Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 73 [Norman and Goblin]

Ch: 73 [Norman and Goblin]

BONUS Chapter Enjoy



Norman was sitting in an isolated cell in the prison. He was not allowed to speak with anyone or make calls. The news about his arrest and his company's downfall was all over the media. The reputation and everything he had built over the years came crashing down like a house of cards. His dream of becoming the president and controlling the world's economy and military was shattered.

Everything is because of Spiderman. That bug is the root of all evil. Norman was sure about it. He kept muttering to himself, "I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I swear on my life, I'll kill him."

Then a voice came from behind, "Norman, Norman, Norman..."

He jumped up and looked back at the wall. There was no one there. Then, he saw a spider crawling down from the ceiling. Norman stared at the spider in fear.

The spider crawled down the wall and stopped right in front of him, he squashed it under his shoe.

Then, he heard a voice in his head, "You know, Norman. Killing a small spider won't kill the root of all your problems."

"Who are you?" Norman panicked.

"Don't worry about me, Norman. You just need to worry about yourself. See, you are already in jail, and there's no way out. Your dreams shattered, and you lost everything including your family," The voice continued, "What are you going to do now? With you stuck here, Harry's disease will get even worse, and within a year or so, he will die."

"No!" Norman cried out, "No, no, no, no!"

"Yes, Norman. Yes! You need to take responsibility for your actions. And you need to pay for them. But why should you pay? You did everything to cure your son. You walked through the hell to find a cure, but every time you were closer to finding a cure, it slipped away from your grasp. First that kid, what was his name? Ah! Subject 0X, he mocked you before his death and now a fucking bug dares to smoke you like this. Oh, Norman. I feel pity for you."

Norman was silent. He sat on the bed as the memories of his past flashed before his eyes. He was so close that day, so very close, but that boy... That boy in his final death bed awakened his second mutation, but he laughed at him, showed him the middle finger, and died just like that. Now a newbie hero, a man in a spandex suit, who swings around the city like a bug, took down his entire empire, just like that.

"Hahahaha..." Norman started to laugh. He doesn't know why, but he just felt like laughing. The whispers he had been hearing since the day he took the experimental serum are no longer whispers, but voices. Voices of his inner self born from insanity. The goblin serum changed him in more ways than he could ever imagine.

The voice continued, "The only way out of this, Norman, is to kill everything and everyone who dares stand in your way."

"No!" For a moment Norman regained his sanity, "I... I... What have I done?!"

"You have done what was necessary for Harry, right? Don't feel sorry for yourself," The voice in his head intensified.

Norman started to hear a screeching sound. He looked up at the ceiling and saw a group of spiders crawling toward him. He panicked and tried to move away, but they started to cover him.

"You need to kill the Spider, Norman. You must kill Spiderman."

"No... no... no... STOP!" Norman grabbed his ears and crouched down on the floor, curling into a ball, "Get away from me! Please! No! No, please! Ahh... no!"


The voices kept repeating over and over again, nonstop. Norman could not take it anymore. He tried to stand up, but his body refused to move. He could feel his head spinning and his heart pounding. The spiders kept crawling on him. He tried to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth. His vision started to blur, and everything went black.

"Kill the spider... Kill Spiderman..." Norman began to mumble.

"That's right, Norman. Kill him. Kill Spiderman. You need to kill him. Kill him now," The voice continued.

"Yes, yes, yes," Norman said, "I will kill him. I will kill the Spider."

He felt his body regaining strength and stood up and looked at the small sink. He opened the tap and the water began to gather in that clogged sink. There he saw his own reflection, grinning at him. It was as if another Osborn was looking at him.

"I will kill you, Spider-Man. I will kill you and everyone who stands in my way," He grabbed the sink and ripped it out of the wall as if it was made of paper and threw it at the door. He looked at his hands and laughed. He felt powerful, invincible.

[Outside the cell]

[Booom!] [Booom!] The sudden sound of metal alerted the guards. They were surprised to see those punch marks bending the metal door. Someone was punching the door from inside.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" One of the guards asked as he raised his gun.

The other guards aimed their guns at Norman's cell. "Sir, step back from the door."

The door was punched again, this time with more force, and the metal door bent even more.

[Baang!] The door flew open and crashed on the wall. Norman came out of the cell and jumped on the first guard, ripping his throat out with his bare hands.

"FIRE!!" The guards began to shoot, but Norman used the dead body as a shield and rushed to the second guard.

"Hahaha!" Norman laughed as he grabbed the second guard and slammed his head on the wall.

The remaining guards continued to fire and activated the lockdown sequence.

In the blink of an eye, Norman rushed to the third one, twisting his head backward as he took his gun and his dead body as a shield and began to shoot at the remaining guards. Three of them died instantly with bullets piercing through their faces. The remaining four guards ran toward the exit, but the gate was locked due to the emergency lockdown.

Norman was enjoying himself, killing each guard one by one. The blood splattered on his face and the smell of iron filled the air.

The last one went on his knees and begged, "Please! Please, please, please! Please let me go!"

"You want to live?" Norman's voice was deep and raspy, "Then beg, beg, beg."

The guard cried and begged, "I beg you, please, I have a family, please, please, please. I will do anything, please. I will never speak of this, I promise. Please, just let me go. I beg you."

Norman grinned, "You know what? You can go. But you have to somehow undo this lockdown, yeah? Do it now, or I will kill you. And believe me, it won't be quick."

The guard nodded and rushed to the control panel. Norman grinned as he watched the guard open the lockdown and the gate opened. He went behind him, grabbed his head, and began slamming it on the gate.

"No! No, please, no!" The guard cried, but Norman kept slamming his head.

"Hahaha, you can go. You can go... Go to the afterlife, fucker," Norman said as he kept on smashing his head on the gate until there was only a bloody pulp left.

"Now, where were we?" Norman asked as he turned around and looked at the dead bodies on the floor, "Ah! All dead. Time for Project Goblin to begin..."


[Interrogation room]

Yuri's phone rang...

"Yeah," She answered.

"Yuri, this is John... Shit! John from the... central prison..." His voice breaking as if he was in immense pain, "Cough! Cough!"

"John? You alright?" She stood up.

"No... no... I am... not. Fuck! Osborn escaped. Fucker killed all the guards... Punched his fist through my... Cough! Chest... He... He isn't a human... Be careful..." John's voice trailed off.

"What?! Shit! Stay with me, John. I'm coming there right now. Don't you dare die on me, John!" Yuri grabbed her keys and rushed out of the room, "Bret, take over the interrogation."

"You be careful out there," Bret replied. He didn't ask anything as he already understood the situation from her worried look.

She dialed a number on her phone, "This is Yuri. Central jail now... Send medics and backup..."

Yuri didn't care about anything else as she jumped into her car and drove like a madwoman toward the jail. She couldn't believe that Norman escaped, and that too with such ease. The fact that he had killed a bunch of guards was bad enough, but the fact that he was still out there made her stomach churn.


The news of Norman killing the guards and escaping the prison was all over the news. Some are even calling him a mutant and as usual, the hate toward the mutants was rising.

"Ah! Crap! He escaped. Probably he has already become Green Goblin. Oh, well. I'll kick his ass in due time. First thing first, I need to take down my imposter," Peter mumbled as he watched the news.


[Kingpin's hideout]

Kingpin was lying on a massive bed, surrounded by medical equipment. He was pale and weak. He had lost a lot of weight. He was watching the news as his grip on the iron bar around the bed tightened.

He looked at his nurse and said, "Call my doctor."

"Yes, sir," She said as she rushed out of the room.

Kingpin looked at the screen again and saw Norman's face on it. His nemesis is finally on the run without any power and he won't let this chance to get Norman's head slip away.

The doctor came in, "What is it, sir? Do you need another injection?"

"No, no," Kingpin replied, "Get me on my feet. I want to walk again."

The doctor stared at him for a moment and then said, "Sir, you are very weak. You should not move yet. It's too early."

Kingpin looked at him and said, "How can I lie here when the one responsible for all this is out there?"

"Sir. Your health comes first. We must not let the elders of the Hand find out about your condition. You know how they are," The doctor warned him.

"Yes. You are right, doctor. It was a momentary lapse in judgment. I am fine now. Call Miss Emma, tell her that I require her assistance."

"As you wish, sir," The doctor bowed his head and left.

Kingpin stared at the ceiling. He knew that he couldn't stay here for long. He had to get out of here and make his move before his enemies found out about his condition. But this unknown toxin in his body was eating him from the inside. He closed his eyes and remembered that day. The day he almost died in the hands of that unknown assassin sent by Osborn. He didn't know who the man was or where he came from, but he knew that he was deadly. He tried to block that memory, but it kept coming back to him.

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Next, Ch: 74: Bank robbers

Ch: 75: Chameleon & a black cat [End of vol-1]

Vol-2: Ch: 76: Too many decisions

Ch: 77: Goblin rising


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