Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 81 [Amazing Spiderman]

Ch: 81 [Amazing Spiderman]

I took Gwen in my arms and ran toward the exit. It's a freaking chaos in here. Apart from that Ferris Wheel, there have been two more explosions outside. They blew off the main entrance and blocked off the route. People are crowded around the gate. The fire from the blast was spreading all around.

"Damn it!" I put down Gwen.

"The back gate!" As soon as Gwen got her footing, she immediately pointed out a way for us to escape.

[Boom!] Another explosion went off.

There goes our second exit route.

Damn it! There isn't any other way. If I disappear now, Gwen might get into trouble. God knows how many fucking terrorists are hiding in this chaos. Sue won't be able to hold that giant wheel alone for much longer. I pulled Gwen's hand and ran toward the washroom building on the side.

"Where are we going?" She asked while running.

"The washroom." I pointed.

"You want to take a leak, now?" She looked at me incredulously.

"What? No! Just run..." After we entered the washroom, I began to take off my clothes.

"Don't tell me! You want to have sex in here? In this freaking situation?" Gwen questioned.

"What?! No! Come on, I'm not insane... Just hold on to these..." I quickly took off my clothes, revealing my spidey suit, and handed it over to her.

"Peter!" She gasped.

Gwen was clearly stunned. I expected that reaction. I wanted to tell her that I'm Spiderman at a perfect time, but there's no such thing as perfect timing in a situation like this.

"You are Spiderman?!" Gwen whispered as if someone would overhear her.

"It's a long story..." I whispered back, "Ok. Now, grab onto me. I'll get you out of here."

"What about the others?" She questioned while holding onto my body.

"Don't worry," I webbed up to the roof of the building and swang out of that chaos. I dropped Gwen far from that place. "Ok. You stay here."

I webbed away, leaving her behind, and made my way back to that theme park. Yeah, yeah, I know I said I'll become a selfish hero, but there are kids in there, and can't let Sue get squashed by that wheel.

[3rd person POV]

[Location: Theme Park]

Sue held her ground, trying to keep her focus and maintain the force field, but it was putting too much pressure on her body. She was barely standing, panting heavily and sweating.

"Come on! Hold on, Sue!" She mumbled as her legs dug into the concrete under the pressure. Her eyes were on those people panicking inside the Ferris wheel as the fire began to spread all around the park. Her vision was getting blurred and a drop of blood dripped down from her nose. She wiped it using her shoulder as she gritted her teeth trying to hold on.

Suddenly, Spiderman landed beside her.

Everyone stopped rushing and panicking for a moment upon his arrival. He has become very famous recently, so it was given that people will recognize him.


"Help us..."

People cried out loud for help and prayed for their lives. They looked at him with hope in their eyes. They were expecting him to save them from this chaos. Spiderman looked around and saw the fear in people's faces, the panic, the cries for help, the tears dropping down from children's eyes and mothers hugging them tight. Some were injured. The cops are pulling out injured who were caught up in the explosion.

"Hey! You hold on a bit longer, yeah?" Spiderman patted Sue Storm's shoulder as he jumped straight toward the Ferris Wheel. He shot out webbing and stuck onto the wheel and then began to pull it back to its original spot using all his strength.

"Arrhhgg!!!" He screamed, giving it his all. Considering the size and weight of that thing, it was pretty difficult to put it back.

Sue Storm watched his efforts and gave it her all to hold onto her force field. Spiderman pulled that Ferris Wheel back to its original spot using brute force as his muscles bulged up due to excessive use of strength. His suit tore around his arms. Then, he webbed up and began to wrap up the wheel to the metal posts around it.

Spiderman swang around the Ferris Wheel, throwing web line after web line wrapping it up to the metal posts, making sure it doesn't come off again. He even went as far as to use his special webs that come out from his fingertips. These web lines are harder and stronger than metal, but at the same time smooth and flexible.

After wrapping up that Ferris Wheel tightly, Spiderman landed beside Sue Storm who was barely standing. She fell backward, but Spiderman caught her before hitting the ground.

"Whoa! You alright?" He questioned worriedly. Sue Storm was panting heavily while holding her head. She was bleeding from her nose. Spiderman wiped off the blood using his thumb and turned toward those people trapped inside the Ferris Wheel. "Ok." He turned toward the civilians, "You guys, take care of her for a bit. I'll be right back."

"I'm a doctor," A woman with black hair came forward. "I'll look after her. You save them Spiderman."

Spiderman nodded and turned toward the Ferris Wheel, "Alright folks. Don't worry. I'm gonna get you guys out of there, but you gotta trust me, ok?"

"Spiderman!" A kid cried while hugging his mom tight, "Help us..."

Spiderman smiled, "Sure buddy. Now, don't move. I'll swing you out of there." He webbed up to the Ferris and swang out every civilian using his webbing. He did it as fast as he could. Within a few minutes, he took all the people inside, out to safety. Then turned his focus on the burning exits.

"Thank you..." Parents hugged their kids tight, happy that they were finally safe.

Spiderman waved back at them and swang toward the fire spreading around the theme park. Using his webbing, he pulled himself up on the water tank above the washroom building. He opened the lid and looked inside.

"Ok, hope, this has enough water to put out the fire on one of the exits." He muttered and pulled up the water tank over his head, using nothing but brute strength. "HEY! CLEAR OUT THE FRONT!" He yelled at the people below.

The people cleared out upon hearing his voice. Spiderman jumped up in the air with that heavy tank over his head and dumped the water over the burning entrance. The water splashed all over the entrance putting out the fire instantly. Spiderman landed near the gate and threw the empty tank toward the building and webbed it to the wall. Now, the debris was the only thing blocking off the entrance.

"Make a line," Spiderman yelled at the crowd, "Don't panic." He began to clear the entrance, lifting and throwing the giant chunks of debris aside. After clearing off the path, he waited till all the civilians got out safely. The police and ambulance were already waiting outside. Spiderman stood there watching as paramedics took injured people to the hospital.

"Spiderman," One of the policemen came forward, "We got things under control here. Thank you." He grabbed his hand and began to shake as tears dripped from the corner of his eyes, "My daughter and grandson...they were trapped inside that Ferris Wheel...if it wasn't for you..." He sobbed covering his face using his free hand, "Thank you...thank you so much..."

Spiderman patted his shoulder and nodded, "Just doing what I can officer. Besides, without Sue's help, I might not have pulled it off. Tell them I said, hi! Ok?" He webbed up and disappeared from the scene, leaving the police speechless.

"He's truly amazing..."

"A real superhero..."

The people cheered loudly as they watched Spiderman swinging away.



[A few hours later]

[Baxter building]

Sue Storm sat down on her sofa as a nurse checked her vitals and gave her some medicines, "How's it?" She asked the doctor.

"Well, your right leg, fractured, left elbow, dislocated, right wrist, sprained...and a lot of strain on your muscles and we need to shift you to hospital, right now. You need proper treatment." The doctor replied. "The meds will keep your pain under control for a while. But you need surgery. Otherwise, it will affect your healing process."

Sue Storm sighed. Her eyes went toward Johnny who just came back after taking care of another blast incident a few clicks away from the Theme Park. He was looking at her with concern. There was no sign of Ben or Reed. Well, considering Reed, who puts his research above everything, it wasn't surprising.

Johnny came forward and sat beside Sue. He grabbed her hand gently.

"Johnny, I'm fine," She tried to smile as she replied to the doctor, "Alright. Hospital it is..."

Ben rushed into the room, causing a light tremor, "What happened? Are you okay?" He questioned worriedly.

Johnny joked, "Wow! Slow down, big guy... The floor almost collapsed."

"Johnny, enough..." Sue Storm frowned and turned toward Ben, "Where's Reed?"

"He's in his lab, working on something," Ben replied scratching his head awkwardly.


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Next, Ch: 82: Gwen's slutty mind

Ch: 83: A nice way to wake up

Ch: 84: I need an Arc Reactor

Ch: 85: Sudden date with Michelle [I'll be focusing on her. It's going to be somewhat slice of life and a bit grim.]

Ch: 86: A deal with Michelle




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