the cops... Haaa... They are fucking pain in the ass. Seriously, they keep asking irrelevant questions. Like dude, ask Flash those questions when he wakes up, not us...

They took our statements, arrested Flash, and told us to visit the precinct tomorrow for further questioning. But the thing is, while one was questioning us, the other one had already called Flash's aunt. Ah! These corrupt bastards. 

"Why should we waste our time? I gave you the evidence, the live footage of him assaulting her. Plus, two fucking hours of questioning... What more do you guys want? So, here's what we are going to do. We'll make it public and let you cops take the heat for trying to cover up for him," I couldn't help but lay it out on them straight. Seriously, these cops piss me off so much that I wanna beat them up too. But, sadly, doing that will land me in jail so...

The cop widened his eyes hearing my threat.

"Boy, don't try to act over-smart. We deal with the likes of you daily. One word from us, and you'll rot behind bars for a long time. So watch your tone kid, or else..." He threatened me back.

"Is that so?" I tilted my head sideways and smirked. "Wanna bet?"

"Don't, Peter..." Liz tugged my sleeve and warned me nervously.

I smiled at her softly and caressed her bruised cheek, "It's okay, Liz. Trust me." It felt so cheesy and cringe, but I feel kinda bad for her. Seeing me comforting Liz, the cop snorted in disdain.

I glared at the cop sharply, "Let's make things clear. First of all, you guys questioned us for two fucking hours when you clearly saw the video of Flash assaulting Liz. Secondly, you didn't even bother to send Liz to the hospital or check if she needed medical attention. Thirdly, you called Flash's aunt without even informing us first. Do you cops think you can cover this up? Fine, let's play your game. I'll upload this video online and wait until your chief hears about this." 

"What are you talking about? We never called anyone. Besides, it would seem, you two are on drugs. Seeing things. Are you two high or something? In that case, we have to take you in for drug possession," The cop lied through his teeth shamelessly.

"Yeah, sure. Drug possession. That reminds me, did you guys check Flash's body for drug possession? I'm sure he was high on something or else why would he threaten someone in public with a knife? Go on, check him, and don't try to do anything funny. You are live. Thousands of people are watching you jokers," I challenged them.

How do I know he got drugs? Well, I smelled it on him the moment I walked near him. All hail Spidey senses... 

The cop gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly. He gestured one of his buddies to check Flash's body.

Soon enough, that idiot found a packet of pills in Flash's pocket. He quickly tried to hide it, but I grabbed his hand, "Hold my phone," I gave it to Liz before pulling his hand in front and showing it to everyone watching us, "Would you look at that folks? Drugs. Wow! Corrupt cops trying to cover up for a criminal... How shocking! Officer, what are you gonna do now? You were just threatening us for drug possession but turns out the culprit is your suspect..."

Everyone watching us booed at them loudly. Some even began recording us. The officer panicked seeing others recording them. He grabbed the pills from his buddy's hand and shoved them inside his pocket. Then he turned towards Liz and yelled, "Delete the video now!"

"How many videos will you delete? Look around you," Liz pointed at the crowd recording them live and taunted him smugly. "Besides, didn't he already say, you guys are on a live show?" She seems to recover herself a bit after seeing these cops getting exposed publicly.

"Fuck!" He cursed loudly and signaled his buddies to get Flash into their car and drive away. Before leaving, he warned us once again, "You better delete the video if you know what's good for you..."

"Look at this, they even threatened us. How can we trust cops? Next thing we know, they will try to pin something on our heads. Guys, spread this video as far as possible. Don't forget to tag the police commissioner, New York Times, and Daily Bugle..." Liz ignored him and provoked everyone watching us live.

I looked around. Ah, classic New Yorkers, enjoying the show. Now they are praising us and some even clapping like retards. 

"What the hell are you all looking at and clapping at? None of you came to help when I was in danger," Liz snapped angrily. She must be really pissed because I could see tears forming in her eyes.

Hearing that, everyone stopped clapping awkwardly and left silently.

Seeing Liz crying, I hugged her gently and comforted her, "Shh... Never mind them. Come on. Let me get you home." I whispered softly to Liz.

She nodded weakly and hugged me tightly. Seeing this, I smiled bitterly. Fuck! I feel like an ass now. I could have stopped Flash before he slapped her. I could have interrupted it earlier, but... These feelings in this 'Peter's' body... The flashes of time when she and Flash used to bully and hit him...

These feelings of anger and hate towards Liz kept me hesitating... I thought I was over it, but I just... It's hard to explain...

But now seeing her crying and hugging me helplessly... Ah, fuck it. I can't blame her anymore. Flash bullied her too... I think it's about time to bury the hatchet...

Anyway, we walked to Liz's apartment in silence. Soon, we reached her place.

"You saved me twice now," Liz said gratefully after unlocking the door to her place. She then turned around to face me and continued, "Peter Parker, why do you always save me? Even though I was cruel to you, yet you helped me both times without thinking twice... Why?" She asked me teary-eyed.

Ah, shit. This is awkward... 

"Maybe you looked so good in this blue dress that when I saw you in that situation, I just couldn't hold myself back and there I was, saving your beautiful ass," I joked hoping to lighten up the mood.

Liz laughed hearing my joke. "Really? Just because I looked good in a blue dress? No hidden agenda? Wait! You..."

"Well, I gotta go now... You take some rest..." Shit! I said the same thing to her back then in Spiderman suit. Just don't ask. Forget it!

Liz stood there as I turned around to leave.

Suddenly, she grabbed my arm and pulled up closer to me.

"Thank you..." Liz kissed me on my lips and rushed inside.

I froze there for a moment to process what just happened. I touched my lips and mumbled, "Damn!" I shook my head and walked away with a smile. I didn't see that coming. Well, now to deal with Flash's aunt and family. I'm sure she's going to call me and she will try to butter me up. But, that fucker is better behind bars than outside.



[3rd person POV]

[Liz's room]

As soon as Liz entered inside, she locked the door and leaned against the door. 'I just kissed Parker?! Why did I do that? Why did I kiss him? Was it because he saved me twice? No! I mean, yes. But, it's not only that...'

Liz touched her lips which touched Parker's and blushed deeply. Her heart started beating fast remembering how Peter protected her and helped her today.

'He protected me despite knowing how cruel I was to him. Damn you, Parker. Why do this to me? I... Shit!" She dashed and jumped on the bed, burying her face into the pillow.

She screamed loudly in her head, 'Why does my heart beat so fast whenever I remember Peter? Shit! Since when? Did I develop feelings for Parker? No way! I still hate him for stealing that internship... Besides, I like Spiderman...'

Liz grabbed her pillow and buried her face deeper into it in frustration. "Ughhh..." She rolled around the bed restlessly unable to accept the fact that she might like Peter.

"Humm..." She sat up on the bed and leaned against the bed frame, hugging her pillow. Peter's words kept repeating inside her mind. Spiderman also said the same exact thing that Peter told her today. She jumped down from the bed and walked toward the mirror, "Do I really look good in blue dresses?" Liz looked at herself wearing the blue dress in the mirror and sighed.

"Parker, who are you really? Why do I feel attracted to you lately?" Liz mumbled softly, touching the mirror. "And why did you say the same thing that Spiderman said? Are you...? Hahahaha! No, it can't be. I'm just overthinking. There's no way Peter Parker is Spiderman... Right?"

She closed her eyes and remembered how Spiderman saved her that night. A tingling sensation erupted in her heart remembering that night. She touched her chest and muttered softly, "Could it be...? No, no, no, no... I must be overthinking. It's impossible that Peter Parker is Spiderman..." She denied it repeatedly, shaking her head.

She then grabbed her phone and scrolled through Peter's Instagram and Twitter pages. 

"Haaa..." She slumped back on the bed and began to swing her legs restlessly. Her heartbeat increased looking at Peter's pictures. "Parker... Ahh! All these nerdy stuffs you posted here... Prosthetics engineering... Bioengineering... Quantum Physics... Nuclear physics... Just what the hell have you been doing after dropping out of school?" She wondered as she continued to scroll down. 

There wasn't anything other than all those theories that went right over her head, not a single photo or pictures of his girlfriend or anyone related to him on his social media accounts. Not even a selfie of him other than the profile picture.

"No girlfriends..." She mumbled. 

'Wha-' She sat up straight, "Why the heck am I interested in his life or if has a girlfriend or not? Fuck! I kissed him just like that and now, I'm creeping around his social media like a stalker trying to gain information on her target... Ah! What should I do? It was a reflex and my first kiss... I... " 

With complicated feelings tangled up in her heart, Liz laid back down on her bed and stared blankly at the ceiling, muttering, "Parker..." She doesn't know what to do now. The feelings she gets when she works with Spiderman on rare occasions editing videos are kinda different than when she's with Peter. Although she hasn't spent much time with Peter, thinking back about all those moments makes her heart beat fast.

Liz remembered those days when Peter got bullied but still managed to pick himself up with a smile every day. She remembers how Flash and she bullied him by posting those embarrassing photos online, yet he never lashed out or blamed anyone. Instead, he picked himself up and worked harder every day.

Although she bullied Peter, she secretly admired him for his perseverance and hard work. But she was too afraid and dense to gather up the courage and stop bullying Peter due to peer pressure. Thinking about all those memories made Liz cry silently.

"Fuck! I don't know what to do..." She sighed.


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Ch: 91: A cat and a Goblin

Ch: 92: Massage turned pleasure

Ch: 93: Peter & Sue

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