Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 165 [Jack the Ripper]

Ch: 165 [Jack the Ripper]

A shadowy figure emerged from the girl's back. His body was made of black smoke or something like that. Probably, some kind of creature from the Dark Dimensions. I could feel the intense dark energy radiating from that form. The fire around me stopped for a moment. I webbed onto a reverse tower and stared at the creature.

"Eew! With that ugly mug... No wonder you were hiding in that girl's body. So, what the fuck are you?" I asked.

"Hehehehe! Ahahahahaha!" The creature burst out in laughter as countless daggers appeared out of nowhere and shot towards me. I dodged most of them, but a few managed to hit me. However, they didn't do anything to my enhanced chi armor. I stared at the creature, waiting for him to answer my question.

I caught one dagger. Humm... These daggers aren't your regular ones. They are enchanted with dark magic. Interesting!

"Hehehehe! Aren't you fast, but..." He waved his hand and suddenly, my body began to freeze. The flames around me died out. I tried to move, but my limbs wouldn't budge. My body was completely frozen. I couldn't even blink my eyes. It was fucking cold as frozen hell. I'm immune to direct attack or any magic at this point, but this bastard is using the environment around me. He is changing the properties of the air around me first before attacking me. Clever!

He froze the air around me instantly and the temperature dropped so low that everything froze instantly. Indirect attack, huh?! So, this bastard got a brain, huh? He found out how my immunity works in this short time.

Cold smoke emanated from my chi armor. Everything around me was frozen and a thick layer of ice was forming on my armor. The entire mirror dimension was freezing at an alarming rate.

"Humf!" I flared up my chi, blasting through the ice cage. "Yeah, nice try. But not good enough."

"Hmm... You are indeed powerful, mortal. It's been a long time since someone has resisted my powers. Most people would have died already." The creature spoke. "But, it's going to get even more fun now. Try not to die too soon. I want to see despair in your eyes as I carve out your skin from your living body, without killing you, and hang you up from a tree and watch you bleed to death, slowly. Hehehehe! Imagine how fun it would be to die at the hands of JACK THE REAPER!!!" He roared.

Jack the Reaper? That name sounds familiar. Wait! Jack the fucking Ripper! The being that history knows as Jack the Ripper is actually a number of parasitic creatures that hailed from the Dark Dimension. Over a century ago, the lord of the Dark Dimension Dormammu sent one of these entities to the Earth dimension.

He has two OP powers. The first one is Possession: While manifesting as a swarm of vermin, Jack the Ripper can possess and infect people simply by biting them. Once a creature bites a victim, the rest will dissolve and disappear. The second one is Knife Generation: Jack can produce and fire multiple knives from his body.

Well, who would have thought that the famous mass killer from England was an eldritch monster from the Dark Dimension? And that girl must be his new host, considering it jumps from one body to another. Humm... Should I just kill that girl and force the parasite out? It would be easier to seal it then... Tsk. What the heck am I even thinking? I got too used to killing. Damn it!

Well, there's only one way to save that girl without killing her.

"Now, that's an interesting idea. Skin a man alive and hang him from a tree... Hmm... Sounds fun. So, that's how serial killers think, huh?" I rubbed my chin with my right hand, staring at the creature, while my left hand was at my back, drawing magic inscriptions. "That's so generic, man. Is that all you could come up with? Couldn't you be more creative about it?"

"Haha! Generic?! I'll show you how truly horrifying I am. Mortal, prepare yourself for the worst pain you could ever imagine." He was about to rush in.

"Wow! Wait a second, now. Don't you want to hear the ninth lesson first?"

"Lesson?" He asked, confused. Nice, I managed to buy a little more time.

"Yep! Lesson nine... In a life and death battle, always observe your enemies carefully," I replied.

"Ha! What nonsense are you babbling about, mortal? Observe?! I don't need to observe you. I can tear you apart anytime I want. Hahaha!" He used the girl's powers to summon a firestorm on the right and an ice storm on the left. The entire mirror dimension was shaking violently, and I could see cracks appearing on the walls of the dimension.

It's complete... Right now, there's a nice little magic ball in my palm. It can capture any parasite, or so those books said. Back at Kamar-Taj, the cooks use this spell to check the vegetables for insects and parasites. It's considered as the lowest of the lowest tier magic. Hopefully, it works. Hehehe. This is the perfect place to bring out its full potential. A parasite is always a parasite, regardless of their origin. If it doesn't work, I'll just capture this girl and take her to Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One would take care of the rest.

I opened a tiny portal behind me. It's connected to that freak's back. It was so tiny that Jack didn't even notice. I threw the magic ball through the portal and closed it.

"Lesson ten... Always expect the unexpected." I clapped my hands. "BOOM!" The magic ball exploded behind Jack. Multiple golden threads of light burst out from the magic ball and wrapped themselves around him.

"WHAT IS THIS!?!?" He roared.

"It's called magic, bitch! Didn't you want to see the Ancient One's teachings? Well, enjoy!" I smirked.

Jack tried to flee inside the girl but failed miserably as his shadowy body was getting wrapped up by golden threads of light. The girl screamed in pain as Jack tried to break free, but in vain as the golden threads tightened their grip around his dark form. The magic ball crackled with golden energy as it began to spin, sucking in Jack within itself.

The entire mirror dimension shook violently as cracks appeared on the walls. The girl was screaming in pain, and blood started to flow out of her nose and ears. I could see tears rolling down from her eyes. Well, nothing I can do about that. Other than its origin and power, I barely know anything about this parasite. So, I'm sorry for the pain, girl. But there's no other way.

"AAARRRGGGGHHH!!!" Jack roared in rage as he was getting sucked into the magic ball. His body cracked up, releasing black smoke which was getting sucked into the spinning magic ball. "I'M GONNA SLICE YOU UP, MOTHERFUCKING CUNT!!" He summoned a swarm of screeching creatures which shot toward me. But it was useless they were also sucked by the magic ball.

"HAHAHA! Sucks to be you, asshole!" I laughed at him.

Jack continued to roar as the last bit of him got sucked into the magic ball. I webbed the magic ball before it could fall and kept it inside my pocket. The mirror dimension was shaking violently as cracks appeared everywhere. The girl was falling down. She was unconscious. I webbed her toward me and took her in my arms.

The mirror dimension was breaking apart. I quickly put on my nano-suit. At the exact moment, a golden portal opened. It was Wong.

"Peter! Hurry up, get inside!" He shouted. I carried the girl and jumped inside. The mirror dimension crumbled as we made our way back to Kamar-Taj.

Zing! Wong quickly closed the portal.

"Phew! That was a close call. You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah! I'm fine." I nodded. I checked the girl's condition. She was still unconscious. Her breathing was normal, though. I sighed in relief.

"So, who's that?" Wong pointed at the girl.

"No idea. She was possessed by Jack the Ripper," I took out the magic ball and tossed it to Wong.

"Parasite catcher?!" Wong caught the ball. "Wait! Jack the Ripper?!"

I explained everything that happened after laying the girl on the bed.

"You fought them alone in their territory! Haaa..." He sighed, shaking his head. "I sensed some fluctuation in dimensional energy. So, I came here to check and saw the mirror dimension breaking apart. Thankfully, I found you before it collapsed. Wait! The parasite catcher works on them too?!" Wong was surprised.

"Yep! They are parasites after all. Dimensional beings or not." I shrugged. "So, what are you gonna do with her?" I asked, pointing at the girl.

"We'll take care of her," Wong walked over to her and used some magic spell to check on her. "She's badly injured, both physically and mentally. Her soul looks scarred, probably by the long exposure to dark dimension energy. It'd take time before she could walk again. Months, maybe years... Sheesh! Anyway, you should be careful from now on. Some dark beings have started to move. They are targeting the Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj. Three deaths in the last week alone." Wong warned.

"Shit! That's bad. Any idea who they are or why they are attacking?" I asked.

"We don't know for sure. The Ancient One is already investigating the situation with Strange. You should also keep an eye out for any suspicious activities." Wong suggested.

"Gotcha!" I nodded.


AN: That girl's name is Idie Okonkwo (Earth-616)

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