Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 100 [Mark of Kaine]

Ch: 100 [Mark of Kaine]

I turned in the direction where that middle-aged man wearing a red robe standing near the living room. He had short brown hair and dark circles under his eyes. His expression was furious.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked dangerously while glaring at me. "Why are you here? How did you get in?"

I ignored him as my eyes went toward the living room, where two burly and huge men sat on the sofa, watching a sports game. They both were dressed in black suits and ties. One of them had a beer bottle in his hands. I could tell they weren't your normal Joe. These bastards are gang members. They can wear all the suits they want, but that gruff expression on their faces gives away everything.

Michelle's mother was about to say something, but I stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder, giving her a reassuring look. She gave me a nod silently. I looked toward Michelle. Even in her state, she's warning me that they have guns with them and signing me to leave. Damn, worrying about me even in this situation. I felt a pain in my heart seeing her like this.

I faced the man in the red robe, "Are you the one who hurt them?" I asked in a cold tone. My eyes were fixed on his ugly mug.

"None of your fucking business! Get the fuck out of my house right now! Or else..." The man growled angrily while clenching his fists tightly.

I cut him off midway, "Or else what? You'll hit me? Huh?!" I retorted furiously. Michelle and her mother flinched at my raised voice. The two gang members didn't even react to my taunt, instead, they kept watching the TV.

I took out my spare gloves and put them on because of the things I'm going to do next...

The man scoffed arrogantly before smiling wickedly, "That's exactly what I'll do!" He lunged forward with a punch aimed at my face. But I blocked it easily by grabbing his fist.

I twisted his wrist harshly before kneeing him in the stomach multiple times. He groaned in pain while falling flat on his knees. I gripped his collar tightly before pulling him upwards until our faces were mere inches apart from each other. I tilted my head and looked toward Michelle's mom's face.

"Your husband?" I asked curiously while keeping my eyes locked on the whimpering bastard in my clutches. Michelle's mom nodded weakly before taking Michelle into her embrace.

I smiled sinisterly before punching the man repeatedly across his face.

"You mind if I give him a nice massage?" I asked Michelle's mother casually. She shook her head silently while hugging Michelle tightly. I grinned evilly before throwing the man towards the floor. He landed next to the gangsters' legs. "Hey! Trash of society, get the fuck out of here if you don't want to die because right now, I'm barely holding on to my sanity. Leave and never show your face again! Otherwise..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the gangsters stood up calmly.

One of them opened his blazer and took out a freaking shotgun and pressed it on my chest, "Kids these days..."

"Exactly," I grabbed the muzzle of the shotgun and simply crushed it with my bare hands before snatching it off his grip effortlessly. I ripped apart the gun with ease and threw it on the floor, "Kids these days. Pointing guns without knowing who or what they are exactly dealing with..."

"Fuck! Freak!" He took out his handgun and pointed at me, followed by his friend, "Don't come closer, you freak. Or else..." They quickly turned their guns at Michelle and her mother, "We are gonna kill them." He threatened. 

My expression darkened as I clenched my fists tightly, "You're threatening me? With them? Really? You're pointing a gun at them?" I questioned them dangerously while gritting my teeth in anger. I put my web shooters into shield mode. It shoots out two small button-sized devices that create a temporary shield. "You stupid?" I threw them at the door.

The devices crackled with energy, as a blue shield appeared between the thugs and the door. Both of them fired several rounds of bullets, but they were deflected by the shield effortlessly.

I cracked my knuckles before lunging forward towards the thugs. They began to shoot at me. I followed my spider sense to dodge every bullet coming my way. When I got close enough, I punched one thug in the face, sending him crashing into the television set.

His partner tried to shoot at me again, but I kicked his wrist. The bullet flew upward, hitting the chandelier above our heads. I grabbed his throat and slammed him on the floor, then followed it up with a hard stomp on his knee, breaking it instantly.

"Arggg!" He screamed in agony while clutching his broken knee desperately. I picked him by his collar before slamming my forehead against his face brutally. Blood spurted out from his nose upon impact.

Michelle and her mother covered their ears upon hearing the thug's painful screams echoing throughout the room.

I continued to beat them up. Blood and teeth flew everywhere as my punches and kicks rained down upon them mercilessly. After beating them up thoroughly, I dragged them towards Michelle's father before tossing them near his feet.

I crouched next to him before grabbing his jaw forcefully and lifting his upper body until he was facing me, "Now. Where were we?"

The shield disappeared with a little humm...

"I'm sorry. Please. No more. They threatened me for money. I am fucking broke!" He begged pathetically. "They forced me to sell drugs. They wanted Michelle and her mom too! Please! Spare me! I promise! I will leave them alone. Please! I'm begging you. Mercy!" Tears streamed down his disgusting face uncontrollably.

"Liar!" Michelle burst out in anger. I've never seen her this angry before. She released herself from her mother's hug and lunged forward towards her pathetic excuse of a father. Michelle slapped him hard across his face repeatedly, "You liar! Liar! Liar! You gambled everything away and today you went as far as to whore us out! Bastard! Die! Die! Die!"

Her mother pulled her away forcefully, trying to stop Michelle from hurting her father any more than needed. I helped her and calmed down Michelle by hugging her tightly. 

"It's ok. Calm down. Everything's fine now. No one is gonna hurt you anymore. Ok?" I assured her soothingly while caressing her back gently. Michelle buried her face against my chest while sobbing uncontrollably.

I don't have much time. I'm sure the neighbors have already heard the gunshots. The cops will be here any minute now. I need to create a situation where none of us would get into trouble.

I looked toward Michelle's mother, "Listen to me. Take her and leave through the back door. Wait for me at the bus stop. I'll take care of things here."

"You aren't going to kill them, right?" Michelle's mom asked worriedly. 

"I'll do what's necessary. I'll make sure that no one ever comes after Michelle or you again. Trust me," I assured her confidently.

She nodded silently before dragging Michelle towards the back door. Once I made sure that they had left safely, I turned to Michelle's pathetic excuse of a father. I took the handguns off the floor and placed one in Michelle's father's hand, "You want to live? Shoot them both and I promise, I won't hurt you anymore. You got ten seconds." I pressed the other gun on his head, "Clock's ticking. Choose, motherfucker!"

He hesitated for a moment before pointing the gun at one thug. Tears flowed down his face nonstop as he bit his lips nervously. His hand trembled violently.

Pathetic bastard! To think they were putting up with this trash... Fucker tried to sell his wife and daughter! Despicable!

"...5 seconds left," I took out the mag and reloaded the gun leisurely before placing it back on his head.

"Please! Have mercy! I beg you! I can't do it! Please! I am really sorry for everything! I know nothing I say can erase my sins!" He begged.

"3 seconds..." I pressed it harder on his head.

Michelle's father closed his eyes shut, before pulling the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet pierced through the thug's chest, killing him instantly.


Another shot rang out as the second thug died too.

Michelle's father dropped the gun immediately before vomiting uncontrollably.

I quickly searched their bodies and found a phone. Well, I'll kill all of them to avoid future troubles, but first, I need to erase some evidence... I cleaned the floor to erase my footprints. Then I turned toward the pathetic bastard. There's no way I'm gonna let this fucker go just like this. Yeah, I won't kill him, but I'll make sure that he remembers certain things about me...

Like, you don't mess with my girl...

I took off my right glove and grabbed his face. I'm gonna use the most cruel power I have to make sure that he remembers me forever...

"Mark of Kaine!" I whispered softly. 

Mark of Kaine is a burning touch that burns skin and leaves hand prints on his victims' faces or any other body parts. In simple terms, I use my sticky power to stick on someone's skin and pull it hard to rip apart their skin, but the sticking factor generates some kind of concentrated static electricity that burns the skin. Now, if I press down instead of trying to rip skin, the burn increases.

"GAAAAAAHHHH!" Michelle's father screamed in excruciating pain as I branded his face with my Mark of Kaine. Tears flowed down his face nonstop as he pleaded for mercy. I ignored his pleas and continued branding his face thoroughly until the police siren echoed from a distance. Next, I put my gloves on and pocked his eyes. Can't let this fucker identify me, right?

After erasing my identity, I threw him out the window. 

[Crash!] The window shattered as his bloody body rolled outside. I did the same to those two dead fuckers. Then, I jumped out the window, started my bike, and left the area. Luckily, there wasn't any CCTV around this part, all thanks to these gang fuckers. Well, I'll let the cops deal with this. As for Michelle and her mother, I need to hire a good lawyer...

Well, more work for Matt.

I drove toward the bus stop.


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Next, Ch: 101: Complicated situation

Ch: 102: An offer you can't refuse

Ch: 103: Goblin's hideout

Ch: 104: Confrontation

Ch: 105: Spidey dead?!

Ch: 106: Exo-Skeleton Armor [End of Vol-2]


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