Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 188 [A chat with Gwen’s dad]

Ch: 188 [A chat with Gwen’s dad]

After breakfast, Felicia decided to go with MJ to her new shooting set. Venom was kinda excited too. So, yeah, MJ will be safe with them. Michelle, May, and Maddie went to the spa, they have a busy schedule today. As for Wanda, she pulled Cyborg Gwen into the little theatre room and decided to binge-watch Lord of the Rings and Hobbits with her. I could tell that she was trying to ease her mind. Well, it felt good to see everything going smoothly for once.

I dropped Gwen to her house. Luckily, she called her dad last night and told him that she was going to stay at my house and not to get worried about her. It was a surprise truth be told that he allowed her to sleep over at my place. It saved us the trouble of explaining that kidnapping situation. However upon parking before her house, I noticed her dad was fiddling with a lawn mower. He was trying to start it up but to no avail.

He looked back hearing the sound of the car.

Gwen and I got out of the car as her dad approached us.

"Morning, Mr. Stacy." I greeted.

"Peter! Gwen! Good morning!" George greeted us back with a smile.

"Dad, you took a break from work?" Gwen asked curiously.

"Yep! Gwen, I'm taking a leave for the rest of the week," He explained. "You were right, I've been overworking too much lately. So, I decided to take some days off to relax and take things slow."

"That's really good. But also weird, you never listen to anyone," Gwen remarked. "Why are you suddenly listening to me?"

"C'mon, Gwen. Didn't he just say that he needs a break? Don't pester him with questions," I nudged her playfully.

"Right, sorry, Dad," Gwen apologized.

"No, I'm the one who should apologize. I always make you worry about me. Sorry, Gwen." George hugged his daughter.

"It's fine, Dad. I'm happy that you're taking care of yourself." Gwen hugged her father back.

After that, he turned to me, "So, Peter. How are you doing?"

"Good, actually. It took a while to adjust after a year of coma, but I'm better now," I answered.

"I'm glad to hear that," George said as he glanced at Gwen. "Gwen, why don't you give us a moment?"

"Alright," She gave me a nod before walking towards her home.

George then turned back to me and said, "You think you can lend me a hand?" He pointed at the lawnmower. "The engine is acting up lately and I can't get it running."

"Sure, I'll check it out," I agreed readily. I stepped closer to the lawnmower and checked it thoroughly. There were some loose screws and worn-out parts that needed replacement.

"Hmm, the carburetor is clogged with dirt. A lot of dust buildup here and there. There's also a leakage in the fuel line. Do you have spare parts?" I asked as I examined the lawnmower carefully.

"I'm afraid I don't have them, but I know where I can get them," George replied with his usual calm expression. "Why don't you join me?"

"Uh... Sure, why not?" I nodded.

"Great, hop in!" George gestured towards his car.

As we drove away from the house, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his head. I'm pretty sure he wanted to talk about her daughter and me. I mean, he must know that Gwen and I were dating, right? I was slightly nervous and anxious at the same time, but I tried my best to hide it.

"So, what's next? You planned anything for the future? I mean, work-wise," George asked casually while driving.

"I own the Glacier Spa... I bought a couple of plots of land a few years ago. I plan to develop those plots into construction sites. Maybe make a couple of new resorts or theme parks or just sell them. The price for these plots has skyrocketed lately. I might as well cash in on them. I also invested in stocks back then, now, let's just say, I got more than I expected. And, you must have heard the announcement from Baxter Industries about the new implant technology... So, yeah, work-wise, I'm doing pretty great," I replied honestly. "As the saying goes, if you are going to have a family, make sure you have enough to support them. So, financially, I am in a very secure position right now."

"Sounds good! Always plan ahead of time, that's important." George praised.

"Thanks," I smiled awkwardly.

We remained silent for a while until he finally spoke up, "You know, I almost passed out when Gwen made millions through stock and paid off all the debts and dues. Later I heard you taught her that. Thanks, Peter."

"She wanted to learn and I taught her. The rest, she did herself. You should thank her. I'm pretty sure she'll jump after hearing you praising her," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, I did and she did jump around. You should have seen her face... Now every day, she talks about you all the time and threatens me every now and then to not scare you off or she'll run away from the house with you... Haha..." He chuckled a little. "Seeing her happy like that...She's lucky to have someone like you in her life. Someone who cares so much about her. I'm grateful that she met you," George said sincerely.

"Thank you, Mr. Stacy. Your words mean a lot to me. Gwen means everything to me too," I said wholeheartedly.

"Peter, call me George. You're more than a friend to me. You're like a son to me now," George stated proudly.

"Okay... George," I said with a chuckle.

The rest of the way we talked about mundane stuff. It felt nice talking to him. George Stacy was a man of few words. He's a quiet guy, but he has a kind heart. He loves his daughter dearly. I could see it in his eyes.

After buying the required parts, we went back. Gwen gave her dad that look as I fixed the lawnmower. I gave her a thumbs up indicating that our little chat went well.

"Done! Try it out," I wiped my hands with a cloth and handed the remote control to George.

He turned on the switch, the engine started without any issue.


"Well, I guess I'll get going now. Got a few places to visit today. See you later, Gwen. George, it was nice chatting with you." I bid them goodbye.

"Take care of yourself, Peter," George waved at me as I drove off.


Phew! That went well. I didn't expect that talk with Gwen's dad to go that well. It felt refreshing though.

It's time to check out the penthouse. I've no idea how much those cyborg fuckers destroyed it.


Upon arriving, I noticed the big hole in the building. Fuck! It's in ruins!

"Dang! There goes my beautiful penthouse. I'm gonna miss it. Well, no point crying over spilled milk. I might as well build a new one... Better one this time!" I got out of the car and added some magic restraints around the place. I don't want whatever is left of it to fall down and create another mess. I'll take care of it later.

After that, I decided to visit the Mutant Academy. I wonder how Rogue and the others are doing after the cyborg attack. It's been a while since I met her. Humm... If things at the academy are alright then I might as well take her out for a drive. Our very first date. Wait! I have to reveal my identity to her if we were to start a relationship and I can't just drive my car there. Sigh! Maintaining dual identity is so freaking hard nowadays.

Anyway, I decided to park the car at my house then suit up and web-swing my way there. Portals are fun, but I prefer swinging from webs.


I landed on the ground before the entrance of the academy. Just as I thought, the place looked fine. There were no signs of destruction anywhere. Guess the cyborgs didn't even make it here thanks to Wanda, Jean, and other OP mutants.

However, I still don't know what Miles wanted with Rogue. Maybe Cyborg Gwen might tell me if I ask her nicely...


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